posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +22 / -11

This is something I've been thinking a lot about with regards to the popular games these days that aren't F2P and I often poke at open world stuff to see what makes them tick. Take away the large scale world and what do you have aside from that? An extremely basic third person controller, a bunch of weapons they probably spent five seconds doing and then a soft body physics simulation for vehicles and vehicle damage.

They seem to spend most of their time spamming art assets all over the places to make the game seem bigger than it really is but if you actually try to 'game' in it you quickly realise that there's fuck all to do and they've put tons of empty space between the game. Seems like people who enjoy these games are the types who are easily distracted by all the shiny stuff and don't really care much about the gameplay of which there is very little.

It's so bad now that when I look at any modern game I check for whether it's linear or not and make sure there's no designing mechanics in there. The reason being is chances are if it's linear the developer probably spent more time with the level design and making it fun than simply scattering assets about the place and overcompensating with procedural generation.