nuggetpatrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's election season real soon. It's going to get so much worse.

nuggetpatrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

So you make a thing that does thing, and let others use thing for free in their software.

And someone uses thing and it's considered 'bad', you're guilty too?

Where is my minority report? Do I even have one?!?

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

There were a few studies done about childless women who will require that mothering nature, and if they have no children to attach it to, they'll find something that they will attach those feelings to.

Be it a job, a pet, a random brown immigrant, whatever. They'll find something to imprint on and make it their little baby.

I don't know if that's the case here, but it's worth noting.

nuggetpatrol 12 points ago +12 / -0

"Kharak is being consumed by a firestorm. The scaffold has been destroyed. All orbital facilities destroyed. Significant debris ring in lower Kharak orbit. Receiving no communications from anywhere in the system... Not even beacons."

So I looked at the steam reviews, and the one with the most upvotes and little steam award thingies has a laundry list of reasons why the EULA alone (also has Denuvo) is just rife with badness.


Starting off, has Denuvo.

Absolutely insane EULA/terms/privacy policy.

Some nuggets: They give themselves license to collect data like:

  • first/last name
  • e-mail address
  • residential address
  • telephone number
  • photographic images (if uploaded by user)
  • credit card information, if provided to their third-party payment processors for purchases
  • shipping information, if provided for purchases
  • country
  • game device identifier
  • screen name
  • demographic information (age, gender, date of birth, marital status, race, level of education, etc.), if you choose to provide it in profiles, surveys or forums, such as an application to become one of their playtesters

Some of these are obviously less reasonable than others. There's no opt out to data gathering in general.

They also say they might grab your MAC-address.

They directly partner with Facebook and Google (so sharing data), so enjoy expanding upon the giant porfolio they got about your personal life.

As is sadly more and more normal these days, they give themselves license to terminate your game (hur dur you don't own the game, you're only licensed to use it) for any reason so you lose access to it.

If you live in the US (I don't, so it doesn't apply to me, but have fun if you are) you forfeit your right to class action lawsuits (have to do arbitration, which companies win roughly 95% of the time).

I could go on.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel the same. How it was said reminds me of lawyer speak.

As in being told if you have to say anything say this: "I have no desire to cause complications or bring unwanted attention to the school"

It's quotable for newspapers that may pick up the story as you wanting to keep your job, and the peace at the school at the same time. Even if you don't mean it.

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

"Your honor, I knew exactly what I was doing, and that it was wrong, and that it was just for the money that would result in the death of a man. That's it. That's my plea deal."

'Oh okay. 3 years probation, no jail time.'

Fuck everything, by the way. If it wasn't obvious yet.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Yeah, now you understand why we don't want men in the bathrooms with our daughters."

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember when 4chan perpetrated the freebleeding thing, and women fell for it for months, even after like day 2 when it was found to be said perpetrated hoax?

Yeah, it's like that.

They're perpetually online, but they only want to have the next emotionally charged target. They don't care what it is or why they should, or even if they're being exploited, they just need to rally around the next thing.

It's like don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for new product, but without product. Just appeal to emotion.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really liked the midnight club series. Specifically 2 and LA because they, unlike most other companies, kept adding great things each time, while refining what made the previous one so good. That started to get rare to find in games when a lot of them felt like more of the same around that time. It didn't matter if the other guy's game wasn't even in the genre, if they did something cool, and the game was popular, it had to be in every other game.

To stay relatively on topic, you'll notice that a ton of the elements in Midnight Club: LA got absorbed into GTA:V The ability to slow down time became Franklin's driving special move. The transitional map move thing that would begin races became the loading screen for GTA:V when you switched characters or began playing the game.

nuggetpatrol 8 points ago +8 / -0

To be honest I haven't watched doctor who since the tom baker era that ended in the early 80s. So I can't say I've been a fan for a long time. Still, they earned that backlash. You can't just antagonize forever and expect them to go "aww shucks you got us" as a response. Of course you're gonna piss them off.

It'd be like trying to kill an identity. ... wait, I'm getting Aug 2014 flashbacks. That didn't work out either.

nuggetpatrol 24 points ago +24 / -0

I'm convinced that rockstar is afraid of GTA now, because a miss of that magnitude will destroy them, so they have to put their best efforts into it, or they'll die off.

My only reasoning behind it is the mad money GTA V makes them. If they have to handle that one and VI at the same time, they're going to buckle every day, instead of just every so often when it's busy on the weekends. I personally haven't played GTA V since checks Steam November of 2018.

Also one of the issues is how much they've had to pour into it in order to sustain it.

Sure it made them mad money, but I'm sure those servers are not cheap.

The other big reason why I know they're all in on GTA:VI is the list of games they've released since GTA:V's release date back in 2013, 11 years ago.

Between the 97 release year of Grand Theft Auto, up to 2008, 11 years, there was several rockstar dev houses making a ton of games, and not just the GTA games. Here they are, to the best of my memory, skipping the titles only published by Rockstar, otherwise this list would look even more embarrassingly long, comparatively.

  • Wild Metal Country
  • Grand Theft Auto 2
  • Midnight Club: Street Racing
  • Smuggler’s Run
  • Grand Theft Auto 3
  • Smuggler’s Run 2: Hostile Territory
  • State of Emergency
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
  • Midnight Club 2
  • Manhunt
  • Red Dead Revolver
  • Grand Theft Auto Advance
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • Midnight Club 3
  • The Warriors
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
  • Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis
  • Bully
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
  • Manhunt 2
  • Grand Theft Auto 4
  • Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Between GTA:V's release and now, 11 years just like the previous list, there are the following games:

  • L.A Noire: The VR Case Files
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
nuggetpatrol 9 points ago +9 / -0

Was this based on the TV show? There was a The Fall Guy show on in the early 80s.

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even if they fire every CM in the industry, there are thousands more drones just like them willing to step on you for an ounce of power, and the ability to be the high school mean girl they wished they were when they mattered.

Sadly, that person will find employment at another game company elsewhere, if they haven't already.

nuggetpatrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is what they do rather than write gaming guides.

Kotaku can't die fast enough.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of these look pretty neat, and I hadn't heard of at all. Thanks for the head's up.

nuggetpatrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alright, I was mistaken. It happens from time to time.

I had assumed that twitter might have worked with some sort of friend/block list.
And let's say someone not on the mutual friend list had put the community note up, the account that got noted could wipe it by making it reply list only even after the fact. And if they're not on that list, it'd wipe the note.

So it's definitely shenanigans then. That's kinda sad. The people that need it the most get to avoid it.

nuggetpatrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

I do believe they did sabotage it. Maybe not intentionally, but it feels as though it should have done better. 3 million should have been a success, even for a AA title.

Last August they were praising it. MS said that they were happy with it.

They closed the studio that made it not even ten months saying that.

nuggetpatrol 16 points ago +16 / -0

I think they sabotaged Hi-Fi Rush.

  • They stealth launched it during a game award stream.

  • They made it digital only for a good 90% of it's life. Only recently did it get physical releases (in the last 30 days) on Xbox Series X and PS5. It's still not on Switch. And given their "It'll be available on all current platforms that it's on" it might not get to Switch at all.

  • It was day one on gamepass, so you never had to buy it digitally anyway.

  • There was zero marketing for it that I ever saw outside of the game award stream, and when it had a splash page at launch on Steam (Same day as the gaming stream)

I mean, it's kinda obvious why it failed. Which is a shame because it's got near zero ESG crap in it, (there's one danger hair in it that rescues you at least once) and it plays genuinely well. It's a bit campy here and there, but it's got a fun charm to it.

nuggetpatrol 5 points ago +6 / -1

You're probably right.

I would argue that Fallout 76 could have been a full priced co-op DLC to Fallout 4, and it would have been much better received.

But then they couldn't control the way you play, force you to make an account, tuck an in game shop in there, maintain control over what goes on in the game via the servers, make a private session pay to use for you and your friends, if it was just drop in drop out co-op.

In fact, it seemed like they did everything in their power to specifically add in as many barriers as possible, and then make you pay to convenience your way out, or have to work harder than someone who paid.

If going back to co-op means an end to the above, I'm fine with that.

nuggetpatrol 41 points ago +41 / -0

Disney died when they stopped doing traditional animation. Some of the CG movies afterwards were alright.

But they're at the point now where they could be putting far more time and effort into them, and they're not. They're coasting on good enough, and fucking that up with propaganda.

They actually greenlit a movie where a girl gets her period in Toronto in 2003, directed by a girl who lived in Toronto in 2003, who presumably got her period then.

They've scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard they're tunneling to the core of the earth.

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