She said hi. Also she doesn't regret getting married to Charlie. I asked her what she thinks about sluts. She said Charlie would go fucking kill them with fire. My final question is that I asked her what an age cuck is. She didn't know but found it funny. I was gonna head back to the present day when I found the time machine broken. Now I am stuck in the 1930s. Ultra rip.

He's a pretty good actor with some iconic lines in movies like Catalinaville and Boy Band. Fucking kikes have to create degeneracy known as porn and sodomy and ruin these men. If these men were not molested as children then they would have accomplished many great things.

All I can say is that these guys are massive idiots and it isn't just because they are age cucks pushing feminist propaganda. What these guys are doing is stupid and dangerous and that it can get themselves killed or someone else killed. These guys can compromise ongoing police investigations and none of these guys caught are found guilty in the court. They straight up entrap people and goat them into meeting a "minor". These guys think that they are so tough when in reality they are nothing but fucking pussies. I bet these guys are closet pedos and only do it for clout.


Not older men marrying younger girls and breeding children with them. This pedophile hysteria is a feminist invention and you cucks fell for the trap.