MetallicBioMeat 14 points ago +14 / -0

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

They are just making sure with badges that the slower kids also get the lesson.

by anon12
MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a delayed query, anyhow most communities do not have the old stuff, there is not like reddit with a .old url and more like this site which use the old .win address and have not updated their version.

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, it works for me.

Perhaps your VPN exit address is banned or flagged for botting?

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +2 / -1

His solution is perhaps not the proper answer but I do think that he fills out the understanding of how the internal system of wookism function and their usage of definitions.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing much, coded games and gotten them nominated but not winning any competition. Played since I had the motor skills required for it. Played a bit of everything. Only PC.

And yeah, the show isn't perfect, but seeing as how we're dropping criticism of production, what are you producing and putting out there that is of better quality? if you don't like it, then just ignore the posts and move the hell on. It's not like it's taking up any of your time to scroll past the post.

If you have coded as you said, you will know that there is a minimum standard in which something is viable, or just junk otherwise I got lots of junk projects produced in which I can release to whole world for free. Usually you try to produce something which can have value or if it is a continuous product you try and improve it over time none of which I can find here, there is not even the bare bones of an attempt of trying to improve it.

Are you a poor version of linus? Should I start working on a doctorate in media communication or perhaps I shall join the theater first so that I can tell you how it fundamentally it is broken as an entertainment product? Or that I do not fundamentally understand where you find the value in this? And that it does boggle my mind to such an extent that I must ask? I have listen to other podcast left and right and with minimum production value and they are generally just dull or low information but this is something special in it's standard of quality and it is mainly due to someone recommending it to others.

Since the only rational explanation I can convene to myself is ONE you are part of the production team and this is your own work or TWO you gain financially or socially on their success or THREE you have gained an infatuation or admiration towards them which border on madness.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Glad that it could be of some use, If you need someone to test read it I can volunteer.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

So by starting out with writer perhaps making a small successful play which get the "modern audience" which by chance propel the person into grand culture atmosphere and in the writers naivety to keep going they submerged themselves into the culture in their writing but keep applying it wrongly? Once more i'm just fumbling around with the idea, so that the zulu part is either the crescndo or the middle?

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps it could work as on just being absurd by itself, and then escalating further and further and thus mainly playing on the reaction of the world to an "mad" playwrights attempt at increasingly trying to apply the dogma more and more but in "the wrong way" but by not really being a writer myself, I'm really fumbling in the dark here

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Although that sounds like comedy, not sure it is suited for a written format (could be wrong). Edit: Could you recommend a comedy which use the style your thinking it would sort of follow?

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

As is internet tradition I must get knowledge on why you keep recommending this, I gave them one more shot, As a news aggregator of wokness I do not get much new Intel, I cannot get here or elsewhere quicker and with better detail, It is very casual based and the description is on the level of boomer in which game is a concept of eldritch knowledge, Do you even game? Or code? Or Develop anything? Are you even part of gaming culture past or present?, When it comes to comedy there is better people or more entertaining people, If I wish to understand wokness then James Lindsay, so what value do they provided, since even if they claim to do it for free this is trash and they ask for dosh? If you cannot provided this, I will without a doubt label you a shill.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm, good question, I think it is sadly mostly on the feel good, since they talk about how they have minimized the usage of plastic in their packing of merch, and not moving their merch production to other place (Although to be fair I'm not sure where they get their production, but I think it is china or similar)

by letia
MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Strange it showed for me, then it was removed a short while later.

by letia
MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever happened to your other account? Why switch accounts?

MetallicBioMeat 9 points ago +9 / -0

I prefer getting my hardware news from Gamers Nexus, so far the only political bent (that I have noticed) that might not be pro consumer is the slight environmentalism in regards to packing of their merch. We will see how long they can be focused on their core work.

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or perhaps it make you realize how much of current ideas and tech is based on ancient stuff (but improved), still it feels like tech has stagnated a bit.

MetallicBioMeat 22 points ago +22 / -0

A great way for "easter celebrators" to celebrate, But onto more interesting stuff, the Government news report In which they interview a police section chief, in which he straight out said that he felt that they abandoned the local citizens to the own fates (Perhaps now there is possibility for a local grown militia to take over, or merely the local syndicate, hahaha) and the officer also claims that they get accused of defending right wing extremism and that their work involved defending the right to free speech but did not wish to do so when the price might be this high.

Other government news reported that some local muslim youth organsation cleaned up the mess after the riot in Örebro, of course the organization consider the allowance to burn the most sacred of text mass produced to be abhorrent and the actions themself done by the riots to be the cost of allowing such things.

Still this is just more of the same, it seems we need to have a longer winter.

by borga
MetallicBioMeat 13 points ago +13 / -0

Also agree with 7zip, it is good.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happy Easter to everyone here.

by anon12
MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

No way to get the old interface, except for some of the old communities might have it on their old links.

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