I got into death metal around ~2000. At that point I reached the incredibly named anus.com.* Y'all might laugh, but this was a super reactionary place at that point. I'll always remember the triggering moment for me: a simple question of whether culture determined race (social constructionism), or whether race determined culture. Just that possibility led me down a rabbit hole that never ceased. My nasty right-wing thoughts ever permeated, and after a touch of Sowell, I was done for.
*These days, some of the reviews on the old website are available at deathmetal.org.
--- a little drunk, so including some links:
**Never stopped creating and being into metal. Recent album from me: https://youtu.be/s3t07Bm_xYc
***and some beautiful metal from one of my favorite metal bands - no worries about wokeness here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX08XkWW7HU&t=1759s
**** and some more nice black metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIkL52qlcHA
When I’m called evil for existing, and certain beliefs that support me and my people are called evil, I adopted them. When you get called a Nazi enough with basic semi conservative values, you start to look into more ideas and worldviews, eventually adopting a lot of those banned views.
In other words, I was pushed into these views which I now embrace.