Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right now the problem isn't even his opinions or his rules.

Its just the fact that he isn't around to do literally anything at all. There is no malice here, its just sheer no effort at all.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, but if memory serves the "deception" in that case was presented as a just thing she was doing to be a rebel (which was the theme for all of them, rebellion against authority) for some greater good.

Either way, considering how absurdly popular that game got amongst the Left I don't doubt its where a huge number of them even learned of her existence.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then it was when the niggers stole it from the rest of the South, then claimed full ownership over it only to get it copied from them by everyone else.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

People put up with Bethesda for a long time because they provided real gameplay value in the long run

Yeah through other people's free work being put into fixing their broken buggy games. Anyone whose tried playing through a vanilla Bethesda game knows that there is a near 100% chance at least a handful of quests will be completely inaccessible because the game just broke and is unfixable. God help you if you aren't on PC with console commands to just break the game back into place.

The fact that people defended their games at any point past like 2010 is proof that there are no "principles" this consumer base. Its just outrage bait when the correct Eceleb says to be angry and the game is bad, and then "but but but I love this game, so it gets a pass on everything" when it inevitably comes for yours.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its like they never heard of the concept of martyrdom.

You'd think for how much they hate Mel Gibson they'd have at least watched Braveheart and see how the "torture and brutalize the guy they all rally behind to break their spirits" works out for the elite and ruling class.

You'd also think after how bad Covid went they'd have realized that the response from a lot of people isn't "oh I'm wrong, the Authority said something was bad" but a resounding "well fuck the Authority is compromised too, fuck them."

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is Tenchu's chance to rise from the grave.

Come on universe, its been so long and its would be so easy.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Johanna was also a major figure in Persona 5, which is probably what caused a lot of the modern talk about her to resurface.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

You know usually its Americans who think the entire world is just them.

For most of us, "foreign" movies are Asian and Indian not European fart sniffers that only ever air at a film festival anyway.

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

Its not even just for convictions. Trials like Casey Anthony and OJ shows it can be done to get clearly guilty people off too.

Its always just about politics and optics, legality is just a maze they navigate to accomplish it.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering, from my understanding, they had to patch out the fact that your companions will try to fuck you very forwardly, seemingly just by people trying to be friendly with them, I think there was more going on than people RPing their way into it.

Regardless, by the standards most people here crucify other games for, if the content is in the game period its woke and trash. Even if you can just not engage with it. BG3 doesn't get to be an exception because there is a good game you love mixed in with it.

Adamrises 22 points ago +22 / -0

This isn't anything new. The Justice System is designed for abuses like this.

Lawyers will deliberately stack juries to be favorable to their clients, regardless of any reality or evidence. They will move to different states and cities if other ones provide stricter or looser laws.

For all the bad it is, its good that this J6 thing is exposing more people to the ways that the "Legal System" is stacked against you and how they can do things you'd never believe to railroad you.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think that might be a local thing or you just not noticing.

My local megachain has random anime movies playing weekly, from classics to current flavor, with dedicated showings to certain subbed foreign movies in small runs as they come out. And that's just the corporate one. The drive-in plays all sorts of random shit and the local theater competitor will squeeze in anything that's popular enough regardless of origin.

Now most don't know that because they don't advertise it at all except inside the fucking building itself and on their own dedicated section of a website, so you need to be proactive in checking to see if anything is available but it is there.

But I can watch almost any Miyazaki movie or Akira or even End of Eva or the FMA movie in theaters at some point during the year. Same with every Godzilla from Japan as it arrives and a bunch of them playing randomly, as well as a bunch of famous Samurai movies.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

He usually had all the pieces, he just assembled them in a bat shit manner that would end up completely divorced from reality but played exactly to the theory he already held.

Which meant that, much like a feminist or tranny arguing against reality itself, he had to be an defensive and accusatory person to protect his ego and narrative from the fact that everyone was constantly picking it apart.

Still, he was much more fun to engage with because he was unflappable and rarely would actually resort to anger or attacks in discussion, unlike many here (myself included).

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on what we were forced to do.

Mandatory huddles and talks? Nah, everybody was always miserable and just went through the motions. Fortunately we never had to do the dances or other team building exercises you see around, it was rarely bigger than round table therapy sessions.

Free food and just hanging out for a bit? Yeah it did do wonders in getting everyone laughing and less miserable for the shift. It wasn't a long term solution to anything, but sometimes just sanding off the edges of a really bad day can average out to a less angry employee.

As horrific as it sounds to say out loud, corporate and I/O Psyche research isn't wrong when it believes that people will accept less pay with more pizza parties. And since in my time in middle management I couldn't do shit about the hours, pay or work being handed down, I could at least keep my employees from wanting to die everyday and quitting on me by fighting to get them free hot food.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I won't dodge a chance to shit on women, but I feel its less that and more of a "we gutted morale, how can we prevent workers from going Postal without spending money?" issue.

Everytime I've been forced to set up one of those gay things, it was entirely to "boost morale" and keep people happy. Whether it was to prevent union forming or people just outright quitting or becoming full disgruntled.

Its literally just that meme about corporate responding to demands for better pay with "damn nigga, here" and a pizza party.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

It certainly keeps my anger fueled knowing that all of the things they try to take from me, and those around me, they don't even want. They just don't want me to have it and take pleasure in knowing it upsets me as they defile it.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Go in, read and preview at your leisure to find things you want, then go buy it online. You get the best of both worlds in exchange for a bit of waiting.

They don't really gain any benefit from you just existing in the store, so you aren't supporting their bullshit, but you also aren't shooting yourself in the foot by buying things you can't physically inspect and judge first.

Nerdy hangouts are the biggest focus for subversion these days. They are hoping you'll submit just to keep them, and then wear you down with constant demands to keep yourself from being kicked out.

Adamrises 8 points ago +10 / -2

Fear and horny go hand in hand for women. Its why they love rough sex, and CNC, and google searches for bear penis have coincidentally skyrocketed this month. If he had leaned in for a kiss after doing that, probably half of them would have leaned back.

I'm sure the phone and him being a black guy and all that all factor into each reaction. But the important distinction is for whatever reason the women just let themselves be robbed and the men at least tried to resist.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's fine. I love plenty of games that are Woke or even downright bad. In fact, I dare say a lot of Woke games are downright fun, great games too. Hades 2 is currently dominating my freetime, and according to most people its the Wokiest Woke ever.

But we also can't just ignore those things or argue "well its complex and nuanced and not that big a deal and missing context" when its the games we love either.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

It absolutely was. My only complaint was how absurd the difficulty could get at times and how quick it was to level out of the jobs you were good at, leaving you needing to play ones you suck at.

Both of which might be positives to another person. But regardless, when you were in your zone it just fucking worked.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

The angry autism of the MC and his literal lack of fucks to give about anything, even hot chicks wetting themselves at him, was such a refreshing thing amongst the long list of twinky emo boys Square loves so much.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jailing the dude was never a hope of anyone realistic.

But, he was a tranny activist that reached major mainstream status. Getting exposed in by another mainstream source would do major damage to their entire racket.

Whether that's moving the Overton Window slightly back or simply pushing back the tide of how easily and openly that can groom kids, its a huge gain for us all.

Adamrises 24 points ago +24 / -0

Most interesting thing to note in that video.

The men involved fought back, if weakly. Even the one guy who was just stuck in shocked incredulity was holding onto it for a while.

The women just let it happen. Some just waved it off without a care and kept on, others looked outright horny that he was doing it.

I'm sure you can fill in the blanks on what that all means.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

The bear/gay vampire scene was used as a hype trailer prior to the game's release and was specifically chosen to be shown to a mass audience of women in an auditorium who clapped like seals for it.

So, regardless of how you were able to miss it, it was very important to the Devs themselves and the audience they intended to court with it.

In fact, until the game was released and "suddenly and organically" it was the best game ever made, that's literally what it was known for. Because that was the information they specifically choose to represent their game in marketing.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Worth noting that Keffals used his art for Vaush (I think) themselves.

So this is just a dancing monkey to bury the entire story by focusing on a single unimportant detail to keep people from seeing the accusations themselves. Which range from using the GFM money for luxury apartments and cocaine to the actual grooming operation called the "Catboy Ranch."

You know, stuff that would finally finish burying Keffals and make the "model tranny activist" look bad for the narrative.

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