bla_bla_bla_2023 14 points ago +15 / -1

it's there own doing. France has had trouble with Islam since the 80's, Austrians can't act like they never had a fucking clue what happened in France.

Denmark is probably the only country in the western EU that isn't committing cultural suicide. And is also the best country to live in according to recent polls.

The german press certainly tried to call Denmark "racist", they didn't give 2 fucks about what left wing german thought about their policies. And now here we are.

I really stoped caring about countries who are willingly, knowingly, destroying themselves.

bla_bla_bla_2023 9 points ago +9 / -0

How did they get from DA:O to this slop?

what a stupid question.


This is who Bioware employs.

bla_bla_bla_2023 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course it's DOA. The director is a cross dresser, it's going to be woke AS HELL.

bla_bla_bla_2023 11 points ago +11 / -0

hat is this from?

the new dragon age game I guess.

bla_bla_bla_2023 1 point ago +2 / -1

That is her.

That's what you claim. You just took a random photo LOL... idiot.

bla_bla_bla_2023 3 points ago +4 / -1

LOL, not the same person, nice try ,bot.

bla_bla_bla_2023 0 points ago +1 / -1

Look it up yourself.

look it up where?

No it's not her kid.

bla_bla_bla_2023 1 point ago +2 / -1

No idea where that picture comes from but this is clearly not her biological kid.

bla_bla_bla_2023 38 points ago +38 / -0

Imagine a whole civilization celebrating butt fucking for a month...

bla_bla_bla_2023 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I dunno where they get their idea to burn down churches.

Well these churches are full of statues and paintings of Jesus so it's idolatry, a crime punishable by death in Islam.

bla_bla_bla_2023 2 points ago +4 / -2

Hating israel is not equivalent to supporting hamas.

No, but with these "decolonize", "land back" folks absolutely:


They are Hamas supporters.

bla_bla_bla_2023 12 points ago +13 / -1

They have gone so far off the deep end that they went all the way to based apparently. And in Toronto of all places?

Based? Their hatred for Israel is a projection of their hatred for western societies and whites. It's the "decolonize", "land back" movement after all. They want "Palestine" to be "decolonized" the same violent way they want Northern America to be "decolonized". Thus why the "globalize the intifada" slogan...

Nothing is based here, Israel/Palestine is just a stepping stone, their real objective is the end of Canada and USA, these people are a real threat because they are also the next political elite of Northern America.

bla_bla_bla_2023 12 points ago +12 / -0

I doubt the Palestine group could do it with any assurance that they wouldn't be going against some sort of code or another.

Nah, "Queer for Hamas" is a thing in the west...

but we're talking about a group that can't even define what a woman is, so one more absurdity isn't shocking.

bla_bla_bla_2023 4 points ago +4 / -0

The future the UN wants is groups in conflict. Welfare Muslim living alongside Tax Paying Faggots is a combo they like.

Islamists aren't going to just stick to living under welfare. Islamists despise the left and are just exploiting their stupidity until they no longer need them. Same happened with Iran during the Iranian "revolution", where communists were allied with Islamists to topple the Sha. As soon as the "revolution" was over, communists were all executed.

bla_bla_bla_2023 7 points ago +11 / -4

It's because affirmative action profited white women mostly.


Everything starts making sense when you consider that.

bla_bla_bla_2023 25 points ago +26 / -1

Muslims are going to quickly find out that faggotry outranks backwards religions on the social justice hierarchy.

No, they'll get what they want, separatism cause all these European liberal parties already submitted to Islam.

They'll claim Islam has the right for special treatment cause "historical oppression" (even though Muslims enslaves millions of Europeans, which demonstrate the absurdity of intersectional thinking, more like its cunning since the goal is simply the destruction of Western culture...).

Mark my words.

A Friend from France told me for instance (Belgium has basically the same culture), the "communist" party made deals with Islamists to win the Arabic vote. Muslims got everything they wanted, like separate swimming pool hours reserved for "modest" muslim women, new mosques, education content accommodated to Islamists or simply private Islamic schools...

At the same time, some Islamists were leading an "anti-trans brigade" (literally the name of the group) and were beating crossdressers in the streets...

No way the left successfully "queers" Islam. This would be blasphemy and Islamic terrorists have killed people for way less... but the left will blame "the neo-nazis"

Look at the article from the BBC:


Even though threats clearly come from one camps, leftists can't help it.

The Counter Extremism Project, a New York-based non-profit group, noted that anti-LGBTQ ideas had been taken up by both Islamist and far-right extremists.

"taken up"? The sheer stupidity of the left, who can never admit publicly that Islam is violently "anti LGBT" from its inception.

"It is no surprise that neo-Nazis and jihadis often express mutual admiration for their shared anti-gay visions," Mark D Wallace, the project's chief executive, said in a statement.

bla_bla_bla_2023 2 points ago +5 / -3

“By criminalizing attempts to send money to Hezbollah or to support it, the FBI is confusing and alienating people here who could be allies in the war on terrorism,” Zogby, a Lebanese Arab activist, warned the FBI.


The DOJ and the FBI have gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.


bla_bla_bla_2023 2 points ago +2 / -0

10 years ago Tim was still working for Vice. It took Gamergate to give him his own footing.

10/15 years ago Vice was not woke. It became woke after a bunch of sex scandals at Vice, and Vice thought they could launder their reputation by pandering to feminists.

bla_bla_bla_2023 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember when this guy was painted as "the devil" by western media. They were relentless. the EU needs to get a fucking clue, citizens are electing people western media describe as "far right" but it's the same media who thinks that patriotism is "far right". It isn't far right.

I think people are waking up to the fact that the only thing left wing media have left is to call everybody who isn't an antifa a "nazi". It simply doesn't work.

You can also notice how support for Palestine has been rather mild in the EU (save from Englistan and Irish politicians) compared to the US insanity. These campus protests made USA look so bad...

bla_bla_bla_2023 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a little weird that people like trump4045 and RaceCreatesCulture caught bans for being too edgy but some troll is allowed to fantasize about child rape? Is that not the violent ideation that's a bannable offense here?

When this sub talked about keffals the crossdresser and his fart fetish, this sub was spammed with scat pornography and crossdressing pornography for weeks before it was removed.

This sub has like a single active moderator who is there once a month... that's the issue. I get it, he isn't paid to be a janitor, but then delegate dude.

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