jenniferq8 7 points ago +7 / -0

We can just pretend it is "Kotaku Inaction"

jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel like every widely publicized mass shooting in the past 5 years has been either a member of this cult or an outspoken ally (like the bank shooter in Louisville.) It isn't surprising that severely mentally ill people would start violently lashing out when they are constantly told every perceived sleight to their delusion is literally genocide. Also helps when alphabet boys are in every perverted discord server handing out arsenals.

jenniferq8 22 points ago +22 / -0

A month ago or so there was a huge uproar because a bunch of them claimed they are too disabled to cook and leftovers contain histamines that make them sick so they have to doordash chicken tenders multiple times a day. It started out as cope for being so lazy and evolved into "after the revolution we will have a public kitchen we can visit free of charge." And of course when asked how that will be paid for they were stumped.

jenniferq8 6 points ago +6 / -0

Reminds me of when Jezebel used to write an article about how transphobic and racist friends was once a quarter. They truly live a miserable existence and want to drag everyone down there with them.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always laugh because the predictable outcome of pushing women, or anyone, into professions they aren't actually proficient or interested in leads to non imagined imposter syndrome. Reminds me of the girl who went viral after being given a job to meet a diversity quota at a large accounting firm and then writing an open letter to every employee lashing out because she had basically been stuck in the basement due to incompetence like in office space.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

I laughed at the deluge of the heatmap of global consanguinity spammed in the replies. I used to be pretty ambivalent about Babylon Bee until Seth Dillon started claiming that "Greeks and Jews" created western civilization while Europeans were "drawing on cave walls." The timing of them posting this old "joke" with the Candace Owens saga and then immediately pulling the "what? we make fun of everyone*" card pretty much made me bow out.

*They do not, in fact, make fun of everyone.

jenniferq8 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Evidence" for upcoming articles Im guessing a bit of both but I would bet a lot of money kotaku "writers" were in there posting the equivalent of poorly drawn swastikas and then screenshotting for upcoming articles that 15 people will read.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

It really disturbs me that there are people who wake up, see something like this and instinctively seek to ruin someone's life over it. I find it funny that the logical implication of constantly policing "cultural appropriation" is these groups are so pathetic you can't encroach on the few positive aspects of their existence. The reality is gay race communists just hate white people and want to ruin them.

jenniferq8 19 points ago +19 / -0

Zimbabwe murdered or removed all the Rhodesian farmers in the mid oughts. They were all starving within a few months and Mugabe eventually begged for them to come back. Their first brilliant move was to slaughter all their dairy cows for meat then complain about an inexplicable shortage of milk.

jenniferq8 25 points ago +25 / -0

Saw a funny post on twitter that said Elon's tweet reads like the note you find on a desk in a horror game.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a photo of her from high school when she was supposedly kept out of a beauty pageant due the inability to classify her as black or white, she was fat, ugly, and extremely pale. If people bullied her, it was because she is an insufferable piece of garbage who also happens to be unpleasant to look at. I've noticed a lot of people from Asia who have decided to hop on the oppression olympics bandwagon have a similar blindspot to the "bullying" that almost every student experiences.

jenniferq8 10 points ago +10 / -0

I saw Vaush wishing they could send Ol' Tecumseh Sherman down there to massacre all the terrible racists of Texas. Their sudden about-faces make me chuckle. Even funnier when people started replying to him Sherman's quote about killing every last Sioux down to the women and children.

jenniferq8 8 points ago +8 / -0

NY Post just posted an article about it. I knew I'd seen the little kid they were forcing to pose near the wire crying, same image was also posted in Sept by them and Yahoo. I saw a self professed pastor claim you can't be "pro choice and pro razor wire." My feelings towards these people have slowly shifted from finding them ignorant and pathetic to outright hatred. No one is forcing these economic tourists/violent criminals to come here. I hope Abbott refuses to budge.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is very telling that "anti racist's" strawmen are almost exclusively black behavior projected onto white people they've never seen living in places they've never been.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

Absolutely. Probably my favorite season of television ever.

jenniferq8 18 points ago +18 / -0

It looks like they are invoking the "'indigenous women are constantly being killed by white men and white society turns a blind eye" trope which is laughable because its other "indigenous" people doing the killing and their own people doing the investigating. Add in the girlboss aspect and this sounds like a disaster. I laughed that Nic Pizzalato specified "True Detective S1-3 (NOT Night Country)" in his instagram bio.

jenniferq8 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yes. Not sure if it is fake or not but the page number is beyond the scope of what they have released so far. With how he is acting currently, it would not surprise me in the least if he turned out to be a client. And agreed, the psychological damage it will do to him in either case is wonderful.

jenniferq8 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah. I've probably put over a thousand hours into Morrowind, FO3, NV, Oblivion, and Skyrim. I bought Starfield knowing it probably wouldn't be great, but hoping it would be better than most of the garbage coming out recently. It was pathetic. The dialogue was terrible, the crafting/gunsmithing was not innovative in the slightest, the base aspect and ship building made no sense. Aside from all the other reddit tier speech options, having half a dozen characters literally say they were upset because I didn't "Trust the science" was the cherry on top.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure they are doing this so that Ilhan Omar or someone will think fondly of them when it becomes useful but on it's surface its funny to engage in such a pointless signal of virtue to people who can't read and probably don't know what flag of "Jubaland" looks like in the first place.

jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was trying to remember the most egregious one I saw and that was it. Thank you. Complete insanity.

jenniferq8 22 points ago +22 / -0

Re-homing all of these people in a place full of people who don't want them, who also have a long history of not putting up with being lorded via fire and explosives is quite the decision. The powers that be that usually beguile the women and effeminate men into accepting this sort of thing don't have their usual excuse of colonialism or slavery. I saw a "new irish" person claiming that due to Ireland's proximity to Great Britain, they benefitted from their colonialism and thus "deserve" to import these people. I wish more people would wake up to the fact that this is absolutely seen as retribution against White people, the claim that migrants are a net benefit is slowly being dropped a la equality vs. equity.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, they've done a "racism" style revamp on the term so that it can never apply to a white population. I wish more people would realize that trying to play by their rules is a fool's errand.

jenniferq8 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah that is possible. I guess it's been a while since I was getting my first card. I still find it odd an 18 year old would buy a daniel defense rifle and eotech without some outside input.

jenniferq8 24 points ago +24 / -0

It really angers me that there are public records of the FBI doing this (Khalil Abu Rayyan) and people still think that Salvador Ramos was able to afford a 2,000 dollar rifle and a 600 dollar optic, among other weapons, on a fast food job and just decided to shoot up an elementary school on his own. I guess the realization that the government actively goads people into mass murder so that the utopian dream will meet a little less resistance is too much for some people.

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