m0r1arty 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm more worried about the ones that have been gelded.

Those are the ticking timebombs we're going to see explode in about ten years time onwards.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

This your IP address?

You probably shouldn't play in parks with kids bigger than you in them.

m0r1arty 12 points ago +12 / -0

In the past 24 hours I've been called a n**ger too many times to count; I've been told to go kill myself; told that I should die because everyone hates me; and threatened by countless men who say they'd love to hit me. If you think this is warranted, you're part of the problem.

Now I can't discount what was said in the first sentence I wasn't there and certainly can't validate or verify those incidents - but it could happen.

That out of the way, being told to kill yourself is a fairly common expression over the ages from "Take a long walk off a short pier", "Go jump off a cliff" and "Play in the traffic" being perfectly acceptable alternatives to the post-modernist direct note with the same meaning.

Everyone does in fact die, regardless of how hated they are. So that is just a prophecy that comes to us all.

Countless men, well that's very exclusionary. No women want to hit you? Why not? Also, did you just assume all of those 'mens' genders?

And the "Part of the problem" thing is another misnomer phrase. It's just the other side of the equation. It's all balanced unless someone is trying to fudge the numbers.

**"How in the world is Trump’s trial not hurting him?" ** - possibly because none of this is new and the law isn't built on a whim. Hate him, by all means, but hurting him isn't what the law is meant to do. That's called a fascist dictatorship and people died for you to have the audacity to say what you want in that regard. Pay respect where it's due.

m0r1arty 6 points ago +6 / -0

No tenacity required here.

You're part of the fart-on-your-fingers-and-sniff club.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems that a pensioner shot him.

The pandemic treaty thing, Russia and Ukraine and immigration all seem to be hotbeds for motivation (And the EU of course!).

I wonder if it will come out why he was shot.

m0r1arty 13 points ago +13 / -0

When the systems start to play games like children, like this, other powers will come in because clearly it's not being run properly.

You can't even blame the other powers, it's like free pizza to them.

Everyone in the US is being sold out by those who are meant to protect them.

This is like someone took the movie 'Wag the Dog' and decided to do a limited budget version catering to an even less educated citizenship.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's amazing that when it shows up to the front doors of those elected it then becomes something in the media to further denigrate those doing the electing.

Just seems to me that nobody is happy with the elected and they are doing the usual of saying that it's not their fault.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

You still want to watch it br0.

Don't be silly, it's just gone up by about 100 times in my estimates now! LOL

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

You make a good argument that Hollywood looks after its own and is quite parochial about what flavour of diversity it wishes to highlight on any particular year.

I suppose the next step into looking into this 'Art' is how it is altered to suit markets such as the Middle East or China rather than retain its original form regardless.

If, for example, in the recent Star Wars trilogy the character of Finn was minimised in Chinese advertising then how artistic is it to have him more central in Western advertising and if the women kissing in the background after a big battle was removed from the Middle East versions then why does the West have to see something which might not gel with their religious outlooks?

I certainly don't have the answers but it does drive home that art/product question and how those producing it are colonialist in the areas where they wish to spread particular messages but restrict others. Does Hollywood consider itself too grand to force the concept of homosexuality into areas where that can have someone killed but belittle heterosexuals for not watching it in areas where they won't be killed?

I said Hollywood was parochial earlier because culture, and its advancement across the world, is a form of church (With all the trimmings of illicit sexual behaviours, drugs and rock'n'roll).

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd never heard of it until now and it seems to be well regarded on IMDb.

I'll give it a look into, thanks for the question that turned into a suggestion :)

Sorry I can't help you out with the answer yet.

m0r1arty 17 points ago +17 / -0

Parasite won Best Picture Oscar on the 9th of February in 2020 and pulled in over $50 million in the US alone and $260 million worldwide on a $12 million budget.

The film was entirely subtitled for non-Korean speakers and was the first non-English language film to ever win Best Picture in the Academy's history.

It might not have done Marvel or Avatar money but people out there, like me, found it easily enough and watched it in theatres.

If more people went to theatres to see it the free market means that more places would show it.

Hollywood if full of agendas but I don't think the foreign market is something they worry about because people would rather see a rom-com or pew-pew at the cinema and films like this just don't have the appeal to the masses.

Interesting film too, lots of nods to the class system and poverty while still being a comedy.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know. Everything about this stinks, even this thread's title.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Backed by Jack Dorsey (yes THAT Jack Dorsey) it has a promising future.

I don't think you know your audience.

THAT Jack Dorsey is a horsey-horsey and will take everyone for a ride.

m0r1arty 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good point!


Should take you away from the WIN site and let you use the function recommended above.

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

"No bad tactics" at play here.

And "By Any Means Necessary".

The fact that educational institutes haven't picked up on this yet makes them complicit in these actions.

m0r1arty 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hello and welcome to this forum.

What do you mean by girls?

What do you mean by allow?

What do you mean by college?

What do you mean by an education?

What do you mean by why and why not?

I'm sure you'll understand that by being a new member we don't know much about your background and what you bring with you into this vector of questioning and it really makes it much simpler and faster for us to fully understand what it is that you are asking.

Thanks for your time in advance :)

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