posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +44 / -5


We’re working on our next game update, Patch 7, which will add improved evil endings to the game for even darker conclusions to your most sinister playthroughs, and yes, that includes you non-Durge players.

I suppose this is good news, but I also bet it's because the bulk of the playerbase finally finished the game ( As if it was that difficult to do ) a lot of the positive reviews were based on Act 1 or Act 2 and people hadn't even gotten to Act 3 yet which is a piss take. They're admitting now the hype has died down they had an unfinished game on their hands and now they seem to be finishing it.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a great example of why steam metrics are worth jack shit in terms of research and marketing purposes. Any honest reviews get drowned out by fanbois and spam or bots reposting shitty memes and bumping each other up. The whole site has turned into a reddit clone with blatant shills covering for each other.