There’s a lesson I learned much later than I should have: Humans are inherently tribal by nature, and most need a leader (a chieftain) and a familiar group (a tribe) to function.
The church, for example, is one of the most well-known and contentious of tribes. The vapid complain of the church as solely being exploitative — Newsflash! All human-led groups are exploitative; look at government — but at least the Church keeps people honest and decent.
Without fail, when man forgets God man falls, because whatever takes God’s place inevitably leads man down a dark path.
And I say this as someone who up until pretty recently was not the biggest supporter of the church.
Just consider that SocJus is all of the dogma of the church with none of the morality, and the need for religion as a guiding force becomes clear.
....kinda went on a tangent with that one, but, y’know... people need a good group influence and a strong leader, or their actions devolve into shit.
There’s a lesson I learned much later than I should have: Humans are inherently tribal by nature, and most need a leader (a chieftain) and a familiar group (a tribe) to function.
The church, for example, is one of the most well-known and contentious of tribes. The vapid complain of the church as solely being exploitative — Newsflash! All human-led groups are exploitative; look at government — but at least the Church keeps people honest and decent.
Without fail, when man forgets God man falls, because whatever takes God’s place inevitably leads man down a dark path.
And I say this as someone who up until pretty recently was not the biggest supporter of the church.
But considering SocJus is all of the dogma of the church with none of the morality...