acp_k2win 25 points ago +26 / -1

if only there was some consequences for the antisocial behavior of niggers

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

You don't go there to preach, you go there to get the digits of shy chicks who are deluded enough to think that is a "safe space". Your cover story is just talking about comic books, which you like anyway.

acp_k2win 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meh, wear a rainbow flag pin and show up. Maybe you can find a shy autistic girl to save by helping her find Christ.

acp_k2win 17 points ago +17 / -0


This is test to see who will submit to their "authority". Anyone who doesn't convincingly enthusiastically participate is "outed" as an enemy because he doesn't accept their position over him in the social hierarchy. The harpies make notes and target the offenders for punishment to reinforce that structure.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not for maga. For the Rino's who were holding their noses and pretending to go along with it because they saw neocons were dead in the water.

acp_k2win 53 points ago +53 / -0

about 130ish years of psyop that being openly Christian is low-status behavior

And the Civil Rights Act made gatekeeping subversives illegal so no organization for White Christian interests is possible.

acp_k2win 10 points ago +10 / -0

diversity hires will do the inspection and certification so don't worry, whatever it is will

acp_k2win 17 points ago +17 / -0

the gay commies have been going after private cars since at least the late 60s

acp_k2win 17 points ago +17 / -0

except they don't care about Whites getting killed

it will be an Ultra activated to attack blacks that will get the law changed

acp_k2win 17 points ago +17 / -0

oh wow, a fat mutant and an asian twink

its a humiliation ritual where they intentionally put in things that normal people find repulsive and the gay commies and women have been brainwashed into thinking is positive

they see a gross characters that "own the chuds" and get a little hate boner which is why they praise it

acp_k2win 12 points ago +12 / -0

the first game had a homo "romance" option and had getting homos together as a major sidequest, and the normal romance is degenerate female domination

acp_k2win 9 points ago +9 / -0

the faggotry, the anti father's authority theme, the female characters being snarky and disrespecting the male characters and the male characters portrayed as dumb enough to not realize it

gameplay wise it was great and I don't mind grindy games if the gameplay feels good and there is at a bit of progression to reward me

acp_k2win 8 points ago +9 / -1

Early access is marketing speak for unfinished.

If it is anything like the first game you want to let it cook for a minimum of 6 more months, preferably a year, until it is feature complete.

The first game was glommed on to by the tumblr crowd so this one will be even gayer, but if it is mechanically like the first one you the story will be mercifully short and mostly skippable.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +12 / -1

The fact that this is even necessary shows that our civilization doesn't deserve to survive.

acp_k2win 26 points ago +28 / -2

He isn't conservative, he is a gamergate liberal.

He points out feminism but is fine with diversity, faggotry, and anti-Christian messaging.

Look at how he fawned over the Last of Us tv show gay romance novel episode.

acp_k2win 14 points ago +15 / -1

just don't hire faggots or women, they cause all of these problems

acp_k2win 19 points ago +19 / -0

Poor guy didn't have the star power charisma or the business acumen to capitalize on the meteoric moonshot success that was OT Star Wars.

I feel sorry for him at this point, desperately grasping for any tiny crumb of attention that comes his way.

If only he had the balls to say no to the disney paycheck. He could have have died a hero, forever remembered for standing up for the true fans.

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