Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the most obnoxious late update things Rockstar did was on GTA IV they removed certain songs because they no longer had the copyright or something similar was going on.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

They'll do what they always do and take one or two extremely obscure examples by anyone's standards ( Of course carefully avoiding any rape scenarios ) and use that as a justification for their ideology.

At this point I think the societal conditioners are trying to see how much they can push people until they snap.

That twitter user gets it, this is provocation, so switch off because this is going to get oh so much worse lol. I feel we're not even at the worse bit yet, they're barely getting started.

Lethn 14 points ago +14 / -0

True, their revenue needs to get way lower, it's amazing people will still buy this crap but to be frank I have deep suspicions about their profit margins to begin with and how many of their sales are in fact real given that literally nobody not even the normies like Asmongold are buying into this crap anymore.

Yes I'm being paranoid, yes I think there's a conspiracy afoot and yes I think it probably involves the investment firms propping these weird companies up. You look at the financials of the publicly traded games companies out there and the amount of investment firm money being pumped into them is extremely strange. I also think this coincides with the amount of these tone deaf bot reviews we see on steam bumping them up to the top sellers list so often. I only have speculation at the moment but I would not be shocked if things get bad for them we'll start seeing leaks.

Lethn 15 points ago +15 / -0

It almost feels like the games industry is healing itself, that's wonderful to see.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

You've got much better self control than me lol, her attitude is about as bad as you'd expect.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

This isn't a "Let's debunk the stupid bigot who hates men moment" but at the same time when you do see a woman in a lobby most guys don't fucking care in the slightest because they're all trying to play the game. It's only when they start shit and play the victim afterwards is when anything happens.

The actual misogyny I have seen are usually from let's be blunt 'foreign men' like the Turks who are always pieces of shit online to everybody when they're in a lobby and if I see a group of them I often quit which is one of the reasons multiplayer games have gotten trash now. You always see Turks sperging out in chat on any gaming lobby, they infest everything and anyone who knows anything about gaming will know what I'm on about.

I do find it funny though the idea that men are banding together against women like this and refusing to play until she leaves probably because she's that insufferable the second she logs in and trying to start drama. I would have just quit myself and again, this sort of safe space crap is why multiplayer gaming has gone down the drain. Don't give her the time of day because she wants men to do this as we can see so she can milk content being a fake gamer girl.

Edit: By the way, considering how much gamer lobbies are completely fucking dying despite the alleged numbers on steam. I have major doubts that any of this is real in any capacity. I wouldn't put it past games companies trying to generate fake drama and hype through corpo psyops to try and make people interested in their games. Quite a few of the latest modern titles really do run like shit and the reviews are being pretty blunt about that.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is why you never trust a TERF, it makes me extremely glad that trannies are a thing despite of how fucked up the concept is. If it weren't for the tranny movement, we could have very easily ended up witnessing a real curfew against men in our lifetimes being implemented. I have to wonder if even the police would turn around and point out to the politicians that they wouldn't even be able to enforce this because the police force is majority male as well.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ohhhh I did not need to read an article like this today, yes it's Australia, it's about as bad as the UK, but the fact that they're doing fresh agitation for this pisses me off.

Lethn 10 points ago +10 / -0

What the fuck, she is fucking insane, the article just keeps getting weirder the more you read it.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're brigading hard and it's not just sleeper accounts being brought to life by these weirdo no lifers I have to wonder if there are other users who are plants that have decided to start shit over fuck all as well.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, I'm done, you're not reading and for some reason decided to be a dick about this, putting my responses in as clearly as possible and you're still being a weirdo.

Lethn 0 points ago +1 / -1

GTA V is Peer to Peer, that's how useless and old their back end is, I did fucking answer it, you're not reading.


Rockstar hosts matchmaking servers that establish a connection between players. Instead of the server handling all the game packets, they are transfered directly from player to player - so it's basically P2P, with server-handled matchmaking.

You keep pretending you've got oh so superior knowledge but even when I explain it bit by bit you still keep playing dumb which is why you come across as a troll by constantly claiming I know nothing instead of doing any kind of proper response. Why should I waste my time? I have explained it to you. Quit fucking around, it just makes you look like a douchebag if someone is honestly answering your question.

Lethn -1 points ago +1 / -2

lol you again, I tried explaining it to you before and you didn't get it then which is ironic considering you were the one trying to lecture me about not knowing networking and linked you to that cloud gaming service for a reason because it gave you examples.

Dedicated Server = 1 single server owned and operated by you

Cloud Server = Cluster of servers sharing different tasks and data or in the case of gaming multiple instances to share the load for efficiency, much easier to scale up for a developer as you're not having to bring in new hardware and can just pay a third party more money to handle hosting

LAN = Local Area Network, connecting to PCs through a cable in the same building or area direct

Are you actually asking this or are you trying to troll?

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's pretty much become a content farm for youtubers to talk about how bad GTA Online is in every aspect with each release. You could easily write a dissertation on specific parts of it.

If they want to have a vague hope of surviving after the initial GTA VI release with how much money they're clearly pissing away due to unnecessary bloat they are going to have to completely re-do the matchmaking and networking backend to make sure the game is properly playable nevermind any balance issues because really that was the shittiest problem with the game.

Even the story mode in the 'legal' version is cancer and like a lot of online DRM crap simply loading up the game slows to a crawl because the servers are desperately trying to verify everyone at once. Then when it comes to online itself rockstar have committed some of the greatest crimes in gaming of all and frequently have unskippable cutscenes as well as often very poorly placed checkpoints. Tons of weird lag issues due to the nature of their peer to peer back end, that's right they don't even use proper cloud matchmaking or anything like that so that naturally means you're fucked any time you get into a match.

I hadn't put two and two together before on why matchmaking was so bad but when I tried it again recently it reminded me and I realised with the holidays on the servers will be getting absolutely flooded.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put lethn or some other actual regular creator in with the understanding that its for these brigades and that sort of shit. Make them promise to relinquish the power once the crisis has been averted.

Wait what? LOL

Lethn 13 points ago +13 / -0

I feel so fucking sorry for any country that has to pick between a dictatorship and this.

Lethn 13 points ago +14 / -1

Exactly, they love this shit, random acts of violence instead of a full on revolution makes them martyrs and they'll lord it up in the media for decades then use the incident every time as a cudgel to beat the opposition with. This is why I say even to people I don't like, do not fucking fall for the glowie baiting, they want something to happen so badly especially with it being election year for Americans. I do think this is one of the reasons behind them acting like such degenerates constantly, they know they can get away with it. They're underestimating though at times how disgusted the normies are getting with it all.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't remember exactly, I think it was some EU country though that did stick out for me because it was a case of, she took the UK for a ride and now she's bitching that her antics finally caught up to her. These people play the system for years or even decades and then whine they're singled out. What makes it worse is they're inevitably the type of shit heads who will be going to the NHS and using it like healthcare tourists, at least the other guy paid taxes. The level of arrogance these migrants have towards the UK is unbelievable but it tells you we have a massive pushover problem when it comes to the general normie public.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Somewhat similarly, I thought I was in trouble when leaving the Swedish border, because the customs official was confused by my lack of residency card, and the fact that i had been there for six months.

I won't inquire as to details because I can probably guess with how fucked the bureaucracy is. When sorting shit out with my local council here in the UK they did a bit of strange fuckery with my addresses because of course it was my first ever property and I had moved out from my parents' place. I was genuinely surprised they had zero procedure for it as standard.

Luckily I had somebody who wasn't a dick on the other end of the phone and was understanding and had them write down some notes of what they did so that if anybody asks any questions it's written on the database because of course being a programmer I knew that shit would bite me in the arse potentially later on and had it sorted then so I wouldn't have to worry.

I'm sure you know by now but always keep records of correspondence because even if they record the damn phone calls the bastards can deny everything if it comes to even a minor dispute because they want to get rid of you. Just a general PSA really for anybody who is suddenly running into this stuff. It was interesting for me learning from AngryCops channel about how veterans whenever they were dealing with veterans affairs would always keep records of their correspondence and had a specific folder to deal with any bullshit in court which as it turns out yes is totally necessary. Civilians should absolutely do it as well especially as they pull more and more sneaky shit when they get even more corrupt than they are now.

If there's one thing modern technology has going for it is the surveillance state ironically can be pretty easily turned on government officials thanks to the accessibility of HD cameras among other things.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

They aren't propped uo by some dead billionaire's trust fund.

I'm being a deliberate pedantic arse, but I'm not kidding it really was a dead millionaire, millionaire by ye olde standards which yes would probably be billionaire by today's standards because that's how old the guardian is as an organisation. I found it pretty fascinating going through this aspect of the guardian's finances and I bet if someone smart ever entered into a debate with one of their journalists they wouldn't appreciate at all this being brought up publicly. Too bad so many right wingers are pussies when it comes to dealing with them.

They keep trying to pass themselves off as these trendy champagne socialists delivering groundbreaking journalism when in reality they're absolute bitches. They keep dipping into the fund in question whenever they're in trouble and it's one of the reasons why not so long ago they had to do job cuts because it was clearly eating too much into their profits they didn't want it going into the fund as well give how costly woke hiring practices are.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is yet again they're writing this as a puff piece but why the fuck did he simply 'assume' he was a British citizen instead of making sure he was legal like any sane and normal person would? I kind of get what Tommy Robinson is trying to imply with this but it's done him no favours.

The Guardian pulled this exact same shit as well, it was worse than simply 1 very obscure person who somehow managed to fly under the radar for 42 years because they were law abiding in every other aspect. There was a story where they brought out some housewife who thought she was somehow entitled to citizenship simply for being married to a British man for 5+ years or whatever and was shocked she was suddenly found out and they were sending her back.

What this does is highlight how utterly broken my countries immigration enforcement is on all angles.

Lethn 29 points ago +30 / -1

I love it when the guardian bitches about rich people because like most newspapers they neglect to mention they're propped up by a dead millionaire's fund and almost certainly take George Soros money with how they pander to him. This is always worth bringing up whenever they go after Elon for trolling them of course they bring up the Murdochs like it's the 90's lol, it's all they've got. Surprised they didn't throw in the koch brothers.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's to hoping, it will probably be the shameless race inserting that does it.

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