PajeetSlayer9000 4 points ago +4 / -0

-Serge Hascoët is accused of racist and humiliating remarks, notably towards a Muslim employee after the 2015 attacks like asking her about her allegiance toward ISIS


PajeetSlayer9000 12 points ago +12 / -0

The pivotal moment was when they allowed Nixon to close the gold window in 1971. That really was the gunshot wound to the head for the economy. Because that is the start of runaway inflation that doomed the economy. As costs began to rise, (((they))) did several things to try to hide the effects of inflation, such as offshoring most jobs to China, adding women to the workforce, and flooding the country with third worlders. All of these things were done to keep the cost of consumer goods lower to prevent the boomers from rioting in the streets. That only worked for so long and now it's catching up to us. Now jobs are offshored, women are in the workforce, and the country is flooded with shitskins, and the cost of consumer goods is still rising, so is housing and food.

The only way to fix all of this is to fix the money. Return to a hard money standard like a gold or bitcoin standard. Once we have hard money again everything else will sort itself out. A lot of people don't know this, but one of the first things Constantine did when he took power was restore the gold standard in the Eastern Roman Empire, ensuring the coinage was varifiable and backed by gold, not debased, and the result was a second golden age which lasted for several hundred years.

The boomers' attitude is "go along to get along" and that screwed over society and their kids. The reality is they had no control over it and no say in it. They could go to college and get indoctrinated in marxism or be drafted to Vietnam. The government was infested from top to bottom with outright communists and still is today. They didn't have the internet. Whatever the TV and newspapers said was regarded as fact. Even today, my boomer father doesn't believe anything until it trickles down to Fox News.