I know a lot of people who are having trouble handling the way things are going. The left has engaged in sustained, random, low-intensity violence on a national level. People feel they need to prepare, but they can't retaliate, and that constant edgy readiness is already wearing people down while the left continues to randomly burn and loot with impunity.
Do people have some ideas on how to handle that constant background noise without getting worn down and losing before the fight even begins? I've been able to compartmentalize and just wait to do the job that's in front of me, but not everyone can do that.
Listening to my mom and brother over the last few years makes me almost prefer the bullet. The sad thing is, even if he loses I know it won't stop. Everything bad that will happen will still be blamed on him because of completely unrelated actions he performed in office. Hell, look at how much GG is till getting blamed for dumb shit.
Try not to let the demoralization take root. Spend time with activities and people you love. If your activities get corrupted, find new ones. If your loved ones forget how to love, find new ones.
The major attack vector is demoralization. They don't want to build or create anything, they just want to make others as miserable and empty as them. So of course it won't stop even if they win, because their victory is framed around bringing down their neighbors, something that will never produce more than a fleeting moment of sadistic glee, followed by a righteous bitterness that somewhere someone is having a nice day.
Not to suggest ignoring problems, though. But you have to come to terms with what is inside and outside of your power as an individual - and you're the one that decides those limits.
Take two with you, and you have my blessing.