BraveNewClownWorld 1 point ago +2 / -1

Catholicism is the only true religion because of its unbroken succession from Peter to today. But also the current pope is an anti christ

I've heard people say this lol

BraveNewClownWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jews have as much power as they do now because christians are even more insane than them

BraveNewClownWorld 3 points ago +4 / -1

Catholics are just wannabe jews. Look at his yalmulke. Religion literally founded on co-opting judaism.

BraveNewClownWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

All those quotes just prove how jewish you are. The message was for the jews and the goyim adopted it. Just because jews rejected it and christians branched off does not change the fact it was a 100% jewish origin.

"It's not jewish, it was just made by jews for jews, but they rejected it and killed christ (which was part of the plan, Q patriots) and we call jews evil now!"

You guys are clowns 🤡

BraveNewClownWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

The secular jews get preferential treatment in academia and media from their tribesmen and start to think they are naturally better than non jews also

BraveNewClownWorld 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Jewish kvetching"

Cool, please reveal more of how you can't refute my simple fact so you do your gay quote thing and say mean things like an internet badass.

BraveNewClownWorld 13 points ago +13 / -0

"Said two people familiar with the dynamic"

Why do people still fall for this shit

BraveNewClownWorld -3 points ago +3 / -6

Umm, Christians are neo- jews. They literally want the same thing. Christians will side with Israel over Massie

BraveNewClownWorld 7 points ago +7 / -0

Socialist definitions:

Whiteness: The normalized system of oppression created by white people; capitalism.

Capitalism: Private Property Ownership.

White Supremacy: Anyone who upholds whiteness, i.e capitalism. Actual race is irrelevant.

The right is so confused by leftists because they don't actually understand what they are saying.

BraveNewClownWorld -1 points ago +1 / -2

You literally read the Torah and worship the God of Israel. Of course their are some differences, you practice the version for good goys and they stick to the OG material.

I don't care what some coping faggot wrote about it lol. You are a literal offshoot of judaism and nothing you say will change that fact.

BraveNewClownWorld -3 points ago +2 / -5

I mean, you saying this just confirms it was judaism up until a certain point, then it branches off. It's an offshoot; a sect of judaism.

BraveNewClownWorld -5 points ago +2 / -7

Yes, most definitely the relationship between them has changed over the centuries.

But at the end of the day, Christians affirm the Torah and their big disagreement is on whether Jesus was the messiah or not. The more recent end times focused zionist Christians are cancer, but if they believe in Jewish prophecies, it's not surprising they line up to serve Jewish interests.

BraveNewClownWorld -6 points ago +3 / -9

That's the narrative I hear but Christianity is literally just a sect of judaism, so I don't accept it.

BraveNewClownWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

I made the switch. It's not hard but it does take some effort. I refuse to use reddit and one thing that is cool is most info you need can be found on other sites.

Single player games on steam have been pretty easy, but I don't game a whole lot anymore. Usually a quick search on protonDB gives you the best way to run the game. This is usually just a steam setting change of what proton version to use and sometimes adding a launch command.

BraveNewClownWorld 8 points ago +8 / -0

They don't say that phrase because they are antisemitic, they say that because they view Israel as an oppressive capitalist nation, just like they view the USA.

The media (especially rightwing) is trying to make it seem like the students are targeting jews. That is so far from the truth it's laughable.

(Muslims are saying it to target jews, but the useful idiot socialists white kids in college aren't.)

The socialists goal is eradicating private property ownership, which is a system they call Capitalism. Even when they say "whiteness" they just mean Capitalism. "White supremacy" is anyone who upholds Capitalism, because white Europeans built that system to colonize and privatize what should be the collectives land. This is how they can unironically call black people "white supremacists", it has nothing to do with race.

BraveNewClownWorld 16 points ago +17 / -1

Covid lockdowns and 2020 insanity.

I saw the blatant lies and started looking at what else they lied about. Turns out when jews control your media, politicians, academia; its everything.

I think a lot of people decided to finally hear out those fringes you mentioned and realized they, and many people before them, had made some good observations over the centuries.

BraveNewClownWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn't help china had a 1 child policy which resulted in people aborting females in order to have male heirs

BraveNewClownWorld 20 points ago +21 / -1

Translation from jew shill to English:

Protects privileged minorities from growing criticism.

BraveNewClownWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their semitic magic isn't very strong once you know the trick behind it. They essentially just attach emotions to words and then use these emotions to direct behavior.

Once this little trick gets discovered, they usually start a big war or something to distract everyone and reset the stage for the next round

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