PooperSnooperPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't speak to rendering, just gaming performance. I have been using AMD for at least a few generations now, from the 290 to 5700xt, to 7900xt currently. Mostly its a cost factor for me, saving a bit of money.

I don't worry about playing the [current year] games too much, so never have an issue (such as low frame rate) where I think maybe I should've gotten the current nVidia instead. When I do play some game that was first sold within the past 12 months, no issues usually (did have the terrain bug in RDR2 where snow was rendered wrong, but that was fixed by a driver update later on).

As far as I am concerned, as someone who dos not require the absolute maximum purchasable performance available at time of purchase, AMD is a worthwhile option.

PooperSnooperPrime 17 points ago +17 / -0

They should give men leave in order to take a big shit and relax.

PooperSnooperPrime 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Practicing medicine without a license" accusations is what I would expect a lefty to escalate to if anyone tried that. And is also what this tay should be reported for.

PooperSnooperPrime 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also that land is going to be occupied by someone. The location is probably a far sight better than the middle east, not that they'd give that up, but it makes a great addition!

PooperSnooperPrime 3 points ago +3 / -0

The setting of 3 was cool as hell, seeing the Fallout version of DC. 3d printing some of those versions of the iconic buildings and monuments wasn't a thing then, but it's possible today. Back then, I had an aquarium and wanted to stick a couple of them in it as decorations.

PooperSnooperPrime 7 points ago +7 / -0

Look at the part where they go after this guy, Zak Garriss. All the typical accusations. Meanwhile, he seems balanced in comparison.

PooperSnooperPrime 3 points ago +3 / -0

LOL, imagine a sign in the same style as current mens/womens/handicapped signs but signs with either a dick & balls or a crossed out dick & balls.

PooperSnooperPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know what you mean about the jump cuts. Imagine how much time and effort they have to put in editing that together, instead of doing something productive. It's likely become so common due to the massive amount of people with screen induced autism, whose attention span is nearly extinct. The jump cuts are contributing to this problem.

PooperSnooperPrime 17 points ago +17 / -0

I thought there was a third founder, who killed himself after getting into some bullshit trouble from the feds for downloading a lot of taxpayer funded studies? He wasn't mentioned in the article.

PooperSnooperPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Charley Crockett is really good. Surprised that he hasn't been mentioned already. https://youtu.be/Gilbzck_b5E?si=NGmHX7GjJSrU7I4q

PooperSnooperPrime 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think you can honestly discuss it on ConsumeProduct.

PooperSnooperPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like she's trying to sneak around.

PooperSnooperPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I stopped there as part of a cruise to zipline. There were armed guards with rifles keeping the locals away.

PooperSnooperPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you are referring to their culpability in being the origin of covid (?). I was referring to how they kept their people in lockdown for far longer than the rest of the world and kept dragging out the infections.

PooperSnooperPrime 4 points ago +5 / -1

all they did was delay the wave of infections that everyone else had.

China experienced that too. All the hardcore lockdown accomplished was a delay of the inevitable.

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