Isn't the Kotaku domain independently owned? Doesn't it also run an older version of the scored software? I'm pretty sure there is a certain degree of autonomy.
I see all of the various scored communities I follow through the main scored interface. I don't visit any individual domain, they're all intermingled on the main page. I just assumed everything was on the same server/farm.
I was doing that until KiA2 was forced into their UI. Now it gets its own tab since I can still get the old UI that way. All the forced empty space on either side is just so ugly.
Isn't the Kotaku domain independently owned? Doesn't it also run an older version of the scored software? I'm pretty sure there is a certain degree of autonomy.
I see all of the various scored communities I follow through the main scored interface. I don't visit any individual domain, they're all intermingled on the main page. I just assumed everything was on the same server/farm.
I was doing that until KiA2 was forced into their UI. Now it gets its own tab since I can still get the old UI that way. All the forced empty space on either side is just so ugly.