NotMacgyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've always wanted to write stories in a universe I've been working on. The recent crap has definitely re-sparked my interest in doing it.

Been doing my world building and set up the overall story and hopefully will at some point have some chapters to share if I find a place to, hopefully that isn't a leftist shit hole since they infect all kinds of art.

I have looked into blender when I was drawing stuff in VR but work put a quick stop to that so might go back to add some visual aids to the story but current focus is on the story.

Hopefully quality stuff starts popping up again, this time clear of the leftist taint of being unable to separate reality from fiction

NotMacgyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've wanted to write some stories for quite a while, and every time I see this bullshit I want to go back and remove any black character and any other thing leftists might latch onto.

These people are a cancer and need to be excluded from any position of power, no matter how little power that position may have

NotMacgyver 42 points ago +42 / -0

It's also probably when some of them realise that they have been sold utter bullshit.

The people that go through with it probably are the idiots who believe the crap, only to get to the finish line and now they aren't better but so, SO much worse than they were before.

So no suprise it goes up.

NotMacgyver 8 points ago +8 / -0

Honestly the ending was the least of the narrative problems I had with the game. The constant "yes but the plot needs to move this way so I'm just gonna ignore your repeated NOs" was way more annoying

That and the amount of black and white choices, missing dialogue choices and other blatant dual morality was annoying. No idea if it was cause of the voice acting limiting choices but the game had very little nuance at times

NotMacgyver 23 points ago +23 / -0

I find it hilarious how much fear these people have been indoctrinated into having for people that can barely hurt them while at the same time feeling incredibly safe around very dangerous threats.

And I'm not just talking about literal bears here but all manner of different threats.

But the men that have protected them from the dangers, those are what they are afraid of.

NotMacgyver 7 points ago +7 / -0

Legend of dragoons for me, I replay that every few years. Story is fairly typical of the time, voice acting is.....also typical of the time.

But the addition system just goes so well with the jrpg formula. Magic being more limited where it's either by way of items or by turning into a dragoon also gives a nice sense of how special the transformation are.

Decent spread of characters for the team and has a fan made release that modernises it a bit so things look a bit better (I've downloaded it but haven't tried that version yet)

NotMacgyver 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hasn't he been in power for only 3-4 months ? Wouldn't any policy he actually implemented be at most only starting to have a minor effect ?

I haven't really been following what Miles is doing but this just seems like an excuse to go bitch at someone they didn't want elected.... Or just an attention whore trying to get attention

NotMacgyver 9 points ago +9 / -0

Should be mentioned that they reinstated it pretty quickly as far as I'm aware so the possibility of an automated system or rogue intern isn't out of the question

NotMacgyver 33 points ago +33 / -0

I remember when Ukraine bombed a train station full of evacuating civies just to blame Russia for it until the missile was shown and then they quickly made an excuse and it was never heard about again.

This attack was at least against their enemy's civilians.

NotMacgyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

Big if with that "can be reasoned with"....

For me it would be certain interviews, most news are too distant for the normies to believe you on most things, it's just one person's word against another.

But interviews you can point out biased actions, a recent example was that an interviewer was asking the "far right party leader" questions but always started to talk over the interviewee when he gave perfectly reasonable answers.

Stuff like this and loaded questions, difference in handling depending on what the news are talking about as well.

Basically actions of the news rather than misinformation is where I'd try my luck

PS: COVID discussions would also be a quite good one to point this out

NotMacgyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm wondering from a camouflage angle. From what I've seen not a single alphabet soup asexual actually follows through so I'm wondering how well it would serve as a way to have normal rights while staying the fuck away from the rest of the alphabet.

Also I'm sure there are more retarded labels in the damn soup than asexual. Asexual is probably the most useless though as at least from what I've seen.

NotMacgyver 5 points ago +5 / -0

How does asexual work in the alphabet soup? Might serve as a good shield against standard harassment claims and such

NotMacgyver 15 points ago +15 / -0

Taking the time to write a letter shows effort which, if nothing else, will convey a passion for whatever it is you are writing about that is stronger than anything one can do in an online petition.

Sometimes it's not the message that is written but the effort it took to write it that matters.

Same thing for obtuse questions in job interviews and similar situations

NotMacgyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well they didn't technically win. They are third, however they did grow a hell of a lot and given their current position they should be the deal breaker on pretty much most cases.

1st and second are pretty much opposing parties and both publicly stated they would not form a group with "Chega" so they are now the tie breaker.

NotMacgyver 5 points ago +5 / -0

My guess is legal murder, if all it takes for you to kill someone legally is a doctor's note with whatever malady makes it legal then you can essentially just have a doctor or doctors on a payroll to provide the false diagnosis and you can eliminate people that are stepping on the toes of the rich and powerful or are stepping out of line.

Of course for the vast majority of the "patients" they will just be noice to drown out the sketchy ones.

"You look a little depressed" should become a new way for people to threaten murder in meme formats so we can at least laugh at the absurdity. Or some variation of it at least

NotMacgyver 7 points ago +7 / -0

This has

Slavery has become the target of "anti-tea" Americans because it gives manual labor, an industry standard service that's been normal for years.

Vibes to me. But I'm sure there isn't some problem that is the actual cause of why people are against something.

Why would people ever be against something that has been done for long enough to become standard practice...... Sometimes I wonder why they are even called "progressive", then I remember they are just retarded

NotMacgyver 18 points ago +18 / -0

I get doing some useless questions that require effort to test other things that what the question is actually asking but posting a video seems to me like it would be stepping over a few lines in the legal sense but then again I'm not American and from what I've seen of your invoices your rules are a lot more lax than the ones where I live.

NotMacgyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is great news since I play that game every couple of years having it not only upscaled but with QoL stuff is great.

Need to go find that port asap

NotMacgyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey I play it every 3 years or so so at least 2 of us remember it fondly

NotMacgyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Personally I got way too bored of it every time I hit act 3. Combat was laughably easy, there was little in the way of builds, companions all felt like they weren't people but player centric automatons with a backstory....

That said it was one release so I don't know how much has changed with patching.

On the other hand as a CRPG player I've put 200+ hours into a just released buggy mess of a CRPG and loving it which I couldn't do with BG3. BG3 is pretty, but as a CRPG it's lacking....or it was but I doubt they fixed fundamental systems.

NotMacgyver 6 points ago +6 / -0

Depends on the game. For example key binding in fighting game can go a long way to alleviate wrist strain by rebinding to the numpad instead of the usual J K L and stuff.

Rebinding a game like Star Citizen which has a lot of binds and you can make a lot of those binds be alt+ something also helps a lot to have most things in your default hand position instead of having to move your hand about.

If it's something simple and the keybinds aren't too bad then I won't really care. That said it's always nice to have the option.

NotMacgyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

Personally I'm back to playing a bit of star citizen while I wait for rogue trader to release. Got my theory crafted builds ready to be updated to release and everything.

That said a lot of the time I keep one game of each genre to flip to whichever genre I want to play in the moment.

NotMacgyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only reviews I'll ever look at is the negative ones, see what pattern I can make out and ask myself if those negative features would bother me while I look at gameplay online.

After that I may give a game a shot if it has a demo or a "demo". Or I might jump the first step and try the demo first.

If I like it then I'll consider dropping cash for it if I think the game will entertain me for a suitable amount of time.

I don't think I've read a positive review in decades

NotMacgyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly a good example to hit normies in my country with. Most of the normal people I know didn't even know a contest was happening until the news announced we have a man as miss Portugal.

Always nice to have a more recent and close to home example of the bullshit to hopefully wake some people up.

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