AcidOverlord 2 points ago +2 / -0

My rule is always "if its cheap, common, and a couple years old, it will work with Linux out of the box."

It's very, very rarely wrong.

AcidOverlord 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sooo many quarters wasted. You could almost cheese it with Donatello's reach but not really. And once you were down to Raph lmao good fucking luck.

AcidOverlord 3 points ago +3 / -0

The midwest is starting to get this way on the other end of the scale. "Democrat hunting season" is a meme amongst the rural folk here, but more and more over the last 2-3 years I've noticed many of them have stopped smiling when they say it.

AcidOverlord 1 point ago +1 / -0

I enjoy NMS quite a bit, but after ~200 hours the main draw is looking for things I haven't already seen a million times. Also the game is hard to play because of the massive, constant crashing every 20 minutes that goes on for weeks after every update. I had to quit playing it again recently because they updated the space stations and now I can't accomplish a single mission in full before a hard crash to desktop. In 4 or 5 months they'll drop a stability patch and it'll go back to crashing every 3-4 hours and I'll get to enjoy it again.

AcidOverlord 7 points ago +11 / -4

Like the saying goes: linux is only free if you don't value your time.

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. I haven't done a Linux install in 15 years that wasn't just "boot from live USB/CD, click install, answer 5 questions, wait for installer + reboot, now everything just werks."

Quit trying to install Gentoo and Arch for memes and just slap Ubuntu / Mint in your shit.

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +4 / -0

I argued this a few years back. The Internet was too good at letting people see what the world is really like. You don't have to listen to CNN's lies about what's happening in Bumfuckistan, you know a guy on a forum who lives there and he's got the firsthand story.

They're gonna Balkanize the Internet. A Great Firewall of China for every country.

AcidOverlord 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its already happened. They got kicked off their hosting about four years ago and nearly died, and when they came back they had to start banning "muh hate speech" to stay online.

AcidOverlord 6 points ago +6 / -0

I volunteered to do church charity dinners for the homeless years ago. Let me chime something in:

About 80-85% of those people want to be homeless. They've got free housing, free food, they all have fucking iPhones, nobody bothers them, and they substitute cheap drugs for everything about life that you or I would find lacking in that "lifestyle." These bleeding heart efforts are the infrastructure that enables them to live this way and they milk it for all its worth.

The remaining 15-20% are actual human beings who got fucked, usually through little fault of their own. Bankrupted by a medical bill and the mortgage foreclosed. Surprise layoff right as the car broke down. Catastrophic divorce that took everything but the shirt off his back. These people were almost never around for more than 1-2 months. They used the charity service as a springboard to get their shit together and re-launched their lives ASAP. They go from the shelter and panhandling to a cheap hotel and a shower for job interviews to their first paycheck and a cheap room rented, in record time. Most of them are living normally again in less than a year.

Here's one of the biggest redpills I ever got in my life. The dinner had a small dessert table but the rule was that you had to turn in a clean plate to go to it, meaning you ate the free food and were still hungry. I watched a "homeless" mother and daughter, both black and both well over 300lbs each, get their plates of food, sneak over to the trashcan, and scrape the food off into the garbage without so much as picking at it. Then waddle up and turn the plates in to get cheesecake.

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +4 / -0

I bitched about this back in FO3, saying I think they added an extra zero by mistake. 20 years feels a lot more realistic, or maybe even 50. But 200? That's nearly the time frame from the American Revolution to the modern day.

AcidOverlord 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was tried with Vanwanet, Nick Lim's project that kept 8kun online. Let me tell you how that went.

First because a CDN has to have nodes with high bandwidth all around the world, he was forced to kick several websites off because the Russians hate hentai. They told him if he didn't remove those sites from his network, then all of Vanwanet would be blocked in Russia and their Russian datacenter would be confiscated. He complied, because "friends in governments" was more important than clients.

Then the company was subjected to round-the-clock hacking attacks. Not the usual background noise that the internet deals with, but specific, targeted, committed attacks by activists over a long period of time. Eventually they got in, and dumped lists of every clearnet IP and domain that Vanwanet was serving, opening every site up to DDoS attacks again, and they also published the contact information for every domain on the network, doxxing thousands of people.

Then the media attacked, using the leaked list of sites and dox they went after site owners and their families, even calling people's employers to ask for statements about why they were using "alt right" tech platforms. They did this because Vanwa was content neutral, and among all of its other sites it was providing services for 8kun and the daily stormer. They harmed thousands of people to get to maybe five websites they didn't like. Scorched Earth.

AcidOverlord 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not sure. He was mid-rant and still going but I backed up the video to catch some earlier parts that I missed. When I clicked Live again it was gone.

AcidOverlord 17 points ago +17 / -0

The Magic Historian is losing his shit over finding out Sweet Baby has been up WotC's ass this whole time, ruining his favorite game. This is big. This guy is considered reputable on a level that TheQuartering and others never were.

Related too: SBI talk is blowing up all over the chans and Twitter today too. Hitpiece articles are dropping. #GamerGate2 was trending today. AND this is #GG's 10th anniversary year! https://8chan.moe/v/res/941186.html#q942683

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +4 / -0

So this isn't confirmed anywhere legit and amounts to my own thoughts from info I've gathered about it. Basically the Committee already has more money than any country's GDP, so what they trade in is power and the leverage to keep the entire racket running. Hitler's deal was banning banks from charging interest and making loans to people directly from the treasury for free (see the details about his "economic miracle" that recovered Germany from the depression and Wiemar - this was a big part of it).

Bank interest on loans is both where a huge chunk of the Committee's "legitimate" money comes from as well as how they control governments by leveraging their national debt. Saddam did this too, dropping bank currency for gold and banning interest. So did Gaddafi. Trying to pry the Committee's tentacles out from your country's financial sector seems to be the fastest way to get on their shitlist.

AcidOverlord 2 points ago +2 / -0

The last people who opposed them in any real way were named Hitler, Khameni, Hussein, and Gaddafi. Xi Xinping was either a member or one of their agents, so I don't know if the kerfuffles going on are him going rogue or just puppet show and I could only speculate. The stuff I posted above came from the CIAs own leaked files though.

AcidOverlord 10 points ago +10 / -0

Here's a hell of a redpill for you. In Wikileaks dump of the CIA classified docs was information about a group called "The Magicians." In the 1990s a guy wrote a book about them and gave them the name "The Committee of 300" (book is the same title). He provided receipts too. The Committee is the modern day "illuminati" and he gives a detailed history on how they came to be.

Long story short, Britain was making a fuckload of money off the opium trade back in the 1800s. When the UK government officially ended the trade due to public pressure it continued illegally because the British Royal Family owned most of the operations that were now "illegal." And now they didn't have to pay taxes on any of it, and they were in charge of law enforcement so they could get away with it. So the illicit opium trade continued but all the money (paid in gold usually) went straight to the royal family. They became the worlds biggest and oldest drug cartel.

By the late 1800s the royal family was sitting on a massive pile of dirty money and they needed a way to launder it. So they started using their influence to get people to look the other way while they either founded or bought up a bunch of banks. When other governments got wind of this, the Royal Family used their extended family connections (somebody's cousin's cousin was always a prime minister in whatever fucking country) and just bought them off by bringing them into the cabal and giving them a slice.

When other bankers like Rothschild noticed and were too big to buy off, threaten, or assassinate the cabal just offered them an invitation to the table. So the few major banks who weren't part of this trillion dollar scheme became a part of it. Rothschild and Morgan were the huge ones but they bought off basically anybody they needed to, until they reached a number of members, 300, where they decided to call it good. 300 people were the most they felt they could cajole to keep the whole thing a secret. So the worlds biggest drug cartel became the worlds biggest banking cartel too.

Between WW1 and WW2 the committee did a study on propaganda and realized that if you got every newspaper to say the same story, about 73% of people would believe it. With all the political upheavals of that era they decided to leverage this by using their unimaginable pile of money to buy up newspapers. This would later be extended to other kinds of media. So the drug/bank cartel also became an international media cartel.

Then in WW2 the British had a problem. The biggest reason they kept antagonizing Germany was because Hitler knew about the Committee ("small, rootless, international clique") and refused to play ball or allow them to operate in Germany. But the Committee had a novel idea. Their drug running operation meant that they had contacts all over the world already who were loyal to them and not whatever government they were under. What if they leveraged that huge network for intelligence gathering? They did, and the office that controlled it all was established as MI6 of James Bond fame. Unlike the other MI divisions, MI6 was answerable directly to the British sovereign. This was because as head of the Royal Family the sovereign was head of the Committee of 300 as well.

During and after the war it was MI6 and the SAS who helped America set up the CIA, and the committee made sure that the new CIA was shot through with their agents in America. Then when the CIA helped all those other little countries, especially in South America set up their own intelligence services during the Cold War the Committee agents in the CIA made sure that all of those new services had Committee agents in high places too.

Fast forward half a century and the Committee has used its virtually unlimited money to buy up a piece of damn near everything, and because of their intelligence agents they usually know the details about important global affairs before the President does. Anybody who becomes wealthy and powerful enough who shows loyalty to them gets a place in line as a member (members only leave when they die and most of the "inner groups" seats are hereditary) but when a seat opens up its people like Bill Gates and George Soros who take up the vacant spots.

AcidOverlord 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've seen this too. Right after 2020 I was in a gas station that I stop at regularly and I've seen the lady at the counter a million times. I catch the end of a conversation she's having where she's shitting on Trump. So as she rings me out I ask her

So what policy of Trump is it that you don't like? I don't mean his personality. What did he do as President that made you hate him so much?

And the bitch bluescreened. She went kinda slack jawed and deer-in-headlights staring right past me for about 8 or 9 seconds before shaking her head and stammering out "I just.. I don't like him. I DO NOT LIKE THAT MAN." And that was it.

If you hold a very strong opinion, but are unable to articulate why you believe it, then you are likely a victim of propaganda.

AcidOverlord 6 points ago +6 / -0

I used to roll up into town with a pair of Dead Thralls and chase her around while she yells "Get away from me!"

Local bully not so tough since being molested.

AcidOverlord 0 points ago +3 / -3

Most people envision the Conservative <> Progresive spectrum as a tug of war, where the flag on the rope is pulled back and forth from one side to the other. This is how the Left sees it, and they think the flag pulling to their side is what counts as progress.

The reality is this: I want you to imagine a drill bit boring down into a block of wood. On the top of the drill bit is a Yin and Yang symbol, with Yin representing chaotic progress, and the Yang representing stagnation. As the conservatives and progressives go round and round "against" each other, the bit turns. The actual progress of society is the increasing depth of the bit as it bores down into the wood. The wood shavings that exude up out of the hole and fall away are the bad ideas. The "dustbin of history." And the reality is that if either the Yin or Yang becomes too powerful and dominates the turning force on the bit, then the bit will become unstable. It will flex, and bend, and even eventually break if the force applied to drive it becomes too unbalanced on one side.

Wise conservatives understand that society needs progressives. Progressives are the gas and conservatives are the brakes and ever so rarely the Reverse gear. The danger is squarely from the other camp: "Progressives" don't understand that they need conservatives. And not only do they not respect their necessity, they hate them and consider them to be outright evil. Progressives are constantly trying to unbalance the drill bit, and every time they succeed millions die.

AcidOverlord 5 points ago +5 / -0

Give me some examples of Right wing views that aren't far Right.

Man the fucking looks I get with that one. Anything from deer-in-headlights to incoherent rage.

AcidOverlord 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even if you're a non-believer, the symbol is literally, intentionally representing evil itself. Every lie, every vice, every crime, every debauchery. Do you really want that being enshrined in a government building?

Enshrining a fucking Swastika would be literally a million times less evil than using Satan himself.

AcidOverlord 10 points ago +10 / -0

Kennedy wasn't having any of their bullshit excuses abour High Enriched Uranium coming from their reactor (and as Israel later admitted half the facility was fake to cover up their bomb making operation) and threatened to cut off all US aid if they didn't open it up to IAEA inspections and admit they were a nuclear power. He was killed 5 months later and Johnson immediately revoked all of the restrictions that Kennedy had tried putting on Israel. It was like his first or second act after swearing in.

AcidOverlord 8 points ago +8 / -0

I said this in a similar Twitter thread about a year ago. Every boy who is old enough to walk and run knows what it means to find a "good stick." Its literally in our DNA.

AcidOverlord 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is literally why KF was attacked in the first place. Keffals was black-marketing this shit to kids and KF found out about it.

AcidOverlord 12 points ago +12 / -0

If you know your esoterics, Fulcanelli's master supposedly became an immortal being by transforming into an androgynous form that was neither male nor female. Considering how hard the global elites bought into that shit a century ago I suspect that this is more what they're in line with. Either that or my original theory that the aliens are gay androgynous space communists and only help out species that are androgynous space communist enough, so the world leaders are falling all over themselves to make it happen.

AcidOverlord 5 points ago +5 / -0

A fictional character from the artist's imagination.

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