NoGardE 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm playing Origins again right now. What a damn good game. I wish it were open source and we could update its core engine code and make it look better and have less bugs, though.

NoGardE 6 points ago +7 / -1

The Zionists have proven to be very good at getting Anglo empires to win the wars for them, so why is your advice relevant?

NoGardE 0 points ago +1 / -1

Even worse: with poorly overlaid graphics of ugly as fuck houses.

Faisal did nothing wrong except losing.

NoGardE 10 points ago +10 / -0

It will be difficult to compile, because a lot of the time people with the wrong opinions are pushed out through other means. Given impossible tasks, the fired for failing, for example. You'll only hear about a small subset.

NoGardE 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a veteran of the old Heroes of the Storm dev team, and I've hated to see that game abandoned by Blizzard. So I decided to make a better version of it that avoids the technical and design pitfalls that Heroes fell into.

It's early days yet, definitely not presentable for a few months. But we'll see how I and my friends do with it.

NoGardE 2 points ago +2 / -0

The good news is, distributed patronage is possible. It's most advanced in the comics space, and it's use in the games space is mostly related to porn games right now. However, if gamers are willing to go back to a subscription model, but subscribe to an independent developer instead of a corporate GaaS account, they can bypass the corrupt institutions and lay a foundation for a better industry. I'm betting my life's savings on it right now as I work on my own project with that ambition.

NoGardE 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep in mind, though, they were casting a genius military officer in his late 20s, and decided to get the dude in his late 40s who plays psychopaths.

NoGardE 5 points ago +5 / -0

High-detailed art is expensive, building systems that are easy to expand in the future, without major bugs, is difficult, and balancing the various elements of gameplay to make a fun experience is a skill that takes lots of experience to develop. All of these things cost time and money.

AAA budgets are mostly wasted, though. There's a few major elements to it:

  • Meetings. So many fucking meetings. Getting things designed, examined, redesigned, discussed in committee, approved, estimated, re-approved, and then assigned for development takes weeks. Then implementation might start, if the leadership's priorities don't change before that point.
  • Speaking of leadership's priorities, so much wasted work because a feature that's 3/4 done is no longer the most important thing to build. Better scrap it or leave it to rot in a branch forever, because by the time you return to it everything around it has changed so you need to rewrite it anyway.
  • Marketing, HR, way more QA people than are necessary, and just hundreds of people who make things slower with no material benefit to the quality of the product, but they're happy to take salaries while they do it.

And plenty more besides, before even factoring in any of the modern culture war crap.

The flipside, indie games, is shit as well because the skills needed to make the game are very different from the ones needed to get people to play it. I said marketing is a waste above, and that's mostly because marketing departments waste shittons of money on counterproductive crap, but marketing is still necessary to get any income whatsoever. Also, the indie space is 99% populated by people who think it's easy to make a fun game.

NoGardE 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's more stable than the Arg Peso, and it's in common usage for that reason there. It's certainly an imperfect solution, but it would be an improvement for them.

NoGardE 3 points ago +4 / -1

There's a great video of him going down a list of government ministries, all taped to a whiteboard, reading their names, then tearing them off and shouting "!Afuera!"

NoGardE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why on earth would you say that if your goal is to get me to stop replying? Have you never been on a forum before?

NoGardE 1 point ago +2 / -1

You can assert that things violated standards, and that those standards are good. But appealing to them being international treatises is meaningless, because the only people who can afford sanctions are superpowers.

NoGardE 1 point ago +2 / -1

They only apply to people who lose wars, because rules are applied by people with power.

NoGardE 4 points ago +4 / -0

True. Absolutely horrible person.

And he was never charged or tried for war crimes, because he won.

Pragmatic definitions are definitions derived from observing how the word is applied by people with power, authority, or influence. The only "War Crime" is "Losing the War."

NoGardE 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah, there are plenty of definitions of war crime based on cruelty, harming civilians, etc. But pragmatically speaking, the only war crime is losing.

NoGardE 15 points ago +15 / -0

Hey, bro, I want to own all of your content, but you have to keep paying to produce it. In exchange, I'll pay you a steady lump sum, but you have to change the nature of your content to include our revenue model. Also, if you get censored, like happens regularly right now, I'll reduce your pay, just like you have to deal with right now.

The offer was garbage for Crowder. He would gain nothing and only stand to lose. He's an asshole, but he was right on that issue.

NoGardE 12 points ago +13 / -1

Shapiro is a Mossad asset. That gets you a lot of friends, at the price of being required to attack anyone who turns Mossad down.

I would bet that Crowder was as much of an asshole to the Mossad agent who tried to bring him into the fold as he apparently is to everyone else.

NoGardE 11 points ago +11 / -0

Shen Bapiro made fun of college students in 2015, so that means we have to follow his orders and nuke Tehran.

NoGardE 5 points ago +5 / -0

The whole point of the MeToo movement was to create a weapon by which to replace the top dogs in the film industry who got there by making good shit.

NoGardE 5 points ago +5 / -0

"It takes all of us' to inflict mutual long term brain damage.

NoGardE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patching bugs? Lol no, this will just be an excuse used to not release any content for a while, so they can build up some spare content and go on more vacations.

NoGardE 8 points ago +8 / -0

The progressives have been booted out of the National party and most state affiliates. There are a few holdouts in Louisiana and Texas, and New Mexico and Michigan are in protracted battles over who's the legitimate party.

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