What games are y’all playing? Suggestions/Reviews/Thoughts? Hyped up for anything and want to share? I’ve been devouring Dragon Quest XI and Little Witch Nobeta, needed an RPG fix badly! DQ actually greatly benefits from whatever graphic engine they are using, the cartoony style for Toriyama design is great (although he keeps reusing the same faces/archetypes for everything). Nobeta actually harder than dark souls for me, I can’t parry to save my life and am still stuck at the second boss. Also picked up SinOAlice because why not, peeps are still in quarantine here anyway.
Also, can we get a Vidya tag, please?
I've been going on an emulation spree because even before recent political events forced me to focus more on the home front so to speak, I've come to believe (with regard to gaming) that the only way forward is back. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Master System, Playstation 1 & 2, Commodore 64/128, Commodore Amiga, DOS-era games, even Flash games (because lets face it, the vast majority of games on Android and iOS were done better and for free on Flash).
I started emulating GameCube games cuz I more or less missed that entire generation other than Smash Bros. For whatever reason Nintendo games are all I feel like playing lately. I don't really give a fuck about modern games right now.
I've been playing Paper Mario and it's making me want to just play Mario RPG instead cuz it's really that much better.
Lol I also started emulating GameCube games recently. Got the itch to play Skies of Arcadia from when I was a kid.