The First Treatise on the
Hitlertopia Interpretation of Critical Race Theory,
featuring Dr. Robin DiAngelo and her 2018 book "White Fragility",
Critical Race Theory was unconsciously created as a Solution to the Problem of Hitler, therefore,
The Hitlertopia Interpretation: Critical Race Theory can be easily understood as the relative proximity to the closest Platonic form of Ur-Whiteness, the Ur-Whitey, der Führer Adolf Hitler,
leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP) and dictator of Nazi Germany in World War II,
Vitruvian Hitler, the Wokeische measure
The Truths of the Hitlertopia Interpretation of Critical Race Theory: I am Hitler, I live in Hitlertopia, with Hitler Solidarity and HitlerThink.
With this Acolyte's thanks to this Interpretation's Spirtiual Liege, The Woke Temple (@WokeTemple on Twitter):
The Woke Temple @WokeTemple· 6 May 2021
One criticism of my memes is that they “straw-man” or “misrepresent”. When I ask how, I almost never receive an answer. They direct me to “true” CRT material, or call me racist & leave. If ever I do straw-man or misrepresent, I’m open to discussing why. @megynkelly @realchrisrufo
Psychopath's guide to "Racial Sensitivity Training" (White Fragility style):
Their work is doubly maddening because they start with a kernel of truth (DiAngelo: white people’s nervousness in discussion race, dominant-culture norms; Kendi: racial disaprities due to historical oppression) . . . .
The Woke Temple @WokeTemple 4 May 2021
A common back-&-forth in discussion/debates about CRT. Rooted in the presumption of guilt.
A “You are guilty of X."
B "No I’m not!”
A "Take responsibility for your guilt.”
B (Emotional response)
A "Your emotional response proves your guilt." (& later A moves the goalposts)
With an insignificant finding in the unrelated field of criminal psychology: A FALSE accusation that leads to an angry emotional outburst, typically means INNOCENCE instead of guilt: https:// youtube. com/watch?v=BemHqUqcpI8
Guilty until proven innocent. JCS - Criminal Psychology
Published on 9 Oct 2020
“I assure you this will be looked into thoroughly...”
Tenets of the Hitlertopia Interpretation of Critical Race Theory:
Racism (HitlerThink) happened
Whitey created Racism, Slavery and Oppression (Acts of Hitler)
Whitey was able to achieve this because Whitey was the Majority and wielded Systemic and Institutional Power and Domination (Hitlertopia)
Whitey nefariously created Science, Liberal, Individualistic and Enlightement thought (HitlerThink), in Western Europe (Hitlerland) to oppress People of Color and to belittle and hide the achievements of People of Color (Act of Hitler)
Whitness was most explicitly expressed in the most accurate current depiction of the Ur-Whitey, der Führer Adolf Hitler.
Everybody harbors Racism (Hitler) because they, or their ancestors, existed in, and/or benefited from, an Inescapable, All-Pervading And All-Consuming, White Supremacist, Systemically Racist (Hitlerferous Aether) Society (Hitlertopia)
Racism (Hitler) Is The Default And Inescapable Mode Of Thought (Romero Hitler Infection)
Revealing the Unconscious Racism (Metal Hitler Solid: Hitler Espionage Action) of Whites (Hitler) disrupts White Comfort (Mein Kampfy Chair) and results in Anger and Resistance, aka White Fragility (Falling Off The Kampfy Chair, Mark of The Hitler)
Thus, Racism (Hitler) cannot be "decisively defeated" or "turned off" because Racism (Hitler) Is The Default State Of Man (The Eternal Hitler)
Thus to resist Hitler, we must be constantly and actively anti-Racist (anti-Hitler)
Whitey joins Whitey in Whitey Solidarity to perpetuate even more Racism just like the Ur-Whitey, Hitler (Hitler Exodia, the Forbidden One)
Thus the Hitlertopia Interpretation: Critical Race Theory can be easily understood as the relative proximity to the closest Platonic form of Ur-Whiteness, the Ur-Whitey, der Führer Adolf Hitler.
Let us consult an Emanation of the Pleroma, a Pleroma which looks suspicuously like an image of Karl Marx;
The Progressive Prophet of the Powers of Socialisation instead of Individual Agency (totally not Marxist collectivism wank, we swear);
Who Miraculously Individually Escaped (Divine anti-Hitler Providence) the Inescapable Perils of Systemic Racism (Hitlertopia) to save us from Racism (Hitler);
Dr. Robin DiAngelo.
Jul 3, 2018: Dr. Robin DiAngelo talks about her recently published book "White Fragility": https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=45ey4jgoxeU
23 Mar 2021 16:58:27 UTC
Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'
2,023,872 views •Jul 3, 2018
Seattle Channel 29.9K subscribers SUBSCRIBE
University of Washington professor Dr. Robin DiAngelo reads from her book "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism," explains the phenomenon, and discusses how white people can develop their capacity to engage more constructively across race.
Speakers include:
Misha Stone, Seattle Public Library
Robin DiAngelo, PhD, Critical Racial & Social Justice Education
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This humble Acolyte interprets Dr. Robin DiAngelo according to the Hitlertopia Interpretation of Critical Race Theory:
"we consider a challenge to our racial worldviews, as a challenge to our very identities as good, moral people"; "as a result, we (Whites) are insulated from racial stress, at the same time we come to feel entitled to and deserving of our advantage"; "see what lay beneath this anger and resistance to discuss race or listen to people of color, I have observed consistent responses from a wide variety of participants" = The Ur-Whitey, der Führer Adolf Hitler
"the smallest amount of racial stress is intolerable, and the mere suggestion that Being White has meaning" = the meaning is Hitler
"I began to see the Pillars of Whiteness, the unexamined beliefs that prop up whiteness" = Hitler
"how individualism allowed White people to exempt themselves from the forces of socialisation," = Hitlerferous Aether
"White people in North America live in a society that is deeply seperate and unequal by race, and White people are the beneficiaries of that seperation and inequality"; "given how seldom we experience racial discomfort in a society we dominate, we haven't had to build our racial stamina, socialised into a deeply internalised sense of racial superiority that we were either unaware of or can never admit to ourselves"; "I could see how we were taught to see racism only as discrete acts committed by individual people, rather as a complex interconnected system"; "I saw our investment in a system that serves us"; "social life is predictable and patterned in very observable ways"; "there's no way we're gonna get to where we need to go from a place of White comfort" = Hitlertopia
"This book is intended for us, for White progressives who so often despite our conscious intentions, make life difficult for people of color." = Dormant Romero Hitler Infection
"we become highly fragile in conversations about race"; "thus we percieve any attempts to connect us to a racial system, as an unsettling and moral offense"; "often triggers a range of defensive responses, and these emotions such as anger, fear, guilt and behaviours such as argumentation, silence and vitriol from the stress-inducing situation" = Falling Off The Kampfy Chair, Mark of The Hitler
"White progressives do indeed uphold and perpetrate racism, but our defensiveness and certitude make it virtually impossible to explain to us why we do so." = Russel's Hitler Teapot, Invisible Pink Hitler
"You're not the choir, there's no choir, I'm not the choir. When I say there's no choir, I mean that my learning will never be finished, and the moment I think I'm the choir, I think I'm gonna be done, and I'm gonna have certitude." = The Eternal Hitler, Romero Hitler Infection
Accept Hitler into your life.
You are Hitler that creates Hitlertopia that creates Hitler that creates racism that creates you that is the Hitler.
The Ur-Whitey, der Führer Adolf Hitler, commands your every action, and your proximity to Hitler is the quantification of your Racism (Hitler)!
Adolf Hitler never died in 1945. Instead, Hitler had become a bulletproof Idea, leaving behind the Eternal Hitler Empire: Hitlertopia, which eternally perpetuates Racism (Hitler) across time (time is a Racist [Hitler] construct).
Previous thread:
Thanks to @WokeTemple, I now understand Critical Race Theory better: I am Hitler, I live in Hitlertopia, with Hitler Solidarity and HitlerThink.
The Hitlertopia Interpretation of Critical Race Theory: CRT can be easily understood as the relative proximity to Ur-Whitey, der Führer Adolf Hitler.
Accept it's Truths: I am Hitler, I live in Hitlertopia, with Hitler Solidarity and HitlerThink. https:// en. wikipedia. org/wiki/White_Fragility https:// www. cnn. com/2020/06/07/health/white-fragility-robin-diangelo-wellness/index. html
DiAngelo: That's precisely why we're fragile. We live a very insular experience. We have rarely ever been challenged in our racial worldview. We move through a society in which racial inequality is the very bedrock in racial comfort as white people and we are rarely ever out of our racial comfort zones.
Most white people go cradle to grave in racial segregation. Most white people do not have authentic sustained relationships across race, particularly with black people. I'm not talking about acquaintances. Show me your wedding album. That is a truer measure of who is in your friendship circle and sitting at your table.
Most of us go through our lives in segregation without seeing anything of value lost. That is the most profound message of all -- that we could go cradle to grave and not see anything of value lost in not having authentic relationships with black people.
Instead, we use their absence as the value-measure of our space. What is a good neighborhood? What is a good school? We measure whether a school is good in large part by the absence of African Americans in that school.
Those are such deep messages. I would never say the n-word, but I've still internalized that message. And it manifests every day of my life in a range of ways.
As a white person, I take for granted that I get to be special and different and unique, and that you will respond to me that way. It would never occur to me that the police would be called because I was waiting in Starbucks for a friend before I got my coffee. Or that someone would call the police on me because I said, "Would you please leash your dog?" Or that I would be executed in the street for a petty crime that no one had proved I did yet, and that there would be no consequences for my murders. I can't even fathom that.
And because I'm so rarely ever uncomfortable, I'm so rarely ever not seen as a unique and special individual, I am so rarely ever not granted objectivity, I come to feel entitled to those things.
And when they're challenged and called out as privileges, I am thrown off. I take great umbrage. We're not used to being seen as white and in some ways we feel exposed -- our unracialized consciousness sets us up to be fragile around these conversations.
The term "fragility" speaks to how little it takes to throw us out of our racial comfort zones, but our reaction is not fragile at all in its impact. We lash back in ways that actually end up being punitive to whoever challenged us, but highly effective to repel the challenge.
The impact is a weaponized defensiveness, hurt feelings and umbrage because it marshals behind it the weight of history and institutional power. We have some work to do in building our stamina. But we won't build it as long as we believe that only mean people who intentionally want to hurt others based on race could ever do so.
Why waste your time with this clinical insanity? Just ignore it.
Welcome Acolyte, have you realised your Inner Hitler?