Let it be known, as if it weren't plainly obvious by now already, that these ghouls are ready to capital-K Kill you if the TV box or the demon rectangle with the bird site give the order.
Even if you are family. Many of these images come from a relative's facebook.
There aren't even that many trannies in the world. They are overrepresented but not the whole site. But do keep in mind that many posts and comments are almost certainly made by paid corporate or government shills and the votes are heavily manipulated by bot farms
Let it be known, as if it weren't plainly obvious by now already, that these ghouls are ready to capital-K Kill you if the TV box or the demon rectangle with the bird site give the order.
Even if you are family. Many of these images come from a relative's facebook.
also know that virtually 93% of reddit is now trannies, and most people irl are not redditors
There aren't even that many trannies in the world. They are overrepresented but not the whole site. But do keep in mind that many posts and comments are almost certainly made by paid corporate or government shills and the votes are heavily manipulated by bot farms