-Fender- 36 points ago +37 / -1

I still remember the thread he posted about Elon's new CEO of X. I was utterly amazed by how much research he had done, and how many sources he provided. Very well-detailed and factual. I could not find a single fault with anything he said.

He very often came across as suffering too much from tunnel vision, but that focus often led to him making extremely informative posts.

I agree that spending less time online can only be good for his mental state, though.

-Fender- 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know he pretty much explicitly stated that it wouldn't be him, but I'd still like to see Vivek Ramaswamy as his VP. I don't know enough about Vivek to trust him as the President atm, but in his campaign, he brought forth a lot of very important discussion topics and raised a lot of good points. He seems to be far more aware than Trump of many issues, such as internet censorship. He'd be able to cover a lot of Trump's blind spots, if he's acting in good faith.

Well, at least it's pretty much confirmed that he'll have a high Cabinet position. That's something, at least.

-Fender- 8 points ago +8 / -0

For the Lord of the Rings movies, they filmed most of it back-to-back, and then took a year editing what they had between movies. I expect that the Hobbit movies followed the same trend, with everything being filmed at once.

-Fender- 12 points ago +12 / -0

"A whore is surprised that people treat her as a whore"

-Fender- 4 points ago +4 / -0

Having the media on your side, which selectively chooses what stories to cover and emphasize, and having a population with the memory of a goldfish, all definitely helps.

-Fender- 2 points ago +2 / -0

What do you mean? Hitler was democratically elected. They did have a choice.

-Fender- 3 points ago +4 / -1

Are you accusing Dr. John Campbell of being a shill for big pharma? Because if so, then I think that you are misguided. He has been extremely critical of them for several years, now. He's just prone to making understatements, because he's very familiar with youtube censorship policies, so he avoids a lot of issues by letting videos he shares speak for themselves.

-Fender- 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm not a doctor myself, so I might be wrong, but from my current understanding, the myocarditis is not a standard feature of mRNA technology. It was a clear and real concern for the covid injections, because afaik, they relied on the theory that the main part required to immunize a person to the virus was to make the body defend itself against the spike protein. And the way they were doing it was by introducing a mRNA that informed cells in the body to create those spike proteins themselves, with the expectation that the body would recognize them as hostile and attack them.

Of course, it failed. The injection spread much farther than intended in the body, invaded the blood stream, the spike protein caused more damage than intended, and formed long, rubbery-like growths that caused blockages, causing heart attacks.

That's roughly how I understood it, anyway. If you use mRNA specifically to target a cancer, then I don't believe that it would cause the same side effects as the covid injections had. I don't think that myocarditis is a standard reaction to the technology, I think that it was something specific to this one case.

I still would never trust it as a "vaccine" intended as a "one-size fits all" approach, though. The technology only seems promising when it has an extremely specific purpose, for a very specific case.

-Fender- 38 points ago +38 / -0

Well, we all suspected that this was coming. RNA injections becoming mainstream and standard, as promoted by a Mr. Bill Gates.

I never took the covid experimental mRNA injection. I was also already very hesitant to ever get another vaccine, ever since I saw that graph showing how essentially every disease that are claimed to have been eradicated by vaccines, were already far into their decline in number of cases before they were even distributed, merely due to an improvement in hygiene standards.

But now that they're going ahead with claiming that mRNA gene therapy is an equally-valid, if not superior, method of vaccination, I say "Fuck that." I refuse to inject myself with some strange substance developed by people I don't trust, who benefit from keeping me consistently ill and dependent on their products, whose safety is guaranteed by the governmental departments that are the most overrun with corruption and conflicts of interests of all, and whose short term, mid term, and long term consequences are unclear, because all serious research into those effects is censored, outlawed and exempt from funding.

-Fender- 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know practically nothing about him, but he's the one who chose that job. Being a streamer is to be an entertainer. To be a dancing monkey for the camera. And from what I know, he's more renowned for playing videogames than for poignant social commentary, so he doesn't even really need to do research or write scripts before he turns on the camera. He can just play videogames and talk about what's happening on screen, or about the gameplay.

His job is far easier than most, even if I personally am probably not suited for it.

-Fender- 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't even be hard. Just a can of brown spray paint, so that it looks like it shat itself.

-Fender- 24 points ago +24 / -0

Wouldn't that still only affect the legal immigration process, though?

Illegal invaders at the borders, or the ones flown in directly, don't seek visas in the first place.

-Fender- 23 points ago +23 / -0

Afaik, she's been utterly irrelevant for about a decade, ever since she insulted gamers during gamergate, implying that we were predators and that she was a victim for having this type of audience.

-Fender- 6 points ago +6 / -0

Recently, I've been reading the trilogy of books by Bernard Cornwell about King Arthur. It's incredible how much history the British isle has, and how little I knew about old British paganist tradition, before the advent of Christianity.

I'd recommend them, if you have any interest in the subject.

-Fender- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, I can attest to being able to find mods for Diablo 2 with a search engine leading me to some forum discussions, where people were linking directly to them.

If your main interest is browsing a large database with a good UI, then sadly, the closest thing to the user friendliness of Nexus Mods that I've found is XIV Mod Archive, for Final Fantasy XIV alone. Otherwise, Nexus really is the best in the industry.

-Fender- 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm assuming that the 2nd one you're referring to is Based Mods? Well, tbh, that was mostly the one I had in mind. I expect that if Stellar Blade ever came out on PC, then it would get its Nexus page for the vast majority of the mods. Some of them that focus on removing censorship will most likely be removed by them. Once that happens, someone will very likely repost them on Based Mods. I agree that navigating it isn't the best, but it's fine for the most part, simply because there are so few mods there to begin with. Basically only the ones that the woke sites won't host.

Other games, like FFXIV, are big enough that people created sites specialized for a single game. I don't expect that Stellar Blade will have that much appeal, but who knows. There are also a lot of modders who have their own patreon pages or their own sites, and there are also a lot of smaller site that can have mods you can find with a Brave search (or whatever search engine you use). But I personally haven't looked too deeply for alternatives, since all the games I play are covered by the options I stated above.

-Fender- 7 points ago +7 / -0

The fact that it's Biden's administration that wanted to alter it makes me very suspicious. It practically sounds like they wanted to turn it into something even far more abhorrent, and Texas is just desperately clinging onto the platter with less shit to swallow.

-Fender- 13 points ago +13 / -0

Because it's not a meme, it's a comic strip.

And the issue with leftist wall-of-text "memes" is that more than half is a set-up for the "joke" that consists of making the reader do mental gymnastics to try to parse the intentions and point of view of the creator. It's never just a simple observation of objective reality, it needs to first redefine reality, before attempting to poke fun at it. That's why they always fall flat.

-Fender- 4 points ago +4 / -0

They're gaining more ground because we concede it constantly. You're arguing in favour of this censorship here from Sony, because fighting against it would, in your opinion, make you look like a "sex-crazed maniac". Constantly conceding every little battle about censorship means that one day, it becomes too far gone, and you've lost all rights. It should be vocally and financially opposed at every turn, even in trite cases like this. It's the only way to maintain free speech and individual rights.

-Fender- 23 points ago +23 / -0

Blood splatter too.

But any censorship imposed by Sony is a step in the wrong direction. Let the studio create the game they want to create, and let the people decide whether or not it's for them, without unrelated executives' meddling.

-Fender- 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no idea what the game is even about. Even if it were to come out on PC, it's unlikely that I would purchase it. But from what I can currently gather, it doesn't seem like the censorship was the decision of the studio. It seems like it was forced by Sony. I would be willing to extent an olive branch for that. It would encourage them to grow. Surely being forced to alter their product by executives left a sour note in the developers' mouths. If they were to branch out from under Sony's wings as a result, then I could only wish them well. But they would need funds to do so.

Besides, restoring the existing game files is an easy fix.

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