I usually post some of my personal commentary with threads, but this time I'm not sure what to say other than enjoy! This was long overdue for the annoying whipped retard, he was never funny to begin with, his entire shtick when he was ''redpilled'' was being loud while spouting some generic fencesitter opinions, and his transformation to a house wigger was obviously on the horizon for anyone capable of putting 2 and 2 together. It's like Robert De Niro, sure he made some popular movies in his younger days but what good is it if he's spending his 70s and 80s as a poster, well can't really say child, for TDS? Super nice how Paul or whoever is his researched carefully put together multiple examples of his switch up and hipocrisy.
I am curious though, have you ever found him funny as a comedian? To me he's the first thing that I think of when I hear people complaining about the ''loud = funny''.
I usually post some of my personal commentary with threads, but this time I'm not sure what to say other than enjoy! This was long overdue for the annoying whipped retard, he was never funny to begin with, his entire shtick when he was ''redpilled'' was being loud while spouting some generic fencesitter opinions, and his transformation to a house wigger was obviously on the horizon for anyone capable of putting 2 and 2 together. It's like Robert De Niro, sure he made some popular movies in his younger days but what good is it if he's spending his 70s and 80s as a poster, well can't really say child, for TDS? Super nice how Paul or whoever is his researched carefully put together multiple examples of his switch up and hipocrisy.
I am curious though, have you ever found him funny as a comedian? To me he's the first thing that I think of when I hear people complaining about the ''loud = funny''.