Eltrion 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, This is the CRTC (a regulator), that was the CBC (a broadcaster). It's all the same shit at the end of the day though, the Canadian government is incredibly corrupt when it comes to this sort of thing.

They're all either owned by the government, or rely on the government for so much of their funding that they may as well be

Eltrion 13 points ago +13 / -0

Movie is charitable. It was more like the pilot to a low budget TV spin off.

Eltrion -4 points ago +2 / -6

Alright, I suppose I have to spell it out... Take for instance the way corporations are not owned by the state, and yet they must uphold the state propaganda. Witness the State as God. This is fascism 101. All "Communist" governments eventually become fascist if they wish to endure.

There's a reason for that. Fascism works.

It's awful, but it is possible to have a functioning fascist state. With communism you run out of food and money too quickly.

There's a reason "Communism with Chinese characteristics" is essentially orthodox with fascist doctrine but with some commie window dressing.

Eltrion -2 points ago +3 / -5

Learn to read, retard. I'm talking about the doctrine, not retarded surface level racial takes.

Eltrion -6 points ago +2 / -8

Really? Take a closer look at the doctrines of each and tell me which is a better fit. Admittedly, the current totalitarian ideology has elements of both, but you may be surprised what you find.

Eltrion 33 points ago +39 / -6

Elon always has, and always will be a third faction. Elon is a man who has enough money, power and influence to pursue his own goals, outside of existing paradigms.

This of course pisses the globalhomos off, because they're fascists, and nothing can exist outside of their one world state.

In some ways, Elon is a relic from a bygone era, where an individual may or may not be sympathetic to you on different issues and people couldn't be summed up with a simple label.

Eltrion 17 points ago +17 / -0

Easy. You start the game and something is tedious. Then you upgrade or optimize something to make it less tedious. You get a dopamine hit.

You create a cool building full of machines networked together to do a previously very complex task. You get a dopamine hit every time you see your cool building on the horizon.

A train passes by filled to the brim with resources you used to have to travel across the map for. You get a dopamine hit.

Eltrion 11 points ago +11 / -0

Or Shapez. It's basically the most distilled conveyor game.

Eltrion 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm sure they could find a way to make it more insufferable.

Eltrion 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well, it may be for the best, chances are the crows would be bitching about the climate if it was left up to these hacks to give them new dialog.

Eltrion 13 points ago +13 / -0

No. There are a pair of lackluster new bosses, and now everything looks like paper (and is shiny for some reason.) those are the only selling points.

There's new music (which can be turned off) that isn't as good as the original sound track. Additional fast travel points are convenient but make an already fairly easy game even easier. Those are mixed bags that some people might enjoy.

Downsides: Localization nonsense, game runs at 30fps instead of 60 like the original, text can't be skipped or rewound, infinite continues in the pit to remove any challenge, partners recover with one HP after battle to remove even more challenge (and make danger strats even more busted.) And all the battle status/text stuff (Win, Level up, Bingo, etc.) goes way slower than it did on the GameCube version.

General consensus that you can just load an HD texture pack in dolphin and have a better experience.

Eltrion 28 points ago +28 / -0

Apparently they bothered changing very little from the previous translation, other than the stuff with Vivian, and removing "sexism" (read: anything that references gender that doesn't relate to Vivian).

So acknowledging the tranny is super important, but acknowledging that princess peach is a princess is forbidden.

And they're lazy, so don't believe anyone who says it's a more accurate retranslation. Nothing outside their pet causes got touched. Including the now incredibly dated conversation the crows have about technology.

Eltrion 11 points ago +11 / -0

We're pretty close already (and I, who hate most western voice acting would argue we're already there) to the AI being able to use the input from the Japanese Seiyu and the text of the new English line to do a better job.

Most ethical issues evaporate, and I believe many people would find it preferable, if some of the money that would have been used to hire English voice actors instead went to the original Japanese cast in exchange for the use of their voice's likeness.

The Japanese industry is very different, and they just do a better job and avoid the ego trips so common on this side of the Pacific.

Eltrion 7 points ago +7 / -0

No, Vivian was only trans in the Italian version. In English and German Vivian was a girl, and in all other versions, including Japanese, Vivian was a feminine looking boy, and the confusion other characters had was a source of humour.

Eltrion 2 points ago +2 / -0

With some further research, this line is from stg4_usu_121, and only exists in the switch version. So I guess they're putting this stuff in the Japanese version too. Concerning...

Eltrion 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes, the trans Vivian thing seems to have two sources. 1)Leftist rumors fueled by what they want to be true, and 2) The Italian Translation, which was clearly an activist translation that took substantial liberties with the script. Notice how all the citations are trashy blog posts from gaming rags from the last five years, and the only references from the gamecube era are in reference to the Italian translation.

This whole thing is mostly based on people who don't speak Japanese telling each other with confidence that Vivian is super, for sure, definitely trans in the original script, and taking it as fact, and that Nintendo has censored their trans representation, rather than a Japanese style femboy of the sort you'd see in a cheesy anime.

Eltrion 18 points ago +18 / -0

Yes. Vivian is called a boy consistantly throughout the Japanese script. At no point is Vivian referred to as a girl without it being quickly corrected. Even Vivian does not claim to be a girl outside of the initial "Three Shadow Sisters" line.

This is a classic trap joke. The character is male, everyone knows that Vivian is male. But characters have to correct themselves because the character is so feminine that it messes with their intuition. To claim otherwise shows a lack of understanding of how these Japanese tropes work.

If there is another place in the script where Vivian claims to be a girl, please point it out, but as far as I can tell, this nonsense all hinges on the "Three Shadow Sisters" line, which isn't so much Vivian claiming to be a girl, but rather an effeminate boy acting effeminate as a setup for Beldum to explain that Vivian is a trap.

Eltrion 26 points ago +26 / -0

Don't trust Leftist controlled sources like Wikipedia. Go to the original script. In Japanese, French, and Spanish, the character was male, and his feminine appearance and demeanor was a joke.

Eltrion 5 points ago +5 / -0

Source on this? As far as I know the Japanese script is pretty consistent on Vivian being a boy. Does Vivian even claim to be a girl in the Japanese version outside of introducing the group as the "Three Shadow Sisters?"

Eltrion 11 points ago +11 / -0

For reference, in the original:

English, German: This character is a girl

Japanese, French, Spanish: This character is an Effeminate Boy, and it's played for laughs.

Italian: This character is Transgender.

Eltrion 17 points ago +17 / -0

I need to see an eng(old)/jp(old)/eng(new)/jp(new) comparison on this game as soon as possible.

Eltrion 2 points ago +2 / -0

XBOX also has the least incentive to tough it out. I expect the next XBOX (if there is one) will be a prebuilt PC running XBOX OS which will be a slightly tweaked version of Windows.

Eltrion 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seriously. At this point, if pirates began attacking boats in the English Channel, it would be a net positive for Britain.

Eltrion 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yes, at most he was the Japanese equivalent of that English bugler. More likely he was entirely fictional, or actually just Okinawan.

Eltrion 9 points ago +9 / -0

The whole man/bear thing seems perfectly engineered to make men and women hate each other.

I don't know for what purpose, but it certainly seems effective.

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