First, Fragile White Redditor is not dedicated to Critical Race Theory. It's just an anti-white subreddit.
Second, archive that reddit link. What we've seen is that Reddit scans links to websites that are linked to them, and uses that as a just cause for censoring other subreddits. Which means linking to them directly from here, actually puts the Reddit sub in danger.
What's that you say? We're going to need to make a "KIA3" to get away from dumbshit mods that still care about reddit? Sounds like a solid idea to me. Even now this whole site is looking more like containment than escape. Tell me why you never brought back the "contacting advertisers" thing, it was clearly effective.
Whoa, hang on there.
First, Fragile White Redditor is not dedicated to Critical Race Theory. It's just an anti-white subreddit.
Second, archive that reddit link. What we've seen is that Reddit scans links to websites that are linked to them, and uses that as a just cause for censoring other subreddits. Which means linking to them directly from here, actually puts the Reddit sub in danger.
What's that you say? We're going to need to make a "KIA3" to get away from dumbshit mods that still care about reddit? Sounds like a solid idea to me. Even now this whole site is looking more like containment than escape. Tell me why you never brought back the "contacting advertisers" thing, it was clearly effective.
Why does he need to bring it back? He's there to clean the place. Start a campaign, go ahead, do it yourself. We're not on Reddit.