Ahaus667 6 points ago +6 / -0

If we were to compare apples to apples, the growth of the former slave population in America and European colonies indicates that western slavery was the least harsh. If we put that model to North Africa and the European slaves taken just during The Atlantic slave trade, there would be over 120 million white European slave descendants in North Africa from that time period alone. Considering the mass enslavement of Slavs by Muslims flourished around ~900 AD and continued for a millennia, the white global population would be astronomically higher today.

Ahaus667 2 points ago +3 / -1

AWFLs are a cancer to everything they touch

Ahaus667 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m pretty sure a 10 is filling out your name correctly and answering a few fundamentally easy questions. I’ve never met anyone who got below the 2 Seabees, so I’m guessing.

Ahaus667 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Air Force is able to be choosy because they have the cushiest jobs/ deployments. Being on a flight team to Germany or Bahrain is way better than 6 months in a shithole FOB trying to trade MREs so you can actually take a shit that day.

Ahaus667 5 points ago +5 / -0

When I was getting out I Christmas treed my advancement exam, caught shit from my command, not because I did the worst, but because they realized I Christmas treed the answers

*forgot to add, 3 people still managed to do worse than me

Ahaus667 6 points ago +6 / -0

I met 2 Seabees who were waivers at 45~ asvabs, dumber than shit but salt of the earth hard workers, both Appalachian boys, they probably would have gotten at least a 60 if they had some prep.

Ahaus667 8 points ago +8 / -0

Nuke had a 20k signing bonus back in the day when I was in, not sure if it’s changed since then.

Ahaus667 6 points ago +6 / -0

I got a 94 hung over and offered afit, nuke and is, their faces when I turned it all down to skip the waitlist was hilarious.

Ahaus667 21 points ago +22 / -1

Don’t forget immediate oth discharges for female pregnancies, making women who do want to serve meet the same physical requirements not just for offs but actual labor requirements of the position. For shits and giggles we one time had about 12 females try to lift a zodiac, they couldn’t even lift it off the well deck let alone move it. This was about a decade ago now, it clearly hasn’t gotten better.

Ahaus667 22 points ago +22 / -0

Well they’re both going to be insufferable victims from birth. The boys raised by either are going to have it the worst though.

Ahaus667 25 points ago +25 / -0

Modern society is physically incapable of reason because reason requires trade offs and consequences.

Ahaus667 3 points ago +3 / -0

Waiting on RC brays rendition of starship troopers to finally release after being delayed twice. Currently on Born in Blood, which is about the Freemasons being the descendants of the Knights Templar. UFO by Garrett Graff is on standby, it’s a historical piece on the alien craze in the US and the ties to the Cold War and space race.

Ahaus667 19 points ago +19 / -0

What’s ironic is the one on the right has more Hapsburg features

Ahaus667 21 points ago +21 / -0

It’s like they refuse to learn from Luther. You can create unique roles even copy pasting classic character's traits onto a new actor/actress, JUST DONT PRETEND THEYRE THE CLASSIC CHARACTER.

Ahaus667 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk, the zone itself was the highlight of act 2, you lose all the polish that act 1 had plus the writing and dialogue took a sharp nosedive in act 2, at least in my opinion. Act 2 probably disappointed me more because it had more potential for lore and story than act 1 but felt bland.

Ahaus667 22 points ago +22 / -0

“My dad [Joseph Biden Sr.] dropped me off at the town square. And there were two men in suits standing on the corner and the light was red and they kissed as I was getting out of the car,” Biden says. “I looked back at my dad because I hadn’t seen that before and he said, ‘It’s simple Joe. They love each other.’ ”

I’m sure joes dad loved him too, would certainly explain how he treated his kids and others children in public.

Ahaus667 12 points ago +12 / -0

It’s been a minute since I did the play through, but act 2 was essentially a blighted zone that was written like a modern wow expansion, everything was bland aside from the combat shift, they wasn’t any real character progression, the only bonus was fighting eldritch horrors. The zone could have been immensely more appealing if it didn’t suffer from just god awful writing and a complete lack of feeling any achievement from progressing through the zone.

Ahaus667 17 points ago +17 / -0

Baldurs gate suffered from only having act 1 in early access, everything after act 1 felt bland, the entire second act had some decent concepts that were terribly executed and act 3 wasn’t even worth playing through. The game is unfixable, no matter what they do to it, it won’t make what should be the biggest act (3) not be a colossal let down.

Ahaus667 5 points ago +6 / -1

What are you on? Someone utilizing the inherent nature of another to their benefit is a constant. Letting women be Maenads isn’t just so women’s fee fees are being appeased.

Ahaus667 3 points ago +4 / -1

The key difference is the legacy of Fabian socialism in America is the 19th amendment.

Ahaus667 10 points ago +10 / -0

Always assume any charity pimped out is a Komen.

Ahaus667 1 point ago +2 / -1

You mean the blatantly obvious lawfare being used nationwide? Tell me, why is it that “magically” women serve less prison time for the same crime? Why is it that woman constantly have charges downgraded? Why is the Duluth model (created by a socialist) a thing?

Ahaus667 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I’m glad you showed absolutely no intellectual desire to even ponder your claims, instead you demanded proof already backed by statistics but the yelled “plea deal” without showing even the slightest hint of any discussion that occurred during the bargaining 😂😂😂😂

Ahaus667 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I’d love to see the private negotiations that led to the plea deal! You’re burying your argument here 😂

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