jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was trying to remember the most egregious one I saw and that was it. Thank you. Complete insanity.

jenniferq8 22 points ago +22 / -0

Re-homing all of these people in a place full of people who don't want them, who also have a long history of not putting up with being lorded via fire and explosives is quite the decision. The powers that be that usually beguile the women and effeminate men into accepting this sort of thing don't have their usual excuse of colonialism or slavery. I saw a "new irish" person claiming that due to Ireland's proximity to Great Britain, they benefitted from their colonialism and thus "deserve" to import these people. I wish more people would wake up to the fact that this is absolutely seen as retribution against White people, the claim that migrants are a net benefit is slowly being dropped a la equality vs. equity.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, they've done a "racism" style revamp on the term so that it can never apply to a white population. I wish more people would realize that trying to play by their rules is a fool's errand.

jenniferq8 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah that is possible. I guess it's been a while since I was getting my first card. I still find it odd an 18 year old would buy a daniel defense rifle and eotech without some outside input.

jenniferq8 24 points ago +24 / -0

It really angers me that there are public records of the FBI doing this (Khalil Abu Rayyan) and people still think that Salvador Ramos was able to afford a 2,000 dollar rifle and a 600 dollar optic, among other weapons, on a fast food job and just decided to shoot up an elementary school on his own. I guess the realization that the government actively goads people into mass murder so that the utopian dream will meet a little less resistance is too much for some people.

jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

Always laughed at the black dudes on the various gawker sites shuckin and jivin so a tiny audience can feel like they have a black friend. And they make pennies for the privilege.

jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really enjoyed it back in the day. Always thought it was funny Curt Schilling's studio made such a cool game. It's too bad they went under.

jenniferq8 9 points ago +9 / -0

Reminds me of the Flint water crisis. I believe Michigan State University sent a team of engineers who pinpointed exactly where the infrastructure was failing and needed replacement. Instead the city's leadership hired friends and family's companies to dig random holes in people's yard on the tax payer dime then throw their hands up in the air and blame "systemic racism."

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

Throughout high school we were told not to take steroids due to a litany of side effects, especially for adolescents. Now it's "life saving care" to pump teenagers full of exogenous hormones meant for the opposite sex. Amazing how the science changes when they can profit off of it.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like Constipatriot said, by not taking corporate money he just did the grift every other politician does but used the last 20 bucks to millions of basement dwellers' name. I'd say that makes him a measure worse than the other worst people on the planet. It was fun to see reddit explode and cry about not being able to afford food that week every time he bowed out.

jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their selective outrage over this thing or the other always makes me laugh. Brainwashed people were calling him a rapist when that was clearly not the implication of the statement. As others have said; the democrats wouldn't hesitate to "pounce" on this even if the photos weren't out in public. I hate to be a doomer but I don't see the GOP as presently constructed doing anything other than "can you imagine if the roles were reversed?" And you are absolutely right: his biggest hits were all things that were objectively true that made the left angry, and thereby their brainless constituents via state media. My favorite was people arguing haiti isn't a shit hole with a straight face.

jenniferq8 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's the disheartening thing. The bud light boycott was funny and all but these companies have an infinite supply of pretend money as long as they do what they are told and continue to subvert. No boycott can truly be effective against that.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went down the "NAFO/Fella" rabbit hole shortly after current thing pivoted to israel. to see how they were coping on twitter. Mind is absolutely blown that there are that many normies who suddenly became homicidal maniacs for a country they very likely didn't know existed prior to 2021. People with dozens of tweets daily about "russiaphobia is stored in my tits" and the like.

jenniferq8 7 points ago +7 / -0

Always laugh when journalists act like high school students wouldn't participate in an approved "walk out" for literally anything. Especially now that outrage is our most valuable currency. From what you guys have said this is nothing but I also laugh at the people who claim children should be exposed to pornography being shocked at the unsurprising, logical outcome.

jenniferq8 18 points ago +19 / -1

Surprising and disappointing that there is not a person with vitiligo.

jenniferq8 58 points ago +58 / -0

"meatspace" Can you shut the fuck up, man?

Also had a laugh at the concept of adding current thing into a game being bold. Sticking dicks in butts has become the national religion and they still see themselves as freedom fighters for supporting it.

This review reminded me of "the exaggerated swagger of a black teen" and surprised me that this is somehow a different game.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The person, identified under the pseudonym Terry Smith in legal documents, made those living in the Kappa Kappa Gamma house in Laramie, near the University of Wyoming campus, feel uncomfortable by "voyeuristically peeping on them" and on occasion has had an "erection visible" while watching other members, according to the lawsuit."

jenniferq8 1 point ago +1 / -0

These were the ones my textbooks were pushing in elementary school in the early 90s. Our teachers had us convinced one day the rain was going to burn our skin off if we didn't thunberg our parents into carpooling.

jenniferq8 8 points ago +8 / -0

I lost it when I saw the picture. Can't possibly risk alienating all 6 women who were going to play it and be offended if a female character was more attractive than them.

jenniferq8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't buy one due to not being able to find one the first year +. Kind of glad now. Agreed with Daucus, though. I like to play some sports games and they are awful on PC. They look previous gen at best and are usually missing a ton of features. I can't justify spending 400 bucks on a playstation for three titles, though.

jenniferq8 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, I remember Ireland having protests of their own in July/August and I believe the hordes still moved in as planned. A friend of mine was in Ireland in September and a cab driver told him his daughter had to live at home because her university in Cork had allocated almost of all the student housing to "migrants."

jenniferq8 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah when I heard about this and took a look at her, I figured she came in there and entrapped him into phone sex for the cause.

jenniferq8 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah. Gonna guess since he lived in Brooklyn, all of his pals are living off evil familial wealth. Assuming he was as well since he was a glorified political intern.

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