Ahaus667 14 points ago +14 / -0


By modernizing this framework, streaming services can now “make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.” “Based on the public record, the CRTC is requiring online streaming services to contribute 5% of their Canadian revenues to support the Canadian broadcasting system. These obligations will start in the 2024-2025 broadcast year and will provide an estimated $200 million per year in new funding,” the Government of Canada said. This funding will be “directed to areas of immediate need” such as local news on radio and television, French-language content, Indigenous content, and content created by and for equity-deserving communities, official language minority communities, and Canadians of diverse backgrounds,” the Government of Canada said.

Ahaus667 7 points ago +8 / -1

How convenient, apparently tryinng to fear monger h5n2 wasn’t working since it was first documented in humans in 2005. (They’re now screaming first death because it hit someone who was already on deaths door)


Ahaus667 32 points ago +32 / -0


Aaron Pelletier, a husband, father of two young boys and beloved colleague, was killed Thursday afternoon, reportedly hit by an intoxicated driver while conducting a traffic stop along I-84 in Southington.

A heterosexual father of two gets “honored” by a female city council flying the fag flag at half mast.

Ahaus667 23 points ago +23 / -0

The CRA is unconstitutional on its own face. Freedom of association now only means corporations can exist according to the government.

Ahaus667 22 points ago +22 / -0

The problem is that academia knows this and doesn’t care. They will always push the noble savage lies because it’s a way to displace western society. This is the same as “intersectionality” that was disproven years ago, the tabula rasa that was disproven years ago, on and on. The founding myths of the modern zeitgeist rely on being able to turn a man into a woman, an aboriginal into a rocket scientist, and a woman into a warrior. This is why DEI was so necessary to them, why feminism and “girl bosses” are necessary. They can’t accept inherent differences in people because that would completely shatter their entire life’s purpose.

Ahaus667 26 points ago +26 / -0


This does a pretty good job showing what space fires look like.

Ahaus667 2 points ago +2 / -0

The show still holds up, rewatched it a few years ago during the pandemic

Ahaus667 13 points ago +13 / -0

Do you think they give out the skins for free because otherwise the sales (or lack there of) could be tracked and used to signify stockholders the damage they’re doing to profits wasting time on it?

Ahaus667 20 points ago +20 / -0

Scholastic had some of the best animal and biology introduction books in the 90s. I would devour their/ nat geos books about sharks, spiders, and other predators by them growing up. Them and DK publishing used to be the standard for child stem books.

Ahaus667 25 points ago +25 / -0

Anytime a leftist uses “debunked” they are knowingly lying. They’re trying to set the “argument” into a framework that they can debate, or at least lie enough about to seem correct.

Ahaus667 20 points ago +22 / -2

I think one of the biggest social shifts in the next 5 years is going to be the working class American black men completely disassociating themselves from the left.

Ahaus667 10 points ago +10 / -0

Based was a tongue in check mockery of the left unironically using words like woke I thought. At least that’s what I always saw it as. Most times people used based whenever a leftist accidentally said something honest.

Ahaus667 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with that is women will do that and then use it to poison perception of the dad when he refuses. Women will use kids as weapons almost every time.

Ahaus667 8 points ago +8 / -0

Shared custody isn’t quite the victory most think it is. Women by default are given primary custody, this is why women can take the child and move out of state with little to no recourse on the father’s end. There’s also the very real financial burden placed solely on men who have to pay legal fees for both parties in most cases. Partial custody, like you said, also doesn’t lower or eliminate child care expenses, and makes the burden, once again, entirely on the male (for example, if the father pays for their kids haircut and clothing even though it is supposed to be paid for by child support, he can not write it off or lower payment, instead he would have to appeal to lower child support which involves more expenses and will be denied almost every time. If the man loses his job he will still have to pay the same until the courts deem otherwise. On and on and on.)

Ahaus667 15 points ago +15 / -0

Because the mother is granted custody by default under the law in every circumstance unless the state deems otherwise (in which case the state takes custody and chooses whether to release custody to the father). You add in the fact that men often have to pay for their ex wives lawyers because they are the “provider” and you can easily see why men go no contest, they simply can not afford to pay for two lawyers, alimony, child support, and court fees. Very few people in the country can afford that expense.

Ahaus667 12 points ago +12 / -0

I know it's orthodoxy here, and I believe there's a core of truth to it, but is that really true? Folks defending the system claim that most men don't even ask for custody, and that this explains a large part of this. What do you say to that?

This one is easily debunked, they are describing current numbers after the dust has settled so to speak. When you look at the rates since the adoption of no fault divorce it’s like a cliff drop in the past 20 years because any family lawyer will even tell you it’s an absurdly expensive process and you are at the complete whim of judges whose track records speak for themselves. The system created the no contests because it’s financially impossible for the 80% to win. This extends so far that even men who want to take their own children off the adoption list after their mother released them to the state will have to pay thousands in legal fees and court costs to do so.

Ahaus667 29 points ago +29 / -0

A lot of fathers don't, that implies a majority, there’s only one demographic in which that is the case. Men are stripped of their families by default and have to fight near impossible odds to even get shared custody. The system is designed against men from the get go, and was done so intentionally.

Ahaus667 42 points ago +42 / -0

family court records reveal that she was in a custody battle with her daughter's father in prior years. The case was resolved in 2021.

“Resolved” is a fun way of saying the court likely drained the father of all resources and forced him to quit trying to save his daughter.

Ahaus667 15 points ago +15 / -0

Oh, well, carry on

Ahaus667 16 points ago +17 / -1

Escapism? Bitch it’s summer. I just saw a free cover band on the beach yesterday. Zoo the week before and a botanical garden the week before that. Got lord of the rings rereleasing in theaters next week in recliner seats. Miyazaki/ ghibli films all summer too. Unless you live in a hyper gay area you can easily spend every day outside without seeing a degenerate.

Ahaus667 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bug chasing wasn’t just about aids apparently

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