misogynegro 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sweet Baby Ray's

This faggot is literally mocking the name of the company even though he thinks he's mocking the people criticizing it.

Because yes, it's a really weird fucking name, especially given the pedo swirl in the logo.

If he was actually good at comedy he'd realize this, but he's just another low-IQ wannabe bully who never got over being a loser in high school.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

What sucks about Hades is you can tell there's a lot of genuine talent behind it, but they're in SF so being part of the cult of pozz is mandatory.

SJW games are almost always dogshit so this series really sticks out as an exception.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

The worst part IMO is how insanely expensive most hotels and motels are, and Airbnb is often times even worse.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

I call this dynamic "tactical hypocrisy."

Push something retarded and insane, but only for women, then men object to the hypocrisy, a fight ensues, and finally feminists "concede" by letting the aforementioned retardation and insanity be universalized.

It's one of the key mechanisms behind the ratchet effect, "men's culture" gets faggier and faggier while laboring under the illusion that they're "winning." Although I guess that are winning a race to the bottom.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

Brave New World's depiction of a modernist, utilitarian approach to sexual mores is way underrated.

Then again BNW and Huxley in general are way underrated, dude practically saw the future.

misogynegro 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hamas support

STFU neocon scum

misogynegro 12 points ago +12 / -0

We now know that the reason why Russian and Chinese influence ops are responded to so harshly by the USG isn't because they're concerned about foreign influence, it's because the people who own this country are basically saying "HEY YOU GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN!"

misogynegro 11 points ago +11 / -0

The same faggots who wanna push black characters into settings where it makes no sense call it black face when someone who's not black uses makeup to play a black character.

misogynegro 22 points ago +22 / -0

Leftists really think that white Southerners are all conspiring to insult black people, that spiting black people is what white Southern life revolves around. Probably because spite is what drives leftists, everything they do is an underhanded middle finger, so they assume that everyone else operates the same way.

In any event, thank god the right is finally starting to grow a spine again. Everyone who said the erasure of Confederate symbols would lead to a slippery slope was immediately vindicated when only a few years down the line the 1619 Project came out of nowhere, and suddenly what academic historians think stopped mattering.

When academic historians say that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war, you can't dispute that because "trust the experts." But when some crazy bitch posts a bunch of crap that academic historians regard as crackpot revisionism and refuse to give the crazy lady a professorship, the NYT threatens the uni with riots to force their hand.

And once Confederate symbols became socially unacceptable, the "deplorables" started to just dial American symbols up to eleven, so they had to contrive how that's somehow racist too. But where there's at least a kernel of truth in the claim that the Confederacy was founded to preserve slavery (albeit one that gets spun out into what would be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" in any other context), the notion that the US itself was founded to preserve slavery is just batshit.

I use Confederate erasure as a litmus test for who's a real nigga on the right vs who's a fake-ass bitch nigga. Because we saw in real time symbols that had long grown innocuous and even charming suddenly become extreme taboos, after a very small group of people decided that they're no longer acceptable. A characteristically dishonest media blitz founded on gravestanding being pushed relentlessly by a bunch of psychopathic ghouls in order to make mundane fixtures of Southern and redneck culture into something that's only allowed to be interpreted as having the most sinister hidden meaning, and like the cowards they are Con Inc allowed this brazen campaign of social engineering to proceed unchallenged.

Confederate symbolism needs to be brought back, as a way of showing that we won't let the vampires pervert symbols of pride and virtue into symbols of evil. Being able to grasp that a symbol can evolve beyond the most autistic literalist interpretation thereof is the crux of so much leftist bullshit, there's a lot of power in being able to frame anyone who disagrees with them as necessarily harboring a sinister ulterior motive. And Con Inc gave them the power to do that.

misogynegro 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some stipulations are so unreasonable that, TBF, that doesn't matter. If it says in your employment contract that your boss might shag your wife, and then he shags your wife, you still have the right to send the both of them tumbling down a flight of stairs.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cuckolds are the best consoomers, they won't fight back no matter how bad of a deal is imposed on them.

Wifey wants to sleep with a bunch of men while I support her?

Lemme cope by "bragging" that my wifey is just that desirable.

Soyny wants to empty my wallet with underhanded bullshit?

I'll just cope by saying it's worth it for the PS5 experience.

misogynegro 0 points ago +1 / -1

That slanty faggot has done way more to expose antifa's bullshit, at risk to his physical safety and at the cost of being vilified by the MSM, than a thousand edgelords talking shit on obscure forums.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tbf, I've mulled over in my own mind if non-profits should be prohibited from organizing boycotts, since they're interfering in the operation of for-profit organizations, which makes for a conflict of interest. Non-profits can disseminate information about unethical business practices and advocate for legislation, but organizing boycotts should be considered a form of mass tortuious interference and open you up to getting your non-profit status revoked or even a class-action lawsuit - with donors having the right to a refund if they don't want their money going to a payout. Yes I know this would absolutely fuck any non-profit that tries to organize a boycott, and rightly so.

It's not like we don't already understand the need to regulate in cases of market failure, such as with laws against price-fixing and buying up competitors. Boycotts, when they're not grassroots, are similar IMO.

Along similar lines, maybe media outlets should be required to run free advertising for the competitors of publicly-traded companies they editorialize against, and refusal to do so could open them up to lawsuits from investors whose stocks their biased coverage just tanked. IOW, stick to the facts, and plainly present all information that's in the public interest, or else editorialize on the condition that you're now considered an advertiser, which both lets consumers know not to trust your editorializing and allows investors to sue if you sabotage their stocks by deceptively presenting your editorializing as factual.

Sorry that was a mouthful. Point is, this type of activism has exposed a huge weakness that's being exploited by malicious actors. I know that such policies would also prevent right-wing outlets from being able to use these same tactics, but I'd rather that no one be allowed to use these tactics. We can't have a functioning economy or democracy if slimy little weasels continue sabotaging the system like this.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

No amount of neo-nazi propaganda can even begin to compete with the ADL when it comes to making me more antisemitic.

misogynegro 2 points ago +3 / -1

Women were never property to begin with, that's a feminist myth.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

The laws already on the books aren't being enforced?

Well then, we just gotta add even more laws that will also not be enforced. And more laws on top of those, the laws have gotta start enforcing themselves eventually.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the feedback, I'll check these references out.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don Lemon is a slimy weasel but he's not as dumb as he sounds. As with Chris Cuomo, he plays an idiot on TV, because he plays to an audience of idiots, but he knows where the wind is blowing.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

VMs/emulators are a huge hit to performance, even a really good PC will struggle with a lot of current gen games if you have to nerf it with a VM.

Idk why emulators aren't written as live OSs rather than VMs, a lot of live OSs are really simple and performance would be so much better if you didn't force your PC to run a Russian nesting doll of OSs.

Edit: I could be mistaken but afaik emulators are a type of VM, hence why I'm lumping them together, and WINE is an emulator, so I'm not seeing the distinction.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also true. Though country people should really play up the stereotype of the deranged hillbilly to keep the pozz away.

misogynegro 21 points ago +21 / -0

Add this to Miley talking to the CCP behind Trump's back and the military official who bragged about lying to Trump to stall the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

If we had a media that wasn't just a bunch of lying snakes people would know that Trump got the ball rolling on the Afghanistan withdrawal by making a deal with the Taliban, and that Biden simply disregarded that deal which prompted the Taliban to rise up with a de facto mandate from the Afghani people. Had Biden stuck to the deal, the withdrawal would have been peaceful, and Kabul wouldn't have been this generation's Saigon, nevermind how in the midst of the chaos there just wasn't enough time to get all our equipment out so now the Taliban has their hands on top-tier military tech.

On top of that you had the fake news about Russian bounties being placed on US troops that the devil's daughter Liz Cheney pushed in order to further postpone the withdrawal. Which on top of being a lie meant to thwart the will of the people (after 20 fucking years most people in both parties wanted to GTFO), was yet another gratuitous sign of disrespect towards Russia, a country which never needed to be our enemy once the USSR collapsed.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Primarily blender, secondarily zbrush. I basically wanna be able to make games that look like higher-end 5th gen stuff, like say Perfect Dark or Vagrant Story.

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