Reason: None provided.
White Feather Award for Most Aggressive Feminist Propaganda
"Best Hack & Slash Game" & "Most Aggressive Feminist Propaganda"
- Battlefield 5
- The Last of Us 2 (Three nominations) {5 votes}
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Assassin's Creed: Vallhalla
3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.
White Feather Award for Most Aggressive Feminist Propaganda
"Best Hack & Slash Game" & "Most Aggressive Feminist Propaganda"
- Battlefield 5
- The Last of Us 2 (Three nominations) {3 votes}
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Assassin's Creed: Vallhalla
4 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original
White Feather Award for Most Aggressive Feminist Propaganda
"Best Hack & Slash Game" & "Most Aggressive Feminist Propaganda"
- Battlefield 5
- The Last of Us 2 (Three nominations)
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Assassin's Creed: Vallhalla
4 years ago
1 score