That comment section makes it clear that humanity is doomed. Last year it was Defund the Police, this year it's "People Who Don't Follow Police Orders Are Fuckwits."
Oh they're well aware of the double standard. One of the 'bad comments' mentioned that the other commenters wouldn't feel the same way had it been one of the LGBTQBLMBBQ 'protests', and the first (non-deleted) reply was "Well since those are all worthwhile, it would change my opinion slightly".
That comment section makes it clear that humanity is doomed. Last year it was Defund the Police, this year it's "People Who Don't Follow Police Orders Are Fuckwits."
Not a single shred of self-awareness.
Oh they're well aware of the double standard. One of the 'bad comments' mentioned that the other commenters wouldn't feel the same way had it been one of the LGBTQBLMBBQ 'protests', and the first (non-deleted) reply was "Well since those are all worthwhile, it would change my opinion slightly".