RachelkillsBam 12 points ago +12 / -0

The Japanese BRING IN the Nigerians whenever there is a job that they know is shady, but don't want the Yakuza involved.

Got a bar that you know rips off patrons? Get Nigerian security.

Got a bar that you sell drugs out of, but don't want Yakuza involvement? Get you some Nigerians.

Got some girls for sale of...questionable age? Get Nigerian security or make them the pimps.

Got some Marijuana/other drugs for sale, but don't have a shop/bar to secretly sell out of? Get you some Nigerians.

RachelkillsBam 2 points ago +2 / -0

nothing else has really caught my interest.

  • The 86. Watch it. It's awesome.

  • Attack on Titan. May seem like basic Shonen horror but it's not. It literally changed genre every season from Adventure, to spy novel, to conspiracy intrigue. Give it a try (Season 3 and Season 4 part 1 are no bullshit some of the best things on television. Not anime, television period.)

  • Hunter x Hunter (though I admit the first few episodes are mid. Once you get to the Sky arena tournament arc, shit takes off hardcore)

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes

  • Re:Zero

RachelkillsBam 7 points ago +8 / -1

In case you didn't know: the rainbow was originally the flag of the Jewish people before they adopted the star of Remphan.

It's still the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia (Proto-Israel)

Things that make you go hmmm... 🤔

RachelkillsBam 16 points ago +16 / -0

Here's a term for you guys:

Non-Suicidal Self Injury

Remember cutters? You don't see cutting too much anymore because it's been replaced with having excessive amounts of Tattoos and Surgery.


Bitch is fucked in the head. She has dead eyes (1000 cock stare), and in the later photos it looks as if sanpaku eyes have formed. She probably got passed around at parties at Disney/Hollywood and now has gained a demonic aura due to no one paying attention to her anymore (most people also do not know that those that suffer from BPD are also very narcissistic).

RachelkillsBam 9 points ago +9 / -0

RDCWorld1, Calebcity, and Cilvanis are very highly subscribed to Youtube channels. Though Youtube is being sus with this playlist, those 3 channels did grow their subscribers organically and are very funny.

The Youtube channel's podcast at the top though is very blatantly bullshit.

The two black host of the of the podcast are prominently shown while the other host is put in the corner of the thumbnail to be hidden by the timer.

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

This just means that SBI was somehow getting government money and pushing the government's agenda.

RachelkillsBam 6 points ago +6 / -0

To be fair TFA should’ve had an opening scene with Luke training new Jedi. Had Rey been one of his students she would’ve been received much better.

Dude, you can't have that. Kathleen said women are awesome so they must awesome at all things no matter what! 😤

RachelkillsBam 10 points ago +10 / -0

There is no possibly. They do.

There is a female street fighter player named Starmie. Really, really shit Juri player, would lose to the CPU all the time.

Very few viewers.

She would regularly get insane superchats from Chinese and Indian dudes to the point where many in the Street Fighter community thought she was laundering their money for them.

And she's a 5 on a good day.

The thirst is real worldwide. I blame weak men, as well as Chinese and Indian men because they seem to be the ones spending the most on these e-thots.

RachelkillsBam 12 points ago +12 / -0

Monkeypox isn't an STD

You are correct, it is not an STD.

It is an STI.

RachelkillsBam 9 points ago +10 / -1

Almost every EX mormon I know is crazy

RachelkillsBam 9 points ago +9 / -0

The major issue with Ramos was that the gun he bought (Daniel Defense) could only be sent to gun shops in San Antonio...which none of the shops ever saw him, nor was he on any of their videos.

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0


Look at all new photos of Greta. It's a dude.

Just like Billie Eillish...

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did they forget about "Turning Red"?

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +2 / -1

I put that on bots with mods looking the other way.

Clicking on the threads show a high vote versus comment percentage, and all comments have the same stylography.

RachelkillsBam -4 points ago +3 / -7

She is disgusting, both aesthetically and mechanically.

She is literally Guy and Zeku from SF4/SFV. How is a move set disgusting?

And in a game where both AKI and Marisa exist, Kim is the disgusting one?

RachelkillsBam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because there are now diseases being spread sexually that are not necessarily sexual in nature like certain parasites and even certain skin diseases.

RachelkillsBam 8 points ago +8 / -0

Getting sex is almost easier than in the past.

Finding a relationship worth a damn is the hardest it has ever been.

It's "HOE-FLATION": your grandfather had to work half as hard as you do to get a girl 4x times better than what we are dealing with now.

For anyone here: If you decide to get a woman from outside the West/Globohomo sphere, do not move her to your home country. Stay in hers.

Her family will make sure that she does not fuck up the relationship (unless you are actually a fuck up) and it will keep her from being contaminated by Woke.

Disobey this rule at your own peril.

80% of the guys I knew that brought their girls to the US/Canada are now divorced yet all of the guys I know that moved to the country of the girl are still in relationships with them all these years later.

RachelkillsBam 7 points ago +7 / -0

He'll be white, but bisexual.

And there will be a subplot when he has to come to grips with his homo side.

And the villian will be blonde or redhead old white male that will a conservative yearning to return the UK to its glory.

And the bi-Bond will mourn the death of his brown partner

RachelkillsBam 10 points ago +10 / -0

Currently in the Philippines.

Also went to watch Mission Impossible.

The line to buy tickets for Barbie and take pictures with the 3D pop-up poster of the movie was filled with Gay dudes. Like Gay men out numbered Filipino girls 4 to 1 for this movie AND THAT SHIT WAS SOLD OUT.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +3 / -0

He stopped being a pornographer and then converted to Islam

RachelkillsBam 2 points ago +2 / -0

US military is quite famous for the various heinous things servicemembers have done there.

I actually looked this up before.

US servicemember actually committed way less crime than the locals both in actual number and per capita.

So usually, blacks causing crimes would be the case, but not the case for Japan.



Note: hate using Wiki, but the studies were in the article making this easier. If you notice in the second link, the conviction rate of US soldiers is lower than that of locals.

Also, the "hot bed for crime" in Japan is Osaka, where there are no US Naval bases. Osaka has a lot of foreigners, but nowhere near the breadth and number that Tokyo has.

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