Probably a mentally ill woman who realized she is no longer a young girl with her whole life ahead of her and got triggered hard.
What word should we use now that we can't say m*ddle-aged without triggering people? Postwall? Old? Age-challenged? /jk Lol. In before you can't call 10 year olds kids since it makes 55 year old women feel old.
I'm 51. I would call myself middle age. Typically middle age is from around 45 up to maybe 55-60
After 60 you old
You said some very sjw-triggering yet correct words.
It's nice how people aren't afraid of facts on this side of the Internet. There's nothing shameful or wrong about being middleaged, contrary to what sjw people think.
be triggered
I meant SJWs would get triggered, I didn't lol, I'm not a SJW
I should have said "they could be triggered"... I meant to imply the SJWs could just be triggered.