ger111 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, he wants a mod change, it is because he hates me.

there's your mind reading nonsense again. Did i say that i hated you and that i wanted a mod change? i disagree with a lot of your mod choices but i never said anything of the sort that you claim that i think and you are trying to put words in my mouth

ger111 10 points ago +11 / -1

the jewish women you imagined are actresses that had plastic surgery. A better representative of jewish women would be the recent jew that won Miss Japan https://files.catbox.moe/5u1fob.jpg

ger111 6 points ago +7 / -1

i've seen a few people say "remove dom" and i've seen JIDF say "remove stormfaggots" but i still havent seen anyone say "appoint mods to “clear out the jidf”" . The complaints people have with JIDF are that they keep trying to censor or ban "stormfaggots" but i've never seen anyone advocate for banning or censoring JIDF

ger111 7 points ago +8 / -1

religion is obviously a factor. jewish people as a whole is more anti free speech than any other religious or non religious group as a whole

ger111 7 points ago +8 / -1

to be fair, the protestants got split up in to "White protestants" and "non White protestants" while the Catholics didn't get split up this way

ger111 2 points ago +4 / -2

The mod himself is a JIDF, so if you are trying to claim that im trying to be mod to ban the JIDF it wouldn't really work because the mod sure as hell wouldn't choose me to do the modding if i wanted to ban all JIDF since he is one himself

ger111 3 points ago +4 / -1

I haven't heard of anyone anything like that.

ger111 10 points ago +12 / -2

He's activating old accounts and they are all just spamming the same pedo troll topics. I already told you my post has to do with the recent JIDFs trying to take advantage of the situation to say "hey let me be mod to ban them, but also i want to ban the "stormfaggots also"

ger111 16 points ago +17 / -1

You mean the pajeet pedo troll? they should be banned of course

ger111 20 points ago +22 / -2

The only thing im shilling here is for JIDF to stop trying to censor people's free speech just because they don't like their chosen tribe being criticized. This is in reference to certain users here who want to take up mod positions and admit they want to ban people over "stormfaggot sperging"

ger111 7 points ago +9 / -2

says the jew that rages the moment they don't have full control over 100% of everything. "oy vey shut it down" is a meme for a reason.

ger111 8 points ago +9 / -1

Antonio is Jewish https://archive.md/XwWDZ

And im 90% sure OP is jewish too . He's a gigantic JIDF at any rate.

ger111 5 points ago +7 / -2

Inside you there are two wolves. One, it didn't happen. Two, they deserved it .Both are correct .

ger111 2 points ago +4 / -2

Right is about conserving civilization, left is about destroying civilization

The original definition of left vs right was from France where the monarchists who were loyal to the royal family were the right wing and the anarchists were the left wing. In East Asia the "right wing" are collectivists cause that is their original culture to begin with, and they consider the left to be individualists. Right vs left has nothing to do with collectivism or individualism

ger111 3 points ago +3 / -0

Capcom is the worst of all with their wokeness , but a lot of the big Japanese game companies started randomly shoving black NPCs in their games everywhere all at once, you know its not natural . They are getting paid to do this. Whose paying them to do this?

its obvious devs need to tick off some woke checklist that management gave to them.

ger111 8 points ago +8 / -0

they protest israel but they can't do much about it. . The leftist peons are anti zionist but the leftist leaders are zionists. Harvard's president got fired from her position for being anti israel, and she was a black woman and now they are going to replace her with a jew.

ger111 15 points ago +15 / -0

Why are all of Biden's children, Trump's children, and Hillary's child, all married to jews? Why is Nancy Pelosi 's children married to jews, why is Karmala Harris married to a jew?

2% of the population and all the top politicians are related to jews. What a coincidence

ger111 5 points ago +7 / -2

You are not going to convince me that pitch black skinned NPCs in kimono was not a woke addition especially considering the first pokemon games had no dark skinned characters at all. (no not even Brock, Brock was paler in the game and was blackwashed in the anime). I didn't say Legends Arceus was a bad game but there WERE woke elements

ger111 23 points ago +23 / -0

i would have called them a dangerous cult but calling them terrorist is even better

ger111 15 points ago +15 / -0

Cute. Until you realize that countries that get rid of the bankers end up getting destroyed by (((America)))

Bankers need to go. End bankers

ger111 36 points ago +36 / -0

When the porn stars are having to fight off the woke you know things have gone goof.

Also If blacks can be constantly forced in to medieval European or Japanese settings and culturally appropriating others cultures, , then we can wear black face,

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