I had a whole rant written up, but in the interest of brevity:
Creatively, the industry was dying long before anyone took notice. We can discuss any number of valid factors, but ultimately I think plain old laziness and greed was the primary culprit. Writers don’t want to write, artists don’t want to draw, editors don’t want to edit.
Less content at the highest prices ever. Not a winning combination.
I had a whole rant written up, but in the interest of brevity:
Creatively, the industry was dying long before anyone took notice. We can discuss any number of valid factors, but ultimately I think plain old laziness and greed was the primary culprit. Writers don’t want to write, artists don’t want to draw, editors don’t want to edit.
Less content at the highest prices ever. Not a winning combination. And that goes for comicsgate, too. I don’t give a damn if you’ve got roughly the same politics as me, I’m not buying your equally creatively bankrupt, and even more expensive garbage.