early settlers that came to america raped many non white women. of their own free will. no jewish strings attached
Jews owned the ships that brought settlers here. There is no history of European colonization on this continent that's free of jews. They just kept quiet about it and you're still fooled.
even if your right about the jews owning the ships.the ones ridding the ships.... were europions. the ones who accepted the slaves from the jews? europions again! the ones who held slaves, and treated them like dogshit. in almost half the states in the country?
You're so stupid that you can't fathom that jews lived in Europe for 1,000 years before any of this happened. That's what the word "ashkenazi" means. Shephardic, too.
You can't make ANYONE look like a bozo, you know literally NOTHING, on any topic you've ever discussed.
Those picking up slaves in Africa, sold to them by other Africans who enslaved them? The ones calling the shots were European jews. Those who owned the ships making the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible? European jews. Those owning the slave markets? European jews. Those bringing over the crops that needed slave labor? European jews. You can find them bragging about it, in writing. Those buying the slaves initially? European jews. Yes after a while some actual white people who weren't jewish saw the profit and joined in as slave owners, but white people originally hated slavery and most always did. A very small minority of white people on this continent ever owned slaves.
The people owning the peripheral businesses that made the triangle slave trade possible? European jews.
Your ignorance is extreme. Watch some Malcolm X videos, even he knew something about this. (Although in many ways he was as bad as stormfags)
The jews doing all that bad stuff, pales in comparison, to what the former british citizens. now americans, have done to the natives, and non white people in america's early beginning.
More ignorance on your part. The biggest NDN nation on the continent disappeared entirely without ever seeing a white man. Over 90% of all NDNs died from European diseases, not warfare, tyranny, or oppression. Europeans basically walked onto the set of a zombie movie.
You were indoctrinated about this by Marxists who weren't paid to educate you. Information is readily available. Learn something!
so fine, blame the jews. i'm not saying your wrong. but... the early settlers of america, weren't all that much better than the jews
You're completely ignoring the point which is jewish influence. Ask yourself why no history book mentions it?
Jews owned the ships that brought settlers here. There is no history of European colonization on this continent that's free of jews. They just kept quiet about it and you're still fooled.
You're so stupid that you can't fathom that jews lived in Europe for 1,000 years before any of this happened. That's what the word "ashkenazi" means. Shephardic, too.
You can't make ANYONE look like a bozo, you know literally NOTHING, on any topic you've ever discussed.
Those picking up slaves in Africa, sold to them by other Africans who enslaved them? The ones calling the shots were European jews. Those who owned the ships making the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible? European jews. Those owning the slave markets? European jews. Those bringing over the crops that needed slave labor? European jews. You can find them bragging about it, in writing. Those buying the slaves initially? European jews. Yes after a while some actual white people who weren't jewish saw the profit and joined in as slave owners, but white people originally hated slavery and most always did. A very small minority of white people on this continent ever owned slaves.
The people owning the peripheral businesses that made the triangle slave trade possible? European jews.
Your ignorance is extreme. Watch some Malcolm X videos, even he knew something about this. (Although in many ways he was as bad as stormfags)
More ignorance on your part. The biggest NDN nation on the continent disappeared entirely without ever seeing a white man. Over 90% of all NDNs died from European diseases, not warfare, tyranny, or oppression. Europeans basically walked onto the set of a zombie movie.
You were indoctrinated about this by Marxists who weren't paid to educate you. Information is readily available. Learn something!
You're completely ignoring the point which is jewish influence. Ask yourself why no history book mentions it?