Thing is, Asians HAVE suppressed wages by their mass immigration, which is why it was shoved down our collective Western throats. The Bullshit Maru is a case in point, whatever the fuck that shipful of sicks was. Not our fault the "peaceful" hindoos beat the fuck out of 'em when they were sent back. Not to mention the CPR and their chinese. They could have brought over Irish, but oh, no, they might want money and don't live on rice. All so we can be told "you don't need minumum wage, just live like these monkeys do, 50 to a bachelor apt and all share the rice bill like the packees, and eat dogs and rats and bugs like the chinks and afreakans do."
Stop sticking up for the motherfuckers. The thing that got me to see through Communism was when they tried to tell me that the pakis and chinks wouldn't compete way back when outsourcing was just starting. "Oh, they're just like us, they'll want money uber alles." LIES.
It's not that they don't like or understand competetion, they just LIE about it.
Thing is, Asians HAVE suppressed wages by their mass immigration, which is why it was shoved down our collective Western throats. The Bullshit Maru is a case in point, whatever the fuck that shipful of sicks was. Not our fault the "peaceful" hindoos beat the fuck out of 'em when they were sent back. Not to mention the CPR and their chinese. They could have brought over Irish, but oh, no, they might want money and don't live on rice. All so we can be told "you don't need minumum wage, just live like these monkeys do, 50 to a bachelor apt and all share the rice bill like the packees, and eat dogs and rats and bugs like the chinks and afreakans do."
Stop sticking up for the motherfuckers. The thing that got me to see through Communism was when they tried to tell me that the pakis and chinks wouldn't compete way back when outsourcing was just starting.
It's not that they don't like or understand competetion, they just LIE about it.
Thing is, Asians HAVE suppressed wages by their mass immigration, which is why it was shoved down our collective Western throats. The Bullshit Maru is a case in point, whatever the fuck that shipful of sicks was. Not our fault the "peaceful" hindoos beat the fuck out of 'em when they were sent back. Not to mention the CPR and their chinese. They could have brought over Irish, but oh, no, they might want money and don't live on rice. All so we can be told "you don't need minumum wage, just live like these monkeys do, 50 to a bachelor apt and all share the rice bill like the packees, and eat dogs and rats and bugs like the chinks and afreakans do."
Stop sticking up for the motherfuckers. The thing that got me to see through Communism was when they tried to tell me that the pakis and chinks wouldn't compete way back when outsourcing was just starting. "Oh, no everyone wants the same thing, they'll want higher wages, they won't cut our grass. They're just the same was we are". LIES.
Thing is, Asians HAVE suppressed wages by their mass immigration, which is why it was shoved down our collective Western throats. The Bullshit Maru is a case in point, whatever the fuck that shipful of sicks was. Not our fault the "peaceful" hindoos beat the fuck out of 'em when they were sent back. Not to mention the CPR and their chinese. They could have brought over Irish, but oh, no, they might want money and don't live on rice. All so we can be told "you don't need minumum wage, just live like these monkeys do, 50 to a bachelor apt and all share the rice bill like the packees, and eat dogs and rats and bugs like the chinks and afreakans do."
Stop sticking up for the motherfuckers. The thing that got me to see through Communism was when they tried to tell me that the pakis and chinks wouldn't compete way back when outsourcing was just starting.
Thing is, Asians HAVE suppressed wages by their mass immigration, which is why it was shoved down our collective Western throats. The Bullshit Maru is a case in point, whatever the fuck that shipful of sicks was. Not our fault the "peaceful" hindoos beat the fuck out of 'em when they were sent back. Not to mention the CPR and their chinese. They could have brought over Irish, but oh, no, they might want money and don't live on rice. All so we can be told "you don't need minumum wage, just live like these monkeys do, 50 to a bachelor apt and all share the rice bill like the packees, and eat dogs and rats and bugs like the chinks and afreakans do."
Thing is, Asians HAVE suppressed wages by their mass immigration, which is why it was shoved down our collective Western throats. The Bullshit Maru is a case in point, whatever the fuck that shipful of sicks was. Not our fault the "peaceful" hindoos beat the fuck out of 'em when they were sent back. Not to mention the CPR and their chinese. They could have brought over Irish, but oh, no, they might want money and don't live on rice. All so we can be told "you don't need minumum wage, just live like these monkeys do, 50 to a bachelor apt and all share the rice bill."