AnimeAnon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah that's true, there are also just extremely autistic freaks as well. Pretty much every alt community has some of those. I don't venture outside this win myself so I'm not too surprised, though it is unfortunate that all of these retards seem to be coming together at around the same time.

AnimeAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really don't think that people who come from a region where superheroes have some of the biggest cultural impact and appeal have any right to complain about "power fantasies".

AnimeAnon 25 points ago +26 / -1

He's also the writer/creator for Gurren Lagann, (a.k.a. the pinnacle of all anime imo), plus he was an editor for the iconic Getter Robo series. I'm completely unsurprised he's still based as he was in the past.

Absolute legend (though he's at his best when he's working with Imaishi imo),

AnimeAnon 14 points ago +14 / -0

I guess mods are too busy banning people who criticize Jewish overrepresentation than dealing with something that online moderators have been expected to do since their inception.

AnimeAnon 19 points ago +19 / -0

That dude is a well-known faggot, been the case since MK11 iirc.

AnimeAnon 9 points ago +9 / -0

Recognizing a potential market is not the same thing as artificially creating said market. If it somehow leads to a bubble, it'll pop, big deal. That's their problem if that's the case.

Multiplayer games in general have the potential to be infinite income vortexes, as companies have figured out. That has a lot more to do with the games as a service model and the nature of online multiplayer games in general though rather than just co-op.

As for singleplayer, there are western AAA companies that try to make singleplayer content... they usually just suck dogshit at it, and are also often pozzed and not worth supporting. (Unless by "real" you mean quality, which is more of a cultural and talent problem than a lack of intent to create the content in question).

AnimeAnon 38 points ago +40 / -2

I'm starting to get tired of these inane "musings" posts.

Now co-op actually getting traction again after years of stagnation is some insane conspiracy? Normal gamers who have friends and siblings have lamented the loss of things like splitscreen gameplay for years. Co-op making a surge is hardly some conspiracy, if anything it's something to be celebrated.

I'm not a huge co-op person but plenty of my friends, their friends, and my siblings friends are.

Yeah, companies will take advantage of it if it gets popular, but they take advantage of everything that can get popular, that's just their nature as corporations.

Just because co-op games aren't for you, that doesn't mean they're intended to ruin the fucking game industry through some absurd casualization nonsense (and on that note, games like Dark Souls have had co-op multiplayer since the beginnings of their franchises). I think you're just out of touch with what a lot of regular people want in their games. A lot of people like having fun with their friends in games. For some it's multi-player, others it's co-op, and some it's both. Gaming has been a social experience since the early days when people would crowd around arcade machines, and co-op has been a thing for at least 3, if not possibly 4 decades in gaming. It's really not hard to figure out.

AnimeAnon 26 points ago +26 / -0

it's a cat lady lawyer that lives in New York

Wew, I feel bad for anyone who ever had to interact with that freak.

AnimeAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm glad I don't make accounts on most sites, period.

AnimeAnon 42 points ago +43 / -1

healthy active 45-year old guy suddenly dies of an extremely painful bacterial antibiotic-resistant infection and pneumonia, and also got a stroke on top of this

If they're seriously using lethal (and honestly torturous) bioweapons against individual whistleblowers now, we're probably totally fucked. The armed goons last time were bad enough but there are logistical and potential trust issues, human error and footprint, being inherent loose ends, possible witnesses/cameras, etc. that come with using them.

Bioweapons basically have none of those as long as you have a way of delivering it without being obviously detected, and that seems to be the case here.

Brian Knowles, one of Dean’s lawyers, said he didn’t want to speculate about the close timing and circumstances of the two deaths.

Well shit, even the lawyer seems afraid now, and I can't really blame him.

I guess the lawsuit's probably finished.

AnimeAnon 15 points ago +15 / -0

We really need to bring back asylums.

AnimeAnon 7 points ago +7 / -0

If that's (somehow) actually the case, then just allow it as an alternative costume to assuage people's complaints, people have already seen it and it looks literally just like a censored version that we have seen so many times in so many other games.

AnimeAnon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Nintendo of America is no stranger to censorship.

AnimeAnon 29 points ago +29 / -0

"children and teens have been subjected to online harassment, bullying, and other harms for far too long"

"toxic content"

This bill seems more like an effort to curtail speech and anonymity online than anything else.

People should be skeptical of something called the "kids online safety act". Usually when you see something receive bipartisan support, its some uniparty bullshit meant to erode the rights of the American people, enrich themselves, or get us into a war (or all of the above), and I strongly suspect this is no different.

Not to mention the bill is being supported by snakes like fucking Chuck Schumer, if that's not a massive red flag (and an indicator that such a bill would be useless against actual threats to children) I don't know what is.

AnimeAnon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Unfortunately xseed lost the only people who cared even remotely about censorship about 6-ish years ago, the other 90% of the other staff there are generally hostile towards Japanese products.

AnimeAnon 14 points ago +14 / -0

I've recently been playing Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 for the first time, they've been good, though Baldur's Gate 2 is such a massive game in terms of side content by comparison to 1. I'm kinda a bit exhausted from the sheer amount of sidequests so I took a small break. It's good content so far but damn is there a lot of it.

Otherwise I've just been replaying Diablo 1 on the side, it's great. One of the only games to ever truly nail (grim)dark fantasy perfectly (hell it might be the only one if I'm being honest). If you just want a game that's pure, simple fun condensed into one of its purest forms, its great. I nearly wasted a week of vacation time just figuring out something to do, but then decided on a whim to play Diablo again, did it all night and beat it in 2 days. Been a great game ever since I was a small kid and terrified of it.

Otherwise I'll just say some of my favorite pre-2010 games in no particular order: Fire Emblem (GBA), Final Fantasy 4 (the DS version is the best one imo), Dragon Quest V, Starcraft 1, Chrono Trigger, Warcraft 2 and 3, Heroes of Might and Magic 2, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky trilogy, Age of Empires 2, Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1, Valkyria Chronicles, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers, etc.

AnimeAnon 36 points ago +37 / -1

I think that's only a small part of it.

People will only revolt when things are really intolerable generally. The founding fathers of America were aware of this. Its a big deal for dissent against the government to rise to violence, and it shouldn't be done on a whim or casually (as you can see with the French revolutions or with the Arab spring).

There are also still legal avenues to pursue, and things aren't as bad as they could be yet. Its been a gradual erosion. Currently the pot is still on simmer.

People like to meme that the American Revolution just happened because "muh based founding fathers killed all their enemies the second their rights were threatened", but the reality is that they exhausted all their legal options and all attempts to resolve the situation peacefully before doing it. We aren't at that point yet.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

  • Declaration of Independence
AnimeAnon 26 points ago +27 / -1

Stop teaching girls how to end up as permanently angry cat ladies.

AnimeAnon 12 points ago +12 / -0

A pawn in a fruitless battle?

Their dogshit article has already confirmed it to be an affronting landmark in a war that they believed was already won for their side. Its absolutely pathetic, and its also comical. This kind of article shows how afraid they really are.

Though as a result, I do expect the pressure on Stellar Blade to be increased if media attacks continue, I wouldn't be surprised if Soyny tries some of their usual bullshit.

AnimeAnon 11 points ago +11 / -0

“OMG. Nickelodeon? It wasn’t a studio, it was Neverland Ranch with craft services,”

You give this fag way too much credit, repeating old debunked false allegations instead of the real shit. (Hell MJ himself was abused by Hollywood jews, part of the reason he despises them so much). A better comparison would've been Epstein's island or the Lolita Express. Even when he's """"based"""", he's still a bullshit merchant, repeating shit everyone already knew.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a smokescreen for something else important at the moment. If he actually gets fired for this, I might admit this was an actual "based" moment from him. Until then, he's a snake as he always has been and his motives for anything like this should be looked at with suspicion.

To be on leftist television for this long you basically have to give up your soul, Maher is far from an exception on that.

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