Much of the surge in trolling (along with the activation of accounts not seen in a while like Haterjuiced) just happens to coincide with it now only being 6 months to election season. A perfect length of time for contract work to occur.

Those who've been around the internet block know how increases in shilling and trolling always happens the closer it gets to American elections but I thought I'd just point it out to those who either forgot or didn't notice.

One of the known tactics of modern shilling is to make places less interesting and more unappealing by trolling so that regular users will try to avoid using the place. Look into COINTELPRO tactics if you don't believe me.

They've been a known force on imageboards for a while, at least since the GG days, plus it's obvious to see their effects on reddit during past elections.

(And honestly that makes inaction by the moderation on these faggots all the more damning, but I digress)

TL;DR its likely not organic trolling.


Just an FYI for those unaware since this is a rare, potentially once in a lifetime showing. Its the first time the movies are airing in American theaters.

You can find ticket and theater locations here:


Aniplex's subtitles are soulless but its still Gurren Lagann. The second movie is also the actual good one. It covers the second half of the series.

Gurren Lagann is one of those rare and special series with a lot of heart, soul and meaning packed into it, still my favorite anime after almost 9 years when I first watched it as a college freshman. I consider it the greatest anime of all time.

I checked out the first movie on this Tuesday, it was okay, more tolerable in theaters than when I watched it on my PC like 1-2 years ago since the theaters audio and environment help obscure the flaws and issues with it. Its no substitute for the series though.

If you haven't watched Gurren Lagann before, you can just watch episodes 1-15, then watch the second movie if you want to catch the theatrical release. The series is still largely better but the second movie is good enough that I can still recommend it as an acceptable way to experience the second half of TTGL (just make sure you watch the series conclusion afterwards too).


Been kinda in a funk WRT entertainment lately. I don't feel like watching an epic story or anything too serious or focused right now, but I want to be entertained in some way.

Almost anything that isn't too long or continuous will work (e.g. sitcoms, episodic shows, cartoons/anime that are easy to watch but you wouldn't lose anything by dropping them, entertaining YT videos that aren't just memes, etc.)


Lately I've been having a craving to play games, but nothing too high commitment like a massive RPG or anything since I've been pretty busy lately, so I've been playing some old flash games from my youth.

Unfortunately I've found a lot of them don't work, or have gated exclusive content to certain websites that don't even function properly anymore, but its nice when it works without hassle.

Right now I'm playing Epic War 1 and 2, Age of War, and recently finished up Sin Mark (suffers from the exclusive problem) and dropped Warlords because damn, its harder than I remembered, I must've went hard in beating that game as kid. Recently played The Last Stand 2 which was alright; wanted to play Gemcraft but way too much content was locked so I stopped.

Anyone got any great recommendations from the old days? (Or new ones too I guess, but the new ones I've seen so far look... off)


Just finished some fanmade campaigns of the Shadowrun video games and I feel like playing more CRPGs now.

I'm fine with most anyhting as long as the plot is good, the characters/party members are likable (and preferably attractive if you get chick members/romances), and the world is interesting. A good combat system would be preferable if possible. Settings don't matter to me, could be fantasy, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, etc.

If you can roleplay in dialogue effectively, that's cool too. I don't need the game to be overly complex like having 30 different ways to do every mission, but having at least a few options would be nice. I enjoyed Shadowrun's approach personally so anything like that would be cool.

I was enjoying Dragon Age Origins earlier this year until my HDD failed with my save data on it and don't feel like starting it back up again, RIP.

Not interested in Baldur's Gate 3 atm, plus my laptop would probably chug while running it anyways.


Just mildly curious, since there's not many quality people on the platform who don't have issues nowadays imo (Often drama/politics-related), I'm curious to see if anyone's got any recommendations for some good ones left.

Side note: I use invidio.us instances to avoid giving my data (and views) up to YT, plus its a lightweight front-end to youtube that doesn't get ads or anything like that. Would recommend it to anyone interested in those benefits.

Some of mine off the top of my head in terms of gaming that I regularly watch(ed):

SsethTzeentach - many already know about this dude, basically an old holdover memer from 4chan/8chan days who makes funny game reviews, he's an entertaining guy, though he has self-censored compared to his past self because of YT, still worth watching. He spawned a bunch of clones on YT and is probably this generation's equivalent of AVGN in that respect.

Mangs - Fire Emblem and Advance Wars (and strategy/tactics video games) youtuber, he's a pretty uncucked and funny guy. Does what he wants, shitposts and plays games, a lot of memes come from him. Was cancelled by pretty much the entire Fire Emblem community 2 years ago but still survived and stayed strong despite it.

LoreRunner - Probably autistic dude who does analyses of many different kinds of games, he's probably a mild to moderate leftist if I had to guess, but I've rarely heard him bring up politics and he's willing to justify villains in his analysis instead of being some cringy pearl-clutching guy. Seems alright to me at least.

AfreecaTV (and various other channels) - I just watch for the Starcraft 1 and 2 content, the ASLs and GSLs with Tastosis were nice; don't watch the Masters shit outside of Korea, its awful.

Used to watch Day9TV but he turned soy in the last 3 years, though if you want some great content, he had some great stuff pre-2020 (where Floyd turned even people like Day9 who never brought up politics into openly leftist ideologues). His Amnesia playthrough is still the best on YT imo, though I'd watch his stuff through a front-end like Invidio.us to not give views. He has some great playthroughs in the past and his old Starcraft 2 content is top-tier.

There's others I don't regularly "watch", but their stuff was always funny in the past if I go revisit it, like Manslay3r's gamer poop videos.

In terms of anime YTers:

Gigguk is a pretty funny guy who makes high quality videos ranging from tongue-in-cheek stuff, to recommending anime/manga, genre breakdowns, shitposts, abridged series, etc.

Joey/TheAnimeMan - More his old content, his new shit doesn't even talk about anime anymore, he's pretty pretentious and less interesting compared to Gigguk, don't expect too much but he's alright. He's a moderate leftist though, not a total pearl-clutcher since he's willing to defend controversial stuff in anime but a naive "nice guy" idiot.

Trash Taste is an alright podcast who features the above 2 youtubers, plus a guy named Connor and sometimes some big guests, they only occasionally talk about anime though so its kind of a meme now.

And various other YTers for one-offs and videos otherwise.