misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Implement this policy as law and before you know it businesses will do everything they can to avoid hiring women.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's like a particularly depraved online protection racket. Sign away control of your sub to the pedo mafia or else they'll spam CP because they know you don't have time to constantly mod your own sub, so you have no choice but to assign the task of modding to a power mod, or to have extremely strict rules for who's allowed to post on the sub which kills its growth potential.

misogynegro 14 points ago +14 / -0

They consider it injustice when you fight back, you're a member of the untouchable caste so how dare you not take your beatings and beg for mercy from your betters.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really can't be overstated how much these people have made everyone way more racist. It's like they've turned race into The Game, and then incessantly interrogate you for losing The Game when they can't STFU about The Game.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

a black professor needs protection due to a white supremacist militia threatening her

The world these people live in is wild.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hollywood has also been heavily Jewish, and has propagated Jewish cultural values among white Americans, to the point that the "American" identity in the 20th Century became as Jewish as it was WASP, Irish and Italian. Which to be clear, I don't inherently have a problem with, the JQ can be addressed as a legit subject without having to go full-reichtard. Even the history of the Third Reich itself can be analyzed in a way that acknowledges the two-sidedness of the ethnic rivalry between Germans and Jews going back centuries, without simply demonising or lionising either side.

My point here isn't to sperg about da juice, although no ethnic group should be beyond reproach, and Jews have made both very positive and very negative contributions to Western culture (while still not quite being Western themselves). It's merely to point out that if leftists wanna play this game, they leave themselves a huge opening, because once you validate "representation" as a problem, you open the (wooden?) door to examining the JQ in media.

I don't even think the Jewiness of Jewish-produced media is deliberate for the most part. As with anyone else, it's only natural that Jews would produce media featuring Jews and brimming with Jewish cultural biases. Which in and of itself is fine, but if largely Jewish activists wanna start harping on white people this and white people that, that conversation can go both ways.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the same reason why tattoos, piercings, neon hair, and just general "alt" fashion has become so cringe. Not because of the thing in itself, but because of the kind of insufferable weaselly shitbags who tend to wear that stuff. Conspicuous "diversity" used to just be an aesthetic quirk, but now it's a signal that some spoiled brats who only ended up in their positions because they got on the track from private high school to expensive liberal arts college to the corporate bureaucracy deliberately placed that shit in there as a middle finger to anyone who's not part of their soylennial bay area milieu.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ass Creed's lore is just really dumb anyways, the real history of the Templars and Hashashins is so much more interesting than the goofy dollar store sci-fi slop of AC.

You could easily draw up a historical fiction setting where after the purge of the Templars, former Hashashins who converted to Catholicism are made into a secret order within the Church to hunt down Templars in hiding. Then the Templars in turn adapt by becoming assassins in their own right, courting powerful merchants, building bases in Byzantine and Saracen lands, while also trying to disseminate their heretical doctrines to the masses, etc.

So much to work with there, you can also draw on Lempriere's Dictionary and The Accursed Kings series as inspiration. But instead we get the Animus, one of the most retarded sci-fi concepts ever, and a totally convoluted lore surrounding some ancient aliens shit. And while ancient aliens can be a really cool concept, it's just a convoluted premise for what was originally supposed to be about medieval power struggles.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or a miniseries about the heroic British navy smashing the slave trade.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Switch is the only console that's actually worth it just for the exclusives, relative to the price.

Problem with PlayStation and Xbox these last couple of generations is that their price is a great deal - for PC - but for consoles, they're ridiculously overpriced.

PS5 and Series X are actually not bad machines, esp again for the price, if only you were allowed the functionality of a PC. But for w/e bizarre reason, Microsoft can't just be content to load their machines with a slightly modified version of Windows made to give a console-like experience while allowing those who want to, to venture outside the walled garden. Ditto for the PS5, which would be a great deal if it was just loaded with a slightly modified version of SteamOS.

The most mid PC may not be able to keep up with the latest AAA titles, but then most people don't wanna shell out over a grand for something if all they wanna play is older and indie games. Even if you're a tech retard and don't wanna bother with building your own PC, you can find a PC or even a laptop that's good enough for around $500, with an astronomically larger library and astronomically better prices for games than what you can get on consoles.

It's amazing how out of touch these companies are with ordinary consumers. Even if we completely remove ourselves from the culture war, the PS5 and Series X are in a sort of anti-goldilocks zone of value since, again, they'd be an amazing deal if they were just glorified PCs, but because the companies insist on keeping the constraints of consoles, they end up being ridiculously overpriced. Sure, a pre-built $700 PC isn't gonna be able to outperform a PS5 or Series X, but you get so much more bang for your buck if you're willing to forego the latest AAA experience.

Sometimes I really do think that the people who run these companies actually aren't particularly concerned with maximizing profit beyond their legal obligations. I wish they were just concerned with profit, because corpo scum who are only concerned with profit will at least leave you the fuck alone. But I really get the impression that the people running these companies have the Steve Jobs mindset of being megalomaniacs who believe it's their role in society to engineer the lifestyles of the plebs, since after all what would we do without their enlightened guidance?

Wokeness then grows out of and reinforces the nanny corporation (along with other stuff like ESG of course). Because unfortunately, most of the people at the top are narcissists, not psychopaths, so they can't be reasoned with, they're emotionally attached to some crunchy corporate pseudo-spirituality and think God put them here to bless the unwashed masses with their infinite wisdom.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Harriet Tubman is probably just our Robin Hood, although Brits know that Robin Hood is folklore while we're still taught that Harriet Tubman was a real person. Doesn't help that you can just use a picture of a random slave to "substantiate" that story.

Then of course there's Anne Frank, who didn't write "her" diary, but that bit of folklore is also still being taught in schools.

misogynegro 12 points ago +12 / -0

Hilarious coincidence that running away is something blacks are known for. Perhaps a new Japanese loan word is in order for fleeing the cops?

misogynegro 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sweet Baby Ray's

This faggot is literally mocking the name of the company even though he thinks he's mocking the people criticizing it.

Because yes, it's a really weird fucking name, especially given the pedo swirl in the logo.

If he was actually good at comedy he'd realize this, but he's just another low-IQ wannabe bully who never got over being a loser in high school.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

What sucks about Hades is you can tell there's a lot of genuine talent behind it, but they're in SF so being part of the cult of pozz is mandatory.

SJW games are almost always dogshit so this series really sticks out as an exception.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

The worst part IMO is how insanely expensive most hotels and motels are, and Airbnb is often times even worse.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

I call this dynamic "tactical hypocrisy."

Push something retarded and insane, but only for women, then men object to the hypocrisy, a fight ensues, and finally feminists "concede" by letting the aforementioned retardation and insanity be universalized.

It's one of the key mechanisms behind the ratchet effect, "men's culture" gets faggier and faggier while laboring under the illusion that they're "winning." Although I guess that are winning a race to the bottom.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

Brave New World's depiction of a modernist, utilitarian approach to sexual mores is way underrated.

Then again BNW and Huxley in general are way underrated, dude practically saw the future.

misogynegro 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hamas support

STFU neocon scum

misogynegro 12 points ago +12 / -0

We now know that the reason why Russian and Chinese influence ops are responded to so harshly by the USG isn't because they're concerned about foreign influence, it's because the people who own this country are basically saying "HEY YOU GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN!"

misogynegro 11 points ago +11 / -0

The same faggots who wanna push black characters into settings where it makes no sense call it black face when someone who's not black uses makeup to play a black character.

misogynegro 22 points ago +22 / -0

Leftists really think that white Southerners are all conspiring to insult black people, that spiting black people is what white Southern life revolves around. Probably because spite is what drives leftists, everything they do is an underhanded middle finger, so they assume that everyone else operates the same way.

In any event, thank god the right is finally starting to grow a spine again. Everyone who said the erasure of Confederate symbols would lead to a slippery slope was immediately vindicated when only a few years down the line the 1619 Project came out of nowhere, and suddenly what academic historians think stopped mattering.

When academic historians say that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war, you can't dispute that because "trust the experts." But when some crazy bitch posts a bunch of crap that academic historians regard as crackpot revisionism and refuse to give the crazy lady a professorship, the NYT threatens the uni with riots to force their hand.

And once Confederate symbols became socially unacceptable, the "deplorables" started to just dial American symbols up to eleven, so they had to contrive how that's somehow racist too. But where there's at least a kernel of truth in the claim that the Confederacy was founded to preserve slavery (albeit one that gets spun out into what would be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" in any other context), the notion that the US itself was founded to preserve slavery is just batshit.

I use Confederate erasure as a litmus test for who's a real nigga on the right vs who's a fake-ass bitch nigga. Because we saw in real time symbols that had long grown innocuous and even charming suddenly become extreme taboos, after a very small group of people decided that they're no longer acceptable. A characteristically dishonest media blitz founded on gravestanding being pushed relentlessly by a bunch of psychopathic ghouls in order to make mundane fixtures of Southern and redneck culture into something that's only allowed to be interpreted as having the most sinister hidden meaning, and like the cowards they are Con Inc allowed this brazen campaign of social engineering to proceed unchallenged.

Confederate symbolism needs to be brought back, as a way of showing that we won't let the vampires pervert symbols of pride and virtue into symbols of evil. Being able to grasp that a symbol can evolve beyond the most autistic literalist interpretation thereof is the crux of so much leftist bullshit, there's a lot of power in being able to frame anyone who disagrees with them as necessarily harboring a sinister ulterior motive. And Con Inc gave them the power to do that.

misogynegro 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some stipulations are so unreasonable that, TBF, that doesn't matter. If it says in your employment contract that your boss might shag your wife, and then he shags your wife, you still have the right to send the both of them tumbling down a flight of stairs.

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