Who decides what is misleading. Because I know a lot of scientists and engineers that think CO2 driven global warming is total bullshit. But then they ALL WERE REQUIRED to take physics courses that explained the LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS to them so they could graduate with meaningful degrees.
The 125 year impact on climate that could be reasonably attributed to CO2 (125 ppm human induced) and CH4 (0 human impact) is...
16.3°K/288.8°K x 200/25,800 RFeK = 0.00044°K.
FYI water accounts for 25,000 of the total heat forcing properties of all GHGs, and CO2 less than 800. Humans account for barely 1/4th of non water GHG's.
Do the math. CO2 and CH4 (methane) cannot cause any significant climate change.
The average person has no idea what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2 and I’ve heard people when asked on the spot saying anywhere from 20% to 80%. Naturally these are all “I trust the science” people.
Man influences the climate, but man-created water vapor and the widespread use of concrete and asphalt that lock heat in and dissipate it overnight are probably magnitudes more relevant in human impact than CO2 and CH4.
I am in engineering and science. Though what you said is true about heat dissipation in curing concrete, it is the geat island effect of urbanization that has a minor affect on surface temps in urban areas. Back to that later. The laws of thermodynamics require clear understanding of how GHGs affect climate.
Here follows the mathematics of human impact. The value of RFeK heat forcing for GHG molecules is generally accepted by the IPCC, NASA and NOAA as follows:
H2O (25,000 ppm all natural) RFeK=1.00
CO2 (410 ppm of which there are ice core irregularities that ignore sublimation physics arguments that indicate only about 60 ppm is human induced). Well use the activists assumption that 1/4th of CO2 is human caused. RFeK = 1.94
CH4 (less than 2 ppm) RFeK = 1.51
Those values are significant because it allows us to quickly evaluate the GHG values of climate attributed to each Greenhouse Gas.
Also it is important to realize that GHG climate only accounts for 16.3°K of the total wwT (Climate) = 288.8°K. So 5.644% of climate comes from GHG.
Of that 16.3°K, the RFeK energy stored in every 1 million parts of atmosphere (mpa) the following potential forcing is attributed to GHG molecules as follows:
H2O at 25,000 ppm x 1.00 = 25,000 RFeK
CO2 at 410 ppm x 1.94 = 796 RFeK
CH4 (cow farts but actually every dead and decaying biological blob on the face of the earth) at 2 ppm = 3 RFeK
Human RFeK is about 1/4th of the 800 non water based RFeK units, so 200 RFeK.
If all GHGs account for 25,800 RFeK units and human impact is 200 of that 25,800 RFeK units, then the human impact generated over 150 years is...
16.3°K/288.8°K x 200/25800 = 0.00044°K
If wwT truly increased by 1°K since 1870, it means that 0.99956°K must have increased for non GHG reasons. As a LEED credentialed engineer, let me tell you, the global urban heat island effect is about 0.55°K. So you ate correct if you are implying that concrete and pavements, rooftops, etc contribute to climate change. But again, adding that to GHG change means about 0.001°K is human induced. That still means 0.998°K is natural. Blame the celestial and solar mechanics, the main reasons climate has changed regularly over the last 4.6 BYs.
One last caveat. I mentioned the entire human impact on CO2 may be grossly overstated. In the 1980's when climate modeling first began using computers, modelers needed to establish a baseline for GHGs. When they selected 285 ppm as a baseline for CO2 in 1875, they took over one hundred studies and measurements from the 1870-1910 period and tried to match them against early ice core studies that were revealing a similar range. To match those, the modelers had to toss the higher 2/3rds of the studies and the real average CO2 readings from the 1870-1910 era averaged about 345 ppm.
The problem with matching the 270 reading against ice core samples is the fact that: 1) more than 2/3rds if ice core measures of much higher CO2 numbers were ignored, 2) ice core measures from different cores of different locations dating to the same time varied wildly, and most important, 3) none of the ice core studies ever account for CO2 sublimation loss during the long trapping event period. You see CO2 finds the expansive surface to volume ratio of a -15°C snowflake like a balmy beach. CO2 sublimated away beginning at -70°C and so the trapping events NEVER accurately record the correct CO2 levels. They do likely record a relatively constant depleted or sublimation loss value that can be adjusted to reflect the likely loss based in lab abd field experiments. So actual ancient atmospheres probably had CO2 levels of 35-50% higher than the trapped ice recorded.
This also solves the botanical paradox. You see plants begin to mass extinct over half of all species when CO2 falls below 200 ppm. If the ice cores were accurate, then where are the fossil records of the mass extinctions of plants during the 100,000 year long ice ages? Yes botanical extinctions occur, but not mass extinctions. If the ice core readings arexadjusted to reflect sublimation losses, then there us no botanical paradox during ice ages, but also means human impact on CO2 is likely only half as much as we projected above.
I tried googling RFeK, along with some other keywords, and seem to only come up with this Facebook post which presumably is written by you given you give nearly identical arguments and numbers and both claim to be LEED-credentialed engineers and/or scientists. So RFeK seems kind of ill-defined to me.
16.3°K/288.8°K x 200/25800 = 0.00044°K
This equation seems odd. You've taken a ratio of temperatures (unitless) and multiplied it by a ratio of RFeK (unitless) and gotten a result with units of Kelvin. You've either neglected to include some sort of constant that you're multiplying by (I saw 103/410 in your previous comment, but what exactly is this? Does it have units of K? Where does it come from? Why does it seem like you haven't actually used it given I just typed your numbers from the equation above into a calculator and it does equal 0.00044?) or this is wrong.
Ok basics. RF gain is the forcing effect translated into potential kinetic energy units. The NOAA, NASA and IPCC know that the value of solar energy that reaches the earths surface and therefore penetrates the 56 meaningful miles of atmosphere, is the backdrop of energy forcing through greenhouse gases.
Now the zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics governs the earth's baseline ambient temperature (as it does for all climates of all inner planets). From Jupiter and beyond, climate us actually dominated by internal heat shedding, a process that only accounts for about 0.8°K % of our climate.
Now the RFeK properties of H2O, CO2 and CH4 are generally accepted by IPCC, NASA and NOAA as applicable to Greenhouse Gases (GHG's) whereas non GHG's such is dominant O2, N2, and Ar that comprise 99.8% of A are ambiant and neutral with an RFeK forcing value of +/- 0.1 regardless of where they appear in A.
Now the RFeK is just a mathematical symbol. It could be ♡, ♤, or just k1, k2, k3 etc. But it represents a very real theoretical forcing of eK storage and that added energy is what is referred to as the R(adio)F(requency)e(nergy) K(inetic) potential. So RFeK. It could also have been written kerf. Doesn't matter!
What it represents is the reservoir valuation of the average forcing potential of a particular GHG in A at any place and any elevation > sea level. The energy received by the sun at all levels of A and at the earth's surface is always changing (measured in e=w/m2) but the earth rotates, the A is 56 miles thick, water vapor creates clouds, so w/m2 at every m2 on the earth's surface is constantly changing every second. The great thing about constant change is that it creates an array of values that can be interpreted into useful averages. In response to that, the IPCC developed the universal values of hear forcing properties for each GHG and those are:
1.00 for water molecules (H2O), there being on average a universally accepted value of 25,000 ppm. This is actually an agreed upon value because some scientists say it is as much as 50,000 and as low as 20,000. The number does fluctuate in nature, dropping to 15,000-22,000 ppm during ice ages. But 25,000 ppm is the currently accepted measure on average (being lower in dry places and significantly higher in marine climates).
CO2 is a much less significant GHG and has an RFeK forcing value of 1.94. This is how climate activists make the true but grossly misleading statement that CO2 is twice as dangerous as water (H2O). At only 410 ppm, x 1.94, the RFeK forcing energy in every million parts of atmosphere (mpa) is less than 1/26th of that in water. (796/25,000).
Methane is how you really know the activists are 🐂💩ing us bigly. CH4 occurs at less than 2 ppm in A. It is the natural first byproduct of all excrement and biological decay. Plants and animals die all the time so the natural environment is always going to present a modest amount of CH4 in A. But at 1.75 ppm, and with an RFeK forcing value of 1.51, it just isn't even remotely significant. Yet, the activists are telling you all that beef cattle are cooking the air with farts. It just is so ridiculous. In the first place, 99.995% of ALL LIVING TISSUE of all types on planet earth are botanical. Only 0.005% are animal/zoological or bacterial. Plants are the major land store for CO2, H2O and Nitrogen. When they die, they decay. Some of that decay process combines the three molecular compounds differently and you get a little CH4 and CO2 released along with H2O and N2. It's natural. It's happening every time something dies. Stop mowing the lawn, CH4 changes ever so slightly. Big farts, it increases slightly, but overall the CH4 decay is so rapid in sunlight it just doesn't build up except in mas extinction events, the. Usually becomes explosive in open air is highlighted by lightning and levels quickly return to zero until botanical life returns.
Now the H20, CO2 and CH4 account for the eK energy (25,800 units) and that translates directly into the heat forcing temperature attributed to GHGs = 16 3°K. That number drops during Ice Ages. It's high now because we are in an interglacial warm spell. Since all wwT (climate) is 288.7°K>|0°|k, then GHGs must contribute 16 3°K/288.7°K of wwT.
Follow so far?
Now if 16.3°K comes from GHGs and we know what portion of the heat forcing comes from the various GHG molecules and how many molecules exist on average in every million parts of A (mpa) then we can compute exactly how much water, carbon dioxide and methane contribute to the 16.3°K GHG portion of wwT = 288.8°K.
The eK values fir the GHGs are again...
1.00 for H20
1.94 for CO2
1 51 for CH4
At 25,000 ppm, H20 contributes 25,000 eK units to every mpa.
At 410 ppm, CO2 contributes 796 eK units to every mpa.
At 1.75 ppm, CH4 contributes say 3 eK units to every mpa. We round up to account for all other trace GHGs and say total RFeK in GHGs is 25,800 forcing kinetic energy units in every mpa.
So the 25,800 RFeK units is a valid measure of excess or forced energy that is the result of these GHG molecules actively working within A. Now wwT is climate as measured by a thermometer at sea levels on average all over the world.
The current and universally accepted value of wwT is 288.8°K of which:
255.6°K is truly ambient and based on black body measurements from space,
16.1°K is thermodynamic heat transference from the earth's thermal surface mass. An example is you get out of a pool on a hot day, a breeze passes and you feel chilled. That is heat (eK) transferred from you directly into A. The same happens on all thermal heated surfaces and so its contribution to wwT is significant.
0.8°K of wwT is from geophysical heat shedding (i.e contributions of heat from the interior of the earth to A Visa tectonic activity, gravitational contraction and volcanism).
The final 16.3°K of wwT is from the GHG affect.
Since we know the amount if energy each GHG molecule contributes (on average) to this reservoir of thermal energy, and their population within mpa, we can easily determine the human Carbon footprint. Again not even adjusting for sublimation losses of CO2 in ice core studies (a huge scientific mistake on their part), we assume 1/4th of the 410 ppm of CO2 is human caused over the last 150 years. If wwT has increased from 287.8°K to 288.8°K (+1°K) in 150 years, and we know what presumably comes from human industrual activities, then we can calculate the human product or portion of the +1°K change.
Of 25,800 RFeK units mpa, 200 may be human induced from CO2. The CH4 value is as you can see irrelevant at 1.75 ppm.
200/25800 = 0.007752 (0.78%).
So GHG climate less than 1% is attributed to human activity. The majority of GHG wwT forcing is natural, about 99.22%of it.
GHG climate accounts for 16 3°K / 288.8°K of total climate or wwT (5.644%). Now you can multiply both to find the total human impact on all climate over the last 150 years.
16.3°K/288.8°K representing GHG contribution to wwT,
200/25,800 Portion of GHG attributed to human activity (a fraction of the 16.3°K. = .007752) so 99.22% of GHG forced climate is natural and 0.78% is human.
Do the math. Its 5.644% of all climate is GHG and of that, less than 1% (only 0.78%) of GHG climate is caused by us humans. That is the carbon footprint and there is no getting around that number.
0.044°K 》150 years. It's very nearly imperceptible. And if I go to the sublimation of CO2 loss argument that corrects the botanical paradox that exists by fixing CO2 levels in ice core readings x 60-70 points lower than actual back in 1870, the human impact is a truly only half that at 0.022°K.
There is no getting past the nath.
P.S. I work in a scientific field within the U.S. Department of #$@%$#$#%. We dudes know what we are talking about. The left cannot pull their eliminate CO2 and green the planet (what BS that is, ask any botanist) crap over us. We know when it's all a massive conspiracy and a hoax.
Who decides what is misleading. Because I know a lot of scientists and engineers that think CO2 driven global warming is total bullshit. But then they ALL WERE REQUIRED to take physics courses that explained the LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS to them so they could graduate with meaningful degrees.
The 125 year impact on climate that could be reasonably attributed to CO2 (125 ppm human induced) and CH4 (0 human impact) is...
16.3°K/288.8°K x 200/25,800 RFeK = 0.00044°K.
FYI water accounts for 25,000 of the total heat forcing properties of all GHGs, and CO2 less than 800. Humans account for barely 1/4th of non water GHG's.
Do the math. CO2 and CH4 (methane) cannot cause any significant climate change.
The average person has no idea what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2 and I’ve heard people when asked on the spot saying anywhere from 20% to 80%. Naturally these are all “I trust the science” people.
Man influences the climate, but man-created water vapor and the widespread use of concrete and asphalt that lock heat in and dissipate it overnight are probably magnitudes more relevant in human impact than CO2 and CH4.
I am in engineering and science. Though what you said is true about heat dissipation in curing concrete, it is the geat island effect of urbanization that has a minor affect on surface temps in urban areas. Back to that later. The laws of thermodynamics require clear understanding of how GHGs affect climate.
Here follows the mathematics of human impact. The value of RFeK heat forcing for GHG molecules is generally accepted by the IPCC, NASA and NOAA as follows:
H2O (25,000 ppm all natural) RFeK=1.00
CO2 (410 ppm of which there are ice core irregularities that ignore sublimation physics arguments that indicate only about 60 ppm is human induced). Well use the activists assumption that 1/4th of CO2 is human caused. RFeK = 1.94
CH4 (less than 2 ppm) RFeK = 1.51
Those values are significant because it allows us to quickly evaluate the GHG values of climate attributed to each Greenhouse Gas.
Also it is important to realize that GHG climate only accounts for 16.3°K of the total wwT (Climate) = 288.8°K. So 5.644% of climate comes from GHG.
Of that 16.3°K, the RFeK energy stored in every 1 million parts of atmosphere (mpa) the following potential forcing is attributed to GHG molecules as follows:
H2O at 25,000 ppm x 1.00 = 25,000 RFeK CO2 at 410 ppm x 1.94 = 796 RFeK CH4 (cow farts but actually every dead and decaying biological blob on the face of the earth) at 2 ppm = 3 RFeK
Human RFeK is about 1/4th of the 800 non water based RFeK units, so 200 RFeK.
If all GHGs account for 25,800 RFeK units and human impact is 200 of that 25,800 RFeK units, then the human impact generated over 150 years is...
16.3°K/288.8°K x 200/25800 = 0.00044°K
If wwT truly increased by 1°K since 1870, it means that 0.99956°K must have increased for non GHG reasons. As a LEED credentialed engineer, let me tell you, the global urban heat island effect is about 0.55°K. So you ate correct if you are implying that concrete and pavements, rooftops, etc contribute to climate change. But again, adding that to GHG change means about 0.001°K is human induced. That still means 0.998°K is natural. Blame the celestial and solar mechanics, the main reasons climate has changed regularly over the last 4.6 BYs.
One last caveat. I mentioned the entire human impact on CO2 may be grossly overstated. In the 1980's when climate modeling first began using computers, modelers needed to establish a baseline for GHGs. When they selected 285 ppm as a baseline for CO2 in 1875, they took over one hundred studies and measurements from the 1870-1910 period and tried to match them against early ice core studies that were revealing a similar range. To match those, the modelers had to toss the higher 2/3rds of the studies and the real average CO2 readings from the 1870-1910 era averaged about 345 ppm.
The problem with matching the 270 reading against ice core samples is the fact that: 1) more than 2/3rds if ice core measures of much higher CO2 numbers were ignored, 2) ice core measures from different cores of different locations dating to the same time varied wildly, and most important, 3) none of the ice core studies ever account for CO2 sublimation loss during the long trapping event period. You see CO2 finds the expansive surface to volume ratio of a -15°C snowflake like a balmy beach. CO2 sublimated away beginning at -70°C and so the trapping events NEVER accurately record the correct CO2 levels. They do likely record a relatively constant depleted or sublimation loss value that can be adjusted to reflect the likely loss based in lab abd field experiments. So actual ancient atmospheres probably had CO2 levels of 35-50% higher than the trapped ice recorded.
This also solves the botanical paradox. You see plants begin to mass extinct over half of all species when CO2 falls below 200 ppm. If the ice cores were accurate, then where are the fossil records of the mass extinctions of plants during the 100,000 year long ice ages? Yes botanical extinctions occur, but not mass extinctions. If the ice core readings arexadjusted to reflect sublimation losses, then there us no botanical paradox during ice ages, but also means human impact on CO2 is likely only half as much as we projected above.
Please let me know your thoughts.
I tried googling RFeK, along with some other keywords, and seem to only come up with this Facebook post which presumably is written by you given you give nearly identical arguments and numbers and both claim to be LEED-credentialed engineers and/or scientists. So RFeK seems kind of ill-defined to me.
This equation seems odd. You've taken a ratio of temperatures (unitless) and multiplied it by a ratio of RFeK (unitless) and gotten a result with units of Kelvin. You've either neglected to include some sort of constant that you're multiplying by (I saw 103/410 in your previous comment, but what exactly is this? Does it have units of K? Where does it come from? Why does it seem like you haven't actually used it given I just typed your numbers from the equation above into a calculator and it does equal 0.00044?) or this is wrong.
Ok basics. RF gain is the forcing effect translated into potential kinetic energy units. The NOAA, NASA and IPCC know that the value of solar energy that reaches the earths surface and therefore penetrates the 56 meaningful miles of atmosphere, is the backdrop of energy forcing through greenhouse gases.
Now the zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics governs the earth's baseline ambient temperature (as it does for all climates of all inner planets). From Jupiter and beyond, climate us actually dominated by internal heat shedding, a process that only accounts for about 0.8°K % of our climate.
Now the RFeK properties of H2O, CO2 and CH4 are generally accepted by IPCC, NASA and NOAA as applicable to Greenhouse Gases (GHG's) whereas non GHG's such is dominant O2, N2, and Ar that comprise 99.8% of A are ambiant and neutral with an RFeK forcing value of +/- 0.1 regardless of where they appear in A.
Now the RFeK is just a mathematical symbol. It could be ♡, ♤, or just k1, k2, k3 etc. But it represents a very real theoretical forcing of eK storage and that added energy is what is referred to as the R(adio)F(requency)e(nergy) K(inetic) potential. So RFeK. It could also have been written kerf. Doesn't matter!
What it represents is the reservoir valuation of the average forcing potential of a particular GHG in A at any place and any elevation > sea level. The energy received by the sun at all levels of A and at the earth's surface is always changing (measured in e=w/m2) but the earth rotates, the A is 56 miles thick, water vapor creates clouds, so w/m2 at every m2 on the earth's surface is constantly changing every second. The great thing about constant change is that it creates an array of values that can be interpreted into useful averages. In response to that, the IPCC developed the universal values of hear forcing properties for each GHG and those are:
1.00 for water molecules (H2O), there being on average a universally accepted value of 25,000 ppm. This is actually an agreed upon value because some scientists say it is as much as 50,000 and as low as 20,000. The number does fluctuate in nature, dropping to 15,000-22,000 ppm during ice ages. But 25,000 ppm is the currently accepted measure on average (being lower in dry places and significantly higher in marine climates).
CO2 is a much less significant GHG and has an RFeK forcing value of 1.94. This is how climate activists make the true but grossly misleading statement that CO2 is twice as dangerous as water (H2O). At only 410 ppm, x 1.94, the RFeK forcing energy in every million parts of atmosphere (mpa) is less than 1/26th of that in water. (796/25,000).
Methane is how you really know the activists are 🐂💩ing us bigly. CH4 occurs at less than 2 ppm in A. It is the natural first byproduct of all excrement and biological decay. Plants and animals die all the time so the natural environment is always going to present a modest amount of CH4 in A. But at 1.75 ppm, and with an RFeK forcing value of 1.51, it just isn't even remotely significant. Yet, the activists are telling you all that beef cattle are cooking the air with farts. It just is so ridiculous. In the first place, 99.995% of ALL LIVING TISSUE of all types on planet earth are botanical. Only 0.005% are animal/zoological or bacterial. Plants are the major land store for CO2, H2O and Nitrogen. When they die, they decay. Some of that decay process combines the three molecular compounds differently and you get a little CH4 and CO2 released along with H2O and N2. It's natural. It's happening every time something dies. Stop mowing the lawn, CH4 changes ever so slightly. Big farts, it increases slightly, but overall the CH4 decay is so rapid in sunlight it just doesn't build up except in mas extinction events, the. Usually becomes explosive in open air is highlighted by lightning and levels quickly return to zero until botanical life returns.
Now the H20, CO2 and CH4 account for the eK energy (25,800 units) and that translates directly into the heat forcing temperature attributed to GHGs = 16 3°K. That number drops during Ice Ages. It's high now because we are in an interglacial warm spell. Since all wwT (climate) is 288.7°K>|0°|k, then GHGs must contribute 16 3°K/288.7°K of wwT.
Follow so far?
Now if 16.3°K comes from GHGs and we know what portion of the heat forcing comes from the various GHG molecules and how many molecules exist on average in every million parts of A (mpa) then we can compute exactly how much water, carbon dioxide and methane contribute to the 16.3°K GHG portion of wwT = 288.8°K.
The eK values fir the GHGs are again...
1.00 for H20 1.94 for CO2 1 51 for CH4
At 25,000 ppm, H20 contributes 25,000 eK units to every mpa.
At 410 ppm, CO2 contributes 796 eK units to every mpa.
At 1.75 ppm, CH4 contributes say 3 eK units to every mpa. We round up to account for all other trace GHGs and say total RFeK in GHGs is 25,800 forcing kinetic energy units in every mpa.
So the 25,800 RFeK units is a valid measure of excess or forced energy that is the result of these GHG molecules actively working within A. Now wwT is climate as measured by a thermometer at sea levels on average all over the world.
The current and universally accepted value of wwT is 288.8°K of which:
255.6°K is truly ambient and based on black body measurements from space,
16.1°K is thermodynamic heat transference from the earth's thermal surface mass. An example is you get out of a pool on a hot day, a breeze passes and you feel chilled. That is heat (eK) transferred from you directly into A. The same happens on all thermal heated surfaces and so its contribution to wwT is significant.
0.8°K of wwT is from geophysical heat shedding (i.e contributions of heat from the interior of the earth to A Visa tectonic activity, gravitational contraction and volcanism).
The final 16.3°K of wwT is from the GHG affect.
Since we know the amount if energy each GHG molecule contributes (on average) to this reservoir of thermal energy, and their population within mpa, we can easily determine the human Carbon footprint. Again not even adjusting for sublimation losses of CO2 in ice core studies (a huge scientific mistake on their part), we assume 1/4th of the 410 ppm of CO2 is human caused over the last 150 years. If wwT has increased from 287.8°K to 288.8°K (+1°K) in 150 years, and we know what presumably comes from human industrual activities, then we can calculate the human product or portion of the +1°K change.
Of 25,800 RFeK units mpa, 200 may be human induced from CO2. The CH4 value is as you can see irrelevant at 1.75 ppm.
200/25800 = 0.007752 (0.78%).
So GHG climate less than 1% is attributed to human activity. The majority of GHG wwT forcing is natural, about 99.22%of it.
GHG climate accounts for 16 3°K / 288.8°K of total climate or wwT (5.644%). Now you can multiply both to find the total human impact on all climate over the last 150 years.
16.3°K/288.8°K representing GHG contribution to wwT,
200/25,800 Portion of GHG attributed to human activity (a fraction of the 16.3°K. = .007752) so 99.22% of GHG forced climate is natural and 0.78% is human.
Do the math. Its 5.644% of all climate is GHG and of that, less than 1% (only 0.78%) of GHG climate is caused by us humans. That is the carbon footprint and there is no getting around that number.
0.044°K 》150 years. It's very nearly imperceptible. And if I go to the sublimation of CO2 loss argument that corrects the botanical paradox that exists by fixing CO2 levels in ice core readings x 60-70 points lower than actual back in 1870, the human impact is a truly only half that at 0.022°K.
There is no getting past the nath.
P.S. I work in a scientific field within the U.S. Department of #$@%$#$#%. We dudes know what we are talking about. The left cannot pull their eliminate CO2 and green the planet (what BS that is, ask any botanist) crap over us. We know when it's all a massive conspiracy and a hoax.