I dunno, it’s really a win-win, because if they position themselves as the tranny party and lose, they can spend four years blaming anti-tranny bigotry the way they spent 2017-21 blaming racism. Even out of official power, they massively moved the Overton window on race issues in those years. If they can become the tranny party and lose, you’ll have most of society believing the most extreme forms of queer theory by 2028.
I dunno, it’s really a win-win, because if they position themselves as the tranny party and lose, they can spend four years blaming anti-tranny bigotry the way they spent 2017-21 blaming racism. Even out of official power, they massively moved the Overton window on race issues in those years. If they can become the tranny party and lose, you’ll have most of society believing the most extreme forms of queer theory by 2028.