Politeness is expected at all times. Be kind and courteous.
Always assume positive intent from others. Be aware that differences in culture and English proficiency make written communication more difficult than face-to-face communication and that your interpretation of messages may not be the one the author intended. Conversely, if someone asks you to rephrase something you said, be ready to do so without feeling judged.
You will be excluded from participating in the community if you insult, demean, harass, intentionally make others uncomfortable by any means,
Saying things like “that community manager is dumb/sabotaging the project/shouldn’t be in this position/etc” technically violates this reatrdedly loose code of conduct. Of course, the community manager arguably violated it themselves, but I don’t have much faith they’ll follow through logically with consequences for that.
But their code of conduct includes these gems:
Saying things like “that community manager is dumb/sabotaging the project/shouldn’t be in this position/etc” technically violates this reatrdedly loose code of conduct. Of course, the community manager arguably violated it themselves, but I don’t have much faith they’ll follow through logically with consequences for that.
I like the way you worded that... 'staking out territory'.