posted ago by AbleistSL ago by AbleistSL +9 / -3

Here is the list, please note the sheer size WILL break search term limits on twitter so you will have select words to exclude, also consider searching between certain dates:

race racism racial inclusion diversity pride vote blackouttuesday gun trans tranny Jew Jewish gay right left leftist leftism trump BLM negro nigger black gender sex sexism fascist fascism queer Muslim Islam racist Brexit Islamophobia DEI Nazi misogyny misandry ESG transphobia incel equity nonbinary abortion Biden regressive sjw groomer drag woke white dysphoria normalize feminism feminist chud communism communist socialism socialist intersectionalism intersectionalist intersection intersectional intersectionality critical theory queen Trudeau AOC patriarchy matriarchy Wakanda cuck cuckoldry witch kike alt libtard progressive gamergate gamer gate kiwi farms kiwifarms rightist holocaust holohoax Shoah transgender pronoun transsexual map nomap pedo zoo pedophile zoophile alt-right

Words that may not be useful are marked in italics.