fauxgnaws 6 points ago +6 / -0

It says it's from witness interview so the ultimate source would be court filings recently unredacted by Judge Cannon. This is an FBI agent testimony I believe?

Here's The Federalist writeup. It references the same tweet, but it's a real article not a blog and Federalist has more credibility.

This is a fairly recent turn so mainstream media should be covering it in say 5 years or so.

fauxgnaws 12 points ago +12 / -0

Calling it that they'll use Google AI for realtime fact-check. Primed to criticize anything Trump says and spin anything Biden says.

Biden: "We have the most extensive voter fraud organization of all time, even more ballot printers and mules than 2020!"

AI: "Biden was clearly talking about anti- voter fraud. 2020 was the most secure election of all time dating back to ancient Greece."

edit: at the very least they'll use AI to de-age Biden so he doesn't look like a corpse.

fauxgnaws 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nah it didn't go far enough, it was just a warning. Not even any blood!

fauxgnaws 8 points ago +8 / -0

What Jimmy D hasn't woken up to yet is the Biden administration also had the General Services Administration insist Trump take delivery of a bunch of boxes that contained classified documents.

They basically forced Trump to take these boxes, Biden administration illegally transferred classified docs in them (if they were even classified and not Presidential Records), then raided his house to make this fake photo op, then charged him for it.

fauxgnaws 9 points ago +9 / -0

For people that don't understand how you can say this, I recommend watching "A Serious Man" (2009) by the Cohen Brothers. The plot is a Jewish guy being Jewish. Yeah...

It was so bad it made me realize that I have nothing in common with this culture and I reject it.

Since then I've used wokipedia's gold stars to avoid anything with clusters of Jews involved in creating it and couldn't be happier. It's like living in a modern 1940s, where shows were still wholesome and preached decency and values.

fauxgnaws 20 points ago +20 / -0

It sounded like he had a book he was writing and crypto wallet on his work laptop, which they confiscated?

It wasn't super clear but I think he's trying to play nice to get his data back, or prevent them from looking at all this private data and giving it to the freaks.

Which, incidentally, don't put your shit on your work computer.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow your ego is so fragile like a leftist you even have to get the last word.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wall of text. You're like a story book of leftie tropes. Pathetic.

To quote a great man, "Sad!"

fauxgnaws 0 points ago +1 / -1

lol you're throwing a hissy fit that you'll 'vote for kamala' out of spite, ie against your own best interest, because people here are anti-Tusli so you'll get brownie points. If you honestly don't know you're virtue signaling there's nothing more leftie than that.

fauxgnaws 8 points ago +8 / -0

It "performative", to use their words. They're doing an interpretive dance version of what rage looks like.

And so it looks retarded like all interpretive dance.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't give a shit who his VP is. He can pick Pence again, still voting for Trump.

It's weird that you have to virtue signal about his VP choice.

fauxgnaws 0 points ago +1 / -1

"If Trump chooses Tulsi then he's just like the Democrats!"

Except on free speech, spying, the border, manufacturing, taxes, and a little thing called "The Constitution".

You're just a toddler throwing down and when his VP choice doesn't meet your approval, whoever it is, you're going to vote for him anyway. Just like I will when he chooses Kari Lake.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah you're going to vote for Biden because you don't like a VP that has way less chance of being Pres than Kamala. Okay.

fauxgnaws 0 points ago +3 / -3

That's why we have secret ballots. So you can shout from the rooftops what you're absolutely NOT going to do and then do it anyway.

fauxgnaws -2 points ago +3 / -5

I think Tulsi would be a great pick because the onetruephilosoraptor types vowing not to vote Trump/Tulsi will actually vote for him anyway, and she picks up lots of moderates. And the narrative of her saying "I used to think Trump was the Orange Man Bad but I was wrong" is what the country needs.

But the main thing is she seems duty-bound so if Trump were taken out I think she'd carry on his legacy even though it's not what she would have done. I don't see any of the other floated people asking "what would Trump do?"

Either have somebody with a sense of duty or somebody 'worse' like a Rand Paul. Obviously Rand would be way better as a backup President, but we're better off with him in the Senate.

fauxgnaws 6 points ago +6 / -0

The story is a political assassination attempt.

The worm died in like 2011, it's old news. But the headline "JFK Jr has brain worm" is a metaphorical brain worm to make fewer people vote for him since he's pulling more from Biden.

fauxgnaws -1 points ago +1 / -2

Wow you have 32 people you can call up and get them to bring their computer to your house LAN at a moment's notice. Bully for you.

First world problems I guess.

fauxgnaws 0 points ago +1 / -1

UT2004 multiplayer was so much fun. That kind of game is not possible these days without a way to prevent cheaters.

fauxgnaws -1 points ago +1 / -2

Then you have nothing to complain about. Don't buy internet multiplayer games.

fauxgnaws 28 points ago +28 / -0

mRNA is a great idea for individualized treatment for deadly cancers.

They take your cancer, make an rna that shows your immune system how to identify all the cancer cells, and shoot up your arm with it.

Myocarditis or deadly cancer... no brainer. Myocarditis or the common cold... also an opposite no brainer.

fauxgnaws -1 points ago +3 / -4

Unless you only want to play with friends then your choice for multiplayer is 1) cheaters and game is total shit or 2) some method to limit cheating.

The easy solution to rootkits is only use your PC for gaming. Then you get to play without cheaters and there's no worries about them spying on you.

I don't have any problem with rootkits - dual boot to play multiplayer games or use a separate PC - for me the only problem is transparency They have to tell you it's got one. In fact I'd rather Team Fortress 2 had a rootkit; I'd like to play it from time to time, but it's total shit being full of bots. Dual boot to play TF2 with no cheaters? Sign me up.

fauxgnaws 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, it said he purposely went there to check out the protest.

The surveillance tape doesn't capture his specific intent, but now he's told us what it was. You purposely go to the protest, hang out with them, you're part of the protest. If you just go to lunch, there's a protest, and you take a flyer that's another thing.

That's the big thing he should not have admitted to, but we can also read between the lines in things such as him quantifying "4 minutes" when he thinks it'll exonerate him and no qualification whatsoever for how long he was at lunch or working "on the couch". Spoiler: it was waaay longer than 4 minutes.

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