Personally, I think the guy was an uber mega lolcow. Not through his drawings and associated drama, mind you, but from his Oedipus fantasies and heroin addiction. He had the whole internet in the palm of his hand and basically pissed it all away.
But I believe he had the right to draw whatever the hell he wanted. It's weird seeing all the zoomers and alphas who were shitting their diapers during his prime present him like he's some sort of war criminal, when really he was just an overly horny, troubled, Swiss-Indian mongrel. He was the #1 Rule 34 artist for a good number of years, and he triggered all the right people. He went over the line a few times, but ultimately what he represented was a facet of internet culture that kept normalfaggots at bay.
Anyone who draws or watches futa shit has numerous things deeply wrong with him.
A long time ago I got into the whole r34 thing as I bet most guys in their 20s check out at some point. But I noticed that people who get really into it nearly always fall down the rabbit hole of extreme degeneracy. It's never enough to just draw their favorite hot chick character nude or in a sexy way. There's always a path of progression where it turns into gross bizarre shit like futa, ultra-fat/inflation shit, racemixing, etc. Go look up any character on r34 and you'll find that an overwhelming majority of the 'art' even from extremely talented artists, is drawing what was once an attractively designed character as a 500lb lardass with a penis being gangbanged by negros.
There is just something about the whole r34 sphere that just pulls one deeper and deeper into corruption like a black hole.
It's hilarious watching them hyperventilate while they desperately try to explain how different it is from tranny shit (it's not) and how they're totally not gay (they are).
I, personally, love futa and feel no need to explain my art to the likes of you.
Not surprised.
I find the knowledge that is dialogue from an actual episode of law & order, including the dramatic music more disheartening than the most ridiculously futa porn.