smashyawaro 7 points ago +8 / -1

Spend less time on graphics, more on writing. I seriously don't need extremely detailed maps and textures in my RPGs. I prefer stories that sweep me away and memorable characters. Also, gameplay systems that aren't active combat based.

smashyawaro 7 points ago +7 / -0

#1 issues and variant covers are propping up their sales. If this continues for another 5 years, they are going to hit a competency crisis where no one working there will know how to make a good comic anymore.

Stop hiring women who write shitty YA novels. In fact, stop hiring women for at least 10 years. 99% of western women are deeply out of touch with being able to make a marketable product.

smashyawaro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Garbage site that lost all its good writers long ago, just like Jalopnik and Bloody Elbow. Replaced by low effort SJW shit eaters.

smashyawaro 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it doesn't. Communism proposes that the state will have unique knowledge that one side of the supply-demand equation lacks, and will correct the invisible hand and "balance" the weaker side.

Instead, we see that it takes an inordinate amount of resources, usually guesses wrong, and opens up the state to massive corruption. You might as well propose that a theocracy works in theory because the leader will be empowered with divine ability.

smashyawaro 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many pencils can I steal before being fired? How much reputational damage can I cause while remaining employed? You're clearly advocating for guaranteed employment if you say one should never be fired for such things.

Your attitude reminds me of Office Space and how someone can rationalize theft.

It's a fraction of a penny, they won't miss it

A thief should certainly be punished. The severity should be based on impact of the crime among other factors, which go far beyond money value of the stolen item. Social degradation and loss of a high trust society can cause far more economic damage even if it's just a cup of coffee. Cutting in line hurts efficiency despite having no nominal economic value.

For Japanese schools, the reputational damage could cause them to close. If that's the case, why not fire him? I'm not the business, so I can't decide on their behalf, I don't know their business situation. Should a McDonald's fire an employee for flicking a booger into a burger?

Personally, I don't think he should lose his retirement pay, but I'm not aware of Japanese social and business dynamics nor am I arrogant enough to say whether that was the right choice for them.

I'll say it again: Should a McDonald's fire an employee for flicking a booger into a burger? Maybe in India, they could get away with it. Maybe in America, they would have to fire that employee. Different consequences for different societies.

smashyawaro 2 points ago +3 / -1

The crime was theft, not littering or jaywalking. Missing the trashcan is only littering if you leave it there, and jaywalking does not deprive or defraud a business owner. Why bother listing other crimes rather than the one committed? He committed petty theft.

I'm in the US and my office specifically lists theft of office supplies as a workplace violation, which can become a fireable offense. If having a reputation as a thief degrades the reputation of the school and its ability to interact with parents, then he has to deal with how the school and teaching board decide to handle his crime.

I think it's far more unhinged to "guarantee" employment or licensing.

smashyawaro 6 points ago +6 / -0

It starts with cutting in line. When people are guilted into thinking "No big deal, it only happens once in a while", they are surprised to see the behavior propagate and subsequently ask "Why is everyone cutting in line now? What happened to manners?"

I think arguing for the appropriate punishment makes sense, but the "not a big deal" attitude is how society devolves. People didn't just spontaneously develop customs and norms. Certain pressures existed to create them.

smashyawaro 3 points ago +3 / -0

He didn't miss the trashcan though. I don't know why we have to misrepresent what he did. He committed petty theft several times. We can argue whether that's worthy of firing him and taking his retirement payment, but let's at least be honest about the facts.

smashyawaro 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a porn game called Wild Life that had very realistic physics. It took into account the shape and the relative rigidity of the clothing, so on clothing with cleavage, you would see the tops of the breasts jiggle more than the overall bust. And the motion didn't look like a pair of flippers extending from the chest. The horizontal part of the bust slightly contracted as the breast mass bounced upwards, then expanded outwards and down as the mass hit the bottom of the jiggle.

I imagine that DOA would have had this level of physics if it didn't get killed off by the West.

smashyawaro 8 points ago +8 / -0

Is he basing this on a national average? Or a place where COL is extremely high, like a coastal city?

smashyawaro 4 points ago +4 / -0

They complain about the frequent police encounters with foreigners but they don't complain about the low crime rate or the relative criminality of foreigners. I hate to use a food analogy, but it's like moving to Texas, enjoying the BBQ, then complaining about the wood smoke.

smashyawaro 7 points ago +7 / -0

That’s probably why they decided to attack this mascot. Normally they would depict a character like her in a skirt, but I bet that the feminists noticed the pants, most likely as an attempt to appease activists like them. And like any good activist, if they smell weakness, they will swarm.

smashyawaro 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're average, and Cyberfrog is nowhere near good enough for Ethan to sit on a high horse about it. Eric should stop engaging in this drama completely and focus on improving his comics. Ethan should stop encouraging trolls to fuck with Eric and speed up the timeline on his deliverables.

No one is innocent in all this shit. Ethan was singing high praises about Isom until his relationship with Eric soured after Eric refused to give him warehouse space. Then he took Eric's comments about not being a crowdfunding campaign and about getting books out to customers as a personal attack. Eric forgot the first rule of internet interaction, which is to ignore bad faith across and trolls if you have something to lose.

smashyawaro 8 points ago +10 / -2

"She speaks and writes in beautiful and polite Japanese," Ms Wada said. "She is more Japanese than we are."

Jesus Christ grow a fucking spine. No, a person who's been living in Japan for 20 years is not "more Japanese" than you are. Also, foreigners like Carolina need to have some fucking humility. I'm a second gen immigrant. I'm not going to tell white or black people who have deep roots in the country that I am "more American" or even just as American as they are. That's simply not the truth and it would be absurd to claim otherwise. Someone who is confident and humble about who they are does not need false platitudes and back-patting.

My bet is that people like Wada are hand-picked after networking at globalist events like UN Women, WEF, etc. to head these organizations and subvert all of our cultures.

smashyawaro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even the redditors are tired of the whole "every refugee is an exhausted educated middle manager" bullshit.

smashyawaro 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s great to hear. Star Ocean Second Story was probably the third or so JRPG I ever played. Loved it on the PS1, loved the PSP remaster, will probably get this one as well.

smashyawaro 2 points ago +3 / -1

A rally for racial and cultural preservation is apparently all it takes for you to place the blame on men for a declining birth rate. 😉

smashyawaro 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's what I've always said. His horrible appointments stem from firing Bannon as a PR move. At the end of the day, Trump still wants both sides to love him.

smashyawaro 20 points ago +20 / -0

"We can steal your culture because we were oppressed and it was forced on us, and now you want to take it away" This will be their average retarded response.

smashyawaro 14 points ago +14 / -0

No, the men had to go just as insane as the feminists to get the companies involved. That's what men in the west don't understand. You can't win over a company by pointing out the hypocrisy of women. You have to sperg out just like they do. It's not like the companies decided to do this out of the goodness of their hearts. They are just as scared of the male fans as they are of feminists.

smashyawaro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Descent is a really fun cooperative board game if you like the fantasy dungeon crawling theme.

smashyawaro 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least your nieces and nephews still get something from the store. Even though comics are pretty much dead, it’s been a good time for tabletop games. Lots of variety and fairly high quality.

smashyawaro 7 points ago +7 / -0

True, just start doxxing a few of the haters and it will create a chilling effect.

smashyawaro 3 points ago +3 / -0

His youtube skits are funny, but Ryan Long’s stand up is also pretty good too.

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